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Mercedes take over at Brawn
fesycresy - 16/11/09 at 01:01 PM

Just on the radio, Mercedes take over at Brawn. Ross Brawn to stay as Principal.

Didn't see that coming !

BenB - 16/11/09 at 01:02 PM

Looks like McLaren is becoming team GB then with Lewis and Jenson. Cool

chrsgrain - 16/11/09 at 01:10 PM

Wow, that will answer the 'which of them is best' question... my feeling (for what its worth) is that Jensen is smooth, quick and at his best in a good car, wheras Lewis is a bit more of a scrapper and will make the best out of any car, even a less good one....

I hope Ross Brawn has made a few quid out of the deal!


StevenB - 16/11/09 at 01:19 PM

The first person you got to beat is
your team mate and as much as it
pains me to say this I think this is a huge mistake for Button.

Hamilton is an annoying, smug wee git
but he is a better driver than Jenson.

With a world class car under them it
will be the second step for Jenson all season.

If thats what he wants.....


RK - 16/11/09 at 01:35 PM

Ok, have I got this right:

Rosberg and Heidfeld on Team Germany/Mercedes, run by Englishmen Brawn and Fry.

Lewis and Button on Team UK/McLaren, who will buy back the team from Mercedes in 2011, and revert to English majority ownership (as opposed to the deceased New Zealander who started it).

Rubens? I have totally forgotten where he goes, but he comes from Brazil. Trulli getting a NASCAR tryout. Glock on the dole.

jeffw - 16/11/09 at 01:46 PM

Barrichelo is going to Williams.

Sadly Jenson isn't on the same planet driving wise as Lewis. Championship next year will be between Alonso and Hamilton.

Steve G - 16/11/09 at 01:52 PM

Ah well - good all round i recon for Ross Brawn (or is that now Braun?) who will have probably earned more this year now than Kimi cant be that bothered Raikonenn, Lewis who gets to prove he's the best British driver, and Jenson who gets to double his offered salary.

So how many teams will we see next year then?? All 13??

GeorgeM - 16/11/09 at 03:43 PM

I think it will be a good battle between Lewis & Jenson.

Lewis is not without his faults & sometimes seems to lose his way.
Equally Jenson has only had the first half of last
season in the best car - he won 6 of 7 races with it.

Roll on 2010


geoff shep - 16/11/09 at 08:03 PM

Wonder how much wonga Ross Brawn has made out of that

Nash - 16/11/09 at 08:22 PM

Originally posted by jeffw
Barrichelo is going to Williams.

Sadly Jenson isn't on the same planet driving wise as Lewis. Championship next year will be between Alonso and Hamilton.

I tend to agree Jeff. My main worry is Jenson will nick points off Lewis and that will benefit Teflonso. Massa is a bit of an unknown quantity in that equation but it makes for an interesting season.

Worth a tenner on Rosberg as an outside bet in a Brawn to win more then one race if Ross has managed to develop a car for next year?

Rumour on Radio 2 this afternoon was Sauber are back in the mix but I can't find anything from a quick search.


orton1966 - 16/11/09 at 08:57 PM

Whilst I did take a lot of flack in an earlier thread declaring that I considered Button to be a good but not a great driver, the consensus in this thread appears to suggest most believe Hamilton will be faster in equal equipment.

To me Button going to McLaren is either a bold, brave or desperate move. The media slant about Merc wanting an all German driver line up seems a bit of UK media patriotic B…S… wanting to portray Button as being pushed out. Facts seem to show that if he had signed before the final race and not gambled on a world champions pay rise he would be secure of a seat at Braun/Merc. Even post championship it appears he has demanded more and the team have not met this demand.

To my mind he would better be a big fish in the Braun pond and gamble that Merc involvement can only strengthen what is already a very strong package. The alternative being a season with one of the hottest young talents in racing, one who’s raw pace stopped, none other than, Alonso establishing himself in that team.

Anyway until the lights go out at the first race of next season we are all just speculating. My pure speculation is that there are at least three or four on the grid faster than Button and if I were he, I would not willingly be a team-mate to; Hamilton, Alonso, Kubica or Vettel

MikeR - 16/11/09 at 09:12 PM

Look at it another way - he's 28, he's world champion, he wants his pay day.

He 'only' got 3.5 million last year. Kimi got around 30 million. Why should he stay for that when he can get 10 million. He's proved he's the best last year.

(plus he probably thinks that with the McLaren car he may just be able to show a young upstart he's a better, smoother, more consistent driver).

orton1966 - 16/11/09 at 09:19 PM

As per title - we wait and see but I know who my money will be on!

jeffw - 16/11/09 at 09:43 PM

Button will be like Damon Hill...right person in the best car, wins a championship and who then fades towards the back of the grid.

Hamilton is the real deal, Button isn't.

Jenson did very well in what was technically the best car this year but up till then he has turned up and taken the Honda £s. He could have gone back to Williams when he was first in F1 but he choose to go where the money was ....Honda. I'm prepared to be proven wrong but Jenson will struggle to do any better than Heiki did this year while Lewis will be challenging for the crown.

Be interesting to see how Massa deals with Teflonso...will make or break him as a driver.

loggyboy - 17/11/09 at 12:32 AM

Originally posted by jeffw
Button will be like Damon Hill...right person in the best car, wins a championship and who then fades towards the back of the grid.

Apart from the bit where he brought an Arrows in 3rd in hungary (and without a car issue would have likely won)

I dont think Jenson will go to Maclaren, Mercedes may like a all German lineup, but they will likely more want the Number 1 on the car, and at the end of the day, the team principle is likely to have the final say on drivers, and with funding from Merc, they should be able to offer Button a champions wage.

Also, Mclaren, Hamiltion and Button will all remember the issues with having 2 fast drivers in a car, despite what they say, there is ALWAYS a pecking order, and button wont want to be 2nd to the well rooted hamilton, and in turn hamilton is unlikely to welcome (with open arms) the man who is coming in with his old number 1 on the car.

My money would be on one German driver joining Jenson at Merc. (heidfeld more likely)
Heres some of my predicted 2010 line up

Merc - Button - Hedifeld
Mclaren - Hamilton - Raikonnen
Ferrari - Alonso - Massa
RedBull - Vettel - Webber
Williams - Barichello - Huklenburg
Renault - Kubica - Grojean

morcus - 17/11/09 at 02:28 AM

I knew I shouldn't have bet on Brawn GP becoming Virgin GP.

I'd really love to see a third British Driver win the title next year but its not going to happen, likewise I think Merc will want to Keep Button.

I don't think we can really begin to speculate on next years championship as there are so many unknowns. All I know is, the Americans can't win on their first outing or we'll be hearing about it for years.

Who's supplying Mclarens engines next year?

loggyboy - 17/11/09 at 11:07 AM

merc are still contracted as eng supplier to mclaren till 2015

Dont worry about yanks, they will no doubt be as rubbish as their 1st attempt with BAR.

[Edited on 17/11/09 by loggyboy]