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Pet hate People who put feet on dashboard
mangogrooveworkshop - 17/11/09 at 11:10 PM

Ive chucked girlfriends for this particular crime.....grrrr

The wife got it full blast for this crime a while back
Its not a problem in a rusty romer but in a good car I go bananas
Have you lads ever had this?

morcus - 17/11/09 at 11:14 PM

Yes, next time make the passenger get in first then pull the seat as far forward as it goes, that should stop them.

hillbillyracer - 17/11/09 at 11:14 PM

Funny thing is, in the past I liked it when my girlfriends put their feet on the dash.....

dhutch - 17/11/09 at 11:22 PM

Mum does it somtimes, muddy feet and all, certainly annoy the hell out of me and would get a sharp comment if it was my car.

Feet are for Floors!

dhutch - 17/11/09 at 11:22 PM

Originally posted by hillbillyracer
Funny thing is, in the past I liked it when my girlfriends put their feet on the dash.....
That, is a diffrent thread!

Breaker - 17/11/09 at 11:26 PM

Must be a very nice view when their knees are hitting the back of their head when the airbag goes off.

Fozzie - 17/11/09 at 11:45 PM

I've always found it to be a bloke 'thing' always putting their feet/boots/shoes up on the dash that is ... grrrrr I hate it too!


scootz - 18/11/09 at 12:04 AM


I even used to get annoyed when colleagues did it in the works vehicles!

A1 - 18/11/09 at 01:31 AM

it pisses me off too. rather disrespectful I feel.

Browser - 18/11/09 at 05:27 AM

Maybe it's 'cos I is 6ft 5in tall, but I've never done it and can't understand how anyone would find it comfortable?
Try telling them if you should happen to be in a collision the force of the airbag going off (presuming your car has a passenger airbag) will ram their shinbones through their forehead, that ought to stop them!

eznfrank - 18/11/09 at 06:20 AM

Originally posted by Browser
Try telling them if you should happen to be in a collision the force of the airbag going off (presuming your car has a passenger airbag) will ram their shinbones through their forehead, that ought to stop them!

I used to work in Motor Claims and used to see the photos and descriptions of some pretty gruesome injuries and I can say that the above is not so far from the truth!!

nib1980 - 18/11/09 at 06:40 AM

Don't worry when they have a crash and the airbag blows the legs up to there neck, whilst submarining into the footwell snapping there spine they won't do it again

l0rd - 18/11/09 at 06:44 AM

I hate it too.

Next time that someone does it,

Explain to them that it is not wise to put their feet in the airbag infront of them as it could accidentaly trigger it.

The airbag is that powerfull that it could snap their spine if this happens.

Works a treat.

andyharding - 18/11/09 at 07:47 AM

Explaining in details how their pelvis will be fractured and that it will likely do so much internal damage they will never have children if the airbag goes off usually stops them for me.

Failing that stop the car and tell them to get out.

speedyxjs - 18/11/09 at 07:53 AM

My sister did it once in one of the vans. I shouted at her for it too

Mr Whippy - 18/11/09 at 07:56 AM

I find a comment of wiping their feet before getting in the car tends to set the standard

adithorp - 18/11/09 at 08:42 AM

On the way down to the south of France we started stouting out "feet" every time we saw it. Pretty soon had a sore throat. It's always women though; Try putting your work boots up on the settee though...
I find asking which they think will hurt the most; Broken ankles when the passenger air-bag goes off or broken jaw when it drives thier knees through thier face. Feet go back on the floor pretty quick after that.

[Edited on 18/11/09 by adithorp]

mangogrooveworkshop - 18/11/09 at 09:25 AM

Originally posted by eznfrank
Originally posted by Browser
Try telling them if you should happen to be in a collision the force of the airbag going off (presuming your car has a passenger airbag) will ram their shinbones through their forehead, that ought to stop them!

I used to work in Motor Claims and used to see the photos and descriptions of some pretty gruesome injuries and I can say that the above is not so far from the truth!!

That was what I always suspected.

mookaloid - 18/11/09 at 09:59 AM

Originally posted by hillbillyracer
Funny thing is, in the past I liked it when my girlfriends put their feet on the dash.....

I kinda know what you mean there

roadrunner - 18/11/09 at 10:19 AM

Major dislike for me too.
I had a potential customer come to the workshop last week, i was outside loading a staircase, the gent came over then rested his knuckles on the bonnet of my car while asking his questions, then he moved and Lent his fat arse on my bonnet ,virtually sitting on it. I could have smacked him one, but we needed the work so i had to be polite.
When i go to his house to do the work, then i will lean all over his car with my tools hanging off my overalls.

chrsgrain - 18/11/09 at 10:22 AM

Originally posted by andyharding
Explaining in details how their pelvis will be fractured and that it will likely do so much internal damage they will never have children if the airbag goes off usually stops them for me.

Failing that stop the car and tell them to get out.

Yup - working on ITU some of the most awful injuries (in what otherwise have been quite innocuous crashes) I've seen were from this - having to pull little bits of fractured pelvis out of wombs is not a good thing to have to do.... please don't let anyone do it... Ta!


02GF74 - 18/11/09 at 10:52 AM

yay - now where to I find "airbag fitted" sticker to stick in my series landy?

l0rd - 18/11/09 at 11:21 AM

Put a sticker on it.

Hide a huge ballon and a compressed air bottle. If anyone does it again, just inflate the baloon.

Will definately scare them.

[Edited on 18/11/09 by l0rd]