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I hate Ferrari's but...
speedyxjs - 20/11/09 at 12:32 PM

...i wouldnt say no to this one

blakep82 - 20/11/09 at 12:35 PM

ooh thats special

Steve G - 20/11/09 at 01:07 PM

I think i just had a little spillage!!

Mr Whippy - 20/11/09 at 01:09 PM

Overall it looks not too bad if a bit anorexic, like its needing pumped up and there also something disturbingly wonky with the side panel almost like someone sat against the door a pushed it in, I give it a generous - 4/10

oldtimer - 20/11/09 at 01:10 PM

That does look very nice indeed. Those swooping curves are wonderful.

RK - 20/11/09 at 01:10 PM

Is it just me, or do all Ferrari's look pretty much the same? I like the California, but all the others look like the same person did them the same afternoon. They are just more expensive Fix It Again Tony's aren't they?

Give me an Ultima any day.

[Edited on 20/11/09 by RK]

Staple balls - 20/11/09 at 01:12 PM

Originally posted by Steve G
I think i just had a little spillage!!


Um, back in a while, I need some alone time with that photo.

blakep82 - 20/11/09 at 01:27 PM

don't like the back lights actually, too high and too far out.

i still think the F40 was the best looking car they made

Blackcab - 20/11/09 at 01:57 PM

Do you not think they are all a bit similar ? I'd still have one !

carpmart - 20/11/09 at 02:08 PM

The trouble is Ferrari reached the peak with the 355, been downhill since then!

Mr Whippy - 20/11/09 at 02:34 PM

I feel that Lamborghini has went much the same way, the new cars are all too plain, similar and featureless, the Diablo was probably the last car that looks decent and none of the newer cars have had anything like the visual impact that the countach had, which simply did not look close to any other car.

Simon - 20/11/09 at 04:45 PM

Looks to me like one of the kits (powered by 827 Rover) doing the rounds a few years ago.

Can't remember its name but reckon that's where they got their inspiration from.



fazerruss - 20/11/09 at 05:05 PM

looks to me like the first car that Leepu made!

antonio - 20/11/09 at 05:50 PM

nice colour for a citroen c6 !

GreigM - 20/11/09 at 08:58 PM

Originally posted by carpmart
The trouble is Ferrari reached the peak with the 355, been downhill since then!

I couldn't disagree more.

Until recently I owned a 360 and have extensively driven 348, 355 and 430 variants.

The reality of the 355 is that it was the last of the "old school" build quality - i.e. fragile and not designed to do reasonable mileage.

The 360 was a massive leap forward - not just a little but the grand canyon in a huge number of areas. Where do you start - build quality and ease of maintenance - with the first ferrari you can truly do large mileage in without big issues, no regular engine-out procedures, absolutely bulletproof drivetrain and only very minor recurring issues.

As for the drive - the 360 was a huge jump - the 355 being twitchy and lacking low-down grunt in comparison, stability through high speed bends and the ability to soak up camber changes and bumps was spectacular with the adaptive damping.

As for sound - they are both great, with the 360 being a bit smoother in the howl and having a bit more of a F1-style crescendo, with a tubi on both I'd have the 360 sound.

The 355s superiority is somewhat of a self-perpetuating internet myth with the only advantage it having is the somewhat subjective area of looks....neither is anything other than a stunning car (as are pretty much all ferrari) but many think the front end of the 355 being prettier - which I would somewhat agree with, but the rear end is ugly whereas the rear roofline of the 360 modena is an all time classic. If you could build me a car with the front of the 430 and the rear of the 360 I'd be a very happy man.

The 360 is very surprising in its "big go-kart" feel and I firmly believe that it is the ferrari bargain of the moment given its longevity - and once the current wave of 355 nostalgia fades as they look increasingly dated, the 360 has the possibility of an upsurge in popularity.

As for the 430 it was another step up again, its pace is simply blistering, and IMO way too much for the road. It is a superb car and took the 360 and did just everything that little bit better, including the phenomenal F1 box which didnt really work well on the 360 (although I still prefer the gated manual - just part of the ferrari experience and IMO a bad decision to not offer manual in future cars). However I did consider swapping the 360 for the 430 and while it was a bit better in every area, it wasn't enough of a leap to justify the price to change, and I believe still isn't - unless absolutely hammering it the experience was very similar, with the sound from my tubi'd 360 sealing the deal to stay.

For me I hope the new car drives down the prices of the 360 and 430 further, as they are already an excellent buy, and if prices get any better I probably won't be able to resist (again!).

Sorry for the rant, just feel the later cars get a raw deal as they are truly excellent pieces of machinery.

Simon - 22/11/09 at 04:31 PM

Originally posted by GreigM
......builld quality - i.e. fragile and not designed to do reasonable mileage.

........ - build quality and ease of maintenance - the first ferrari without big issues, no regular engine-out procedures,

the 355 being twitchy and lacking low-down grunt in comparison,

the rear end is ugly whereas the rear roofline of the 360 modena is an all time classic. If you could build me a car with the front of the 430 and the rear of the 360 I'd be a very happy man.

....and once the current wave of 355 nostalgia fades as they look increasingly dated, the 360 has the possibility of an upsurge in popularity.

So basically, they're crap, and you'd have been better off with a TVR

A hundred grand car, that's fragile, twitchy, needs major mech overhauls and depreciates, and you'd have another!



GreigM - 22/11/09 at 04:36 PM

Originally posted by Simon

A hundred grand car, that's fragile, twitchy, needs major mech overhauls and depreciates, and you'd have another!


Without question