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Chuffin' WIndy!
Daddylonglegs - 13/11/09 at 08:11 PM

Rather breezy here in sunny Wiltshire. Running out of places to tie things to!

Only thing I didn't have to tie down was the horses......they're all too FAT

Steve G - 13/11/09 at 08:16 PM

Those with BEC's should tie them to the ground. Those with lardy car engined kits will be fine!!!

Any excuse to start BEC vs CEC

MikeR - 13/11/09 at 09:14 PM

bit windy up here in the Midlands.

(fraction worried about the 4 sheets of ali i've got laying on the lawn .... but not enough to go out and place some wheels on them)

JoelP - 13/11/09 at 09:25 PM

ha, ive got a huge pile of rubbish in the garden but cant be arsed getting wet pinning it all down! As the joke goes, what god wants he'll take!

SteveWalker - 14/11/09 at 12:21 AM

Heee, heee, I've experienced "windy" before - the highlight being in an Austrian valley in 1999. We'd gone there to watch the solar eclipse and were camping. By the end of the storm (all ten minutes of it), we and all our kit were sodden, the tent next to ours had torn apart, the tree in the next field had blown over and the house across the lake had lost part of it's roof; the power was off for eight hours, many cars, caravans and motorhomes were badly dented and our knuckles were badly bruised, from being hit repeatedly by golfball sized hailstones, as we hung onto the tent with our hands between the poles and the canvas to keep the tent from departing. We did all agree that if it really tried to go, we'd let it or we'd likely be going with it!

The next night, another storm approached and we quickly bundled everything and ourselves into the car and tied the tent to the towball!

t16turbotone - 14/11/09 at 08:26 AM

yep ....put those BEC away, they clearly will not have the torque to push through the wind!

JoelP - 14/11/09 at 08:30 AM

i was lying in bed last night, listening to a forecast predicting doom, and it was utter silence outside. Seems like it all missed leeds!

keithice - 14/11/09 at 10:25 AM

howling gales... in poole in dorset.. since last night... still going

gazza285 - 14/11/09 at 10:45 AM

Beautiful sunny morning in Yorkshire.

norfolkluego - 14/11/09 at 11:54 AM

Intermitant monsoons with sunny periods here in Norfolk, bizzarely it's not windy, it's always windy here but not today!

55ant - 14/11/09 at 01:37 PM

noooo, my fence! my beautiful fence, damn you to hell wind!

matt_gsxr - 14/11/09 at 03:25 PM

Thank goodness I haven't bothered to sweep the leaves up. Now they belong to the next door neighbour!


chrsgrain - 14/11/09 at 05:39 PM

Some of us enjoyed it!!
