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Just plain rude....
Jasper - 8/12/09 at 04:26 PM

I've noticed how some members on here ask questions on the Forum, get a few good answers, and even get U2U's sent to them with information, and you never get a 'thank you' or any acknowledment at all on the thread.

Is it just me being a stickler for a bit of politeness, or has anybody else noticed this?

MakeEverything - 8/12/09 at 04:27 PM

Never say Never. I always reply with a thankyou.

blakep82 - 8/12/09 at 04:27 PM

sometimes i forget my own threads. i don't mean anything wrong by it, i've just got a rubbish memory lol

[Edited on 8/12/09 by blakep82]

mr henderson - 8/12/09 at 04:36 PM

I think if people have received assistance they should acknowledge it, especially if it is a U2U.

There are other examples of rudeness on this forum too............

Jasper - 8/12/09 at 04:39 PM

Sorry, yes, I didn't mean you never get a thank you for anybody, just a certain few.....

blakep82 - 8/12/09 at 04:42 PM

some of the spelling on here is more of an issue for me lol

liam.mccaffrey - 8/12/09 at 05:02 PM

What always gets me is the incorrect use of their they're and there!!!! Grrrrrr, it isn't hard.

I always try and thank people for their help. Especially if its a U2U.
Amnesty time though, when i posted for info on projectors someone sent a U2U to me offering a spare LCD screen. I deleted the message and can't remember who it was from. Anyway, whoever it was thank you for your offer but I managed to liberate a large LCD from the the house

[Edited on 8/12/09 by liam.mccaffrey]

Surrey Dave - 8/12/09 at 05:05 PM

Probably the first signs of being a 'grumpy old man', you start to notice a drop in standards of everything,and you start saying 'in my day' a lot.

Thanks for this thread Jasp.

sebastiaan - 8/12/09 at 05:17 PM

Originally posted by liam.mccaffrey
What always gets me is the incorrect use of their they're and there!!!! Grrrrrr, it isn't hard.

How about bought, baught, brought, braught....

Chippy - 8/12/09 at 05:18 PM

I find it galling when people ask a question re-something or other, you reply, and then nothing, you don't even know if they read your, and others, answer. as far as forgetting your threads, just stick them in "Add to favourits" and then check for answers. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Cheers Ray

[Edited on 8-12-09 by Chippy]

speedyxjs - 8/12/09 at 05:20 PM

Originally posted by liam.mccaffrey
What always gets me is the incorrect use of their they're and there!!!! Grrrrrr, it isn't hard.

and punctuation!

Agriv8 - 8/12/09 at 05:21 PM


me is the incorrect use of their they're and there!!!! Grrrrrr, it isn't hard.

It is for some of us my age is close enough to 40 as makes no diference and I stuggle when in a rush still get my b and d mixed up as for getting comma's and full stops apostrophies in the right place I am not as bad as many but Dyslexia is the name given to my condition it better now than when I was 13 but spelling and grammar just arnt my strength's

Regards Agriv8

Danozeman - 8/12/09 at 05:38 PM


sometimes i forget my own threads. i don't mean anything wrong by it, i've just got a rubbish memory lol

Thats my problem too. Im not being rude im just crap.

Alfa145 - 8/12/09 at 05:39 PM

poor spelling cannot be too bad with all the spell checkers out in the world.

What is more annoying is ppl usin this crap txt speak wiv no consid 4 ppl hoo cn understand it or be arsd 2 read it. k.

Bluemoon - 8/12/09 at 05:41 PM

Well I apologies for my now spelling but i am dyslexic (I wish I knew who called it dyslexia they are one sick person!)...

Agree about people not saying thanks, but it's not really something we can do much about, it's just the "modern way", not a good way but still.. Don't take it to heart, I would allways say thanks for a U2U...


[Edited on 8/12/09 by Bluemoon]

A1 - 8/12/09 at 06:11 PM

I always put a wee cheers for y'all on my original thread.

t.j. - 8/12/09 at 06:23 PM


are you still kind to me

smart51 - 8/12/09 at 06:36 PM

Originally posted by blakep82
some of the spelling on here is more of an issue for me lol

and the mis's u'se of appostropy's

UncleFista - 8/12/09 at 06:36 PM

It is annoying yes, not just for the thoughtlessness, but you don't know if your input helped...

Mind you, it's not as annoying as sending items FOC to forum members and having to assume they've arrived, I say assume 'cos no doubt they'd have been in touch if they'd not arrived

bob - 8/12/09 at 07:00 PM

I even sent a U2U to a guy to check if the FOC part i sent had arrived, no answer so i dont bother keeping bits just in case someone might need them anymore....i even threw a pair of cortina uprights in the skip last month.

NeilP - 8/12/09 at 07:13 PM

What REALLY annoys me is people who don't finis...

Ben_Copeland - 8/12/09 at 07:30 PM

There should be a written test before people are allowed on the forum. Spelling and Punctuation taken into account

Use Firefox it spell checks as you type, even on here!

Hate it when people don't reply, if they have found a solution to their problem. Just means the next person who wants to know has it ask again!


russbost - 8/12/09 at 07:33 PM

I always try to remember to say thanx, did it just now on my thread asking about Jag X type!

I find the easiest way to keep track of threads is just to search your own name on the "search" doodah.

I too have sent parts out for free & not been thanked, I DO find that really ignorant!

You missed one - their, there & they're!

fesycresy - 8/12/09 at 07:34 PM

And when you have something for sale, you'll get the 'pm sent' response, trying to put a marker down even if they have just a question or a shitty offer.

I know when I have a pm

And we need a few more smilies, like a w4nker one to start with

Daddylonglegs - 8/12/09 at 08:07 PM

I'm the same as Blake I'm afraid, got a lousy memory

Anyway, for all who have helped and not received a thank you from me in the past........THANK YOU

JoelP - 8/12/09 at 08:17 PM

bollox to you all

these threads make me paranoid, i have to go and check if i've fogotten someone...

ReMan - 8/12/09 at 08:17 PM

Yes I'm crap too.

It annoys me that peopls dont achnowledge replys to post, not to be drowned in glory and thanks, but just to know which approach was taken or what fixed the fault for instance

But I've probably done it myself, so 1000 pardons to one and all

bmseven - 8/12/09 at 08:25 PM

Thanks for this post

As for spelling and punctuation it's a Car Forum not an English language Forum

02GF74 - 8/12/09 at 08:35 PM

.... but we already had this topic come up before.

are we sufferning from amnesia?

hampshe - 8/12/09 at 08:38 PM

I answered a members request once about doing a small bit of welding, the guy came to my work and did not say much about his car or anything infact.
When I had done the welding, he said thanks and just walked out!
It would have been nice if he offered something, but to be more appreciative would have been a good start.

DRC INDY 7 - 8/12/09 at 08:43 PM

victor meldrews the lot of you

It must be a slow news day today

blakep82 - 8/12/09 at 08:43 PM

Originally posted by smart51
Originally posted by blakep82
some of the spelling on here is more of an issue for me lol

and the mis's u'se of appostropy's

YES! and even worse the misuse of "apostrophy,s" when they don't even use an apostrophy, but a comma!

RAYLEE29 - 8/12/09 at 08:45 PM

defINaTely! Guilty your Honour? maybe, lol honestly thought this forum was about building cars agreed on the thanks bit and rudeness but punctuation and grammar wtf left school nearly 30 years ago was crap at english then and not much better now Ray

pdm - 8/12/09 at 09:11 PM

Since joining I've posted loads of numpty questions all of which have been discussed and with really helpful repsonses.

I've always responded with thanks - and sincerely.

I hope

a) Thanking people will encourage responses to further questions.

b) one day I can also help out some else who is "starting out".

This to me is by far THE best forum I have come across so far for asking questions without the danger of flaming no matter how elementary the query.

It's a credit to this forum that I see it referenced in so many places. It's suprising how many google searches end up with a locost thread which personally I think speaks for itself.

iank - 8/12/09 at 09:16 PM

break and brake... I'll say no more.

David Jenkins - 8/12/09 at 09:46 PM

I get riled by bad speeling and grandma ( ) - but then I remember that there are real people at the other end of the communication, just like I meet in my local pub.

Some have written skills, others don't, but most are folk I wouldn't mind chatting with while I drink my pint...

[Edited on 8/12/09 by David Jenkins]

Jasper - 8/12/09 at 10:44 PM

Now after all that I wasn't even gonna bother thanking you all for you kind and helpful input, but I just can't help myself

blakep82 - 8/12/09 at 11:52 PM

^ ha ha, thought you'd been a bit quiet

Originally posted by David Jenkins
I get riled by bad speeling and grandma ( ) - but then I remember that there are real people at the other end of the communication, just like I meet in my local pub.

Some have written skills, others don't, but most are folk I wouldn't mind chatting with while I drink my pint...

very true. however, i used to go on a dance music forum, where most users were from places like eastern europe, holland, germany. basically non english speaking countries. rules of the forum were everything was to be in english, and i have to say, they were much better at their grammar and spelling. just an observation

the forum is btw

contaminated - 9/12/09 at 12:30 AM

Now and then I find a post too difficult to read due to spelling errors or grammar, but unless it's really bad it's no big deal. I always try to provide the last post to a thread that I started (with a thank you), but the way the site works makes that more difficult than most forums.

I've had "after thread" contact with quite a few members that I've indulged in PMs with, and met a few. Everyone has been polite to date and I've sent and recieved items FoC - which is what it's all about.

I've not spell-checked mind!

RK - 9/12/09 at 12:52 AM

I tawt it wuz an ENGLISH forum. Et, un grand merci a tous pour l'aide jusqu'ici. Sincerement, je serais tout perdu sans vous autres!

Voila... spelled correctly and everyting.

OX - 9/12/09 at 12:58 AM

Well i have to many other things to worry about than petty things like does not bother me one bit,no matter how bad the spelling i still know what they mean ,i think some of you just need to get a grip and lighten up . And really who gives a crap if every word isn't spelt right ,,some of you have perfect spelling and grammar but you ask some of the most stupid questions possible and makes me think if you should really be trying to build your own car.

Macbeast - 9/12/09 at 07:41 AM

Show me the spell checker that can distinguish between " to ", " two " and "too "

02GF74 - 9/12/09 at 08:24 AM

Originally posted by blakep82

basically non english speaking countries. rules of the forum were everything was to be in english, and i have to say, they were much better at their grammar and spelling. just an observation

reason is that mr johnny foreigner is taught the rules of English grammar - that does not happen in England.

when I went to school in the last century, we were taught French and German grammar but for English just read books or wrote poxy essays - and a little bit of grammar - finite and infinite verbs are all I can remember and that was it.

Also for F & G, we had a list of words we had to learn and be tested on the next day - boy I hated that - but never for English.

My spelling has improved over the years - I spit on your spell checkers - but I remember not being able to spell sausage at one point!!!

It is assumed that you know all this by just by speaking the language, sadly that does not translate to writing it correctly either.

The lowering of standards in school plus the influx of English-not-as-first-language people into this country and txt spk will mean that standards will further decline.

I took a bit of time and care to ensure the are few grammatical and spellllling mistakes but usually I don't - as long as the message can be understood - and sometimes an error can add to the interest so I leaf them in.

Mr Whippy - 9/12/09 at 08:35 AM

Getting all hung up on grammar and spelling on an open forum is a bit petty tbh taking into account that someone has taken the time to reply, usually in a bid to help another. Try using some of the other forums on the web that you have to wait days for just one reply, we’re spoilt here.

You also have to remember the difference between too & to etc is very hard for some people, folk with dyslexia for example (like me) but I appreciate it can be hard for some people to relate to.

It does not mean their contribution is any less helpful whether spell or pronounced right, its not university challenge, just a car forum.

I’d say about 95% of posts go unreplied with a thank you, sometimes it would be nice to see a bit of thanks (I try to do that myself) but I suppose folk are just after a quick answer and then go elsewhere

mr henderson - 9/12/09 at 08:55 AM

Although people have started discussing spelling etc, the original idea of the thread was about manners, or the lack of them.

It's really all about having consideration for the feelings of others. If someone has gone to a bit of effort to help someone else out, then it's nice if the person who has been helped acknowledges that.

I'm well aware that some people are not good at spelling, and that they can't help that, which is why I have never complained about poor spelling on this forum. I did complain once about people not using capital letters, but that isn't about basic inability so much as realising that having a capital letter at the start of a sentence makes it easier for the post to be read. Doesn't make a lot of difference, but it does make a bit. Again, it's about consideration for others.

alistairolsen - 9/12/09 at 09:06 AM

As a complete aside....

is Dyslexia far more common than I thought, or is it simply a function that technical hobbies attract dyslexics?

I don't mean anything by it beyond idle curiosity, but this thread isn't the first time Ive noticed it on car forums?

Staple balls - 9/12/09 at 09:13 AM

Originally posted by alistairolsen
As a complete aside....

is Dyslexia far more common than I thought, or is it simply a function that technical hobbies attract dyslexics?

I don't mean anything by it beyond idle curiosity, but this thread isn't the first time Ive noticed it on car forums?

ooh. Interesting thought that, going further utterly off topic, I seem to remember dyslexia is quite common in people with ADD and the like, and a lot of ADD type people seem to be very technically inclined.

MikeR - 9/12/09 at 09:19 AM

i've noticed that (i'm dsylexic) - although i'm curious how many people have been diagnosed by a psychologist as dsylexic (me) and how many people just think they are (i never did until the diagnosis).

alistairolsen - 9/12/09 at 09:28 AM

I know autism is common in technical circles due to fanaticism/attention to detail and the interests people therefore hold, just I've noticed it with dyslexia too!

Could also just be that a high proportion of dyslexic people reply to a thread moaning about spelling and therefore this isn't a representative sample

Mr Whippy - 9/12/09 at 09:43 AM

Originally posted by MikeR
i've noticed that (i'm dsylexic) - although i'm curious how many people have been diagnosed by a psychologist as dsylexic (me) and how many people just think they are (i never did until the diagnosis).

Was diagnosed as a kid in school by learning support, have improved a lot over the years but what I often read/write can be totally different to what I think at the time, its only when I then proof read it I realise what nonsense I have put down. Every post I do has to be done in MS word if it has any chance of being readable by others. My maths has probably suffered the worst, I’m for some reason unable to picture numbers in my head yet am very artistic and good at technical drawing. Also good at solving geometric puzzles but hopeless at formulas etc which have to be learnt as rhymes instead.

Fortunately after my all 10k posts I’m starting to get the hang of grammar

Agriv8 - 9/12/09 at 09:52 AM

I was diagnosed just before my last year at school ( a little too late to get any real help ).

The reason for sent for a test was I was in the next to top set for maths and bottom set for english. I cant remeber the title give to the version i have.



OX - 10/12/09 at 06:36 PM

In every post there is a 'quote' button and a 'report' button.....well one of the forums i use also has a 'thank you ' button and its very handy and always gets used
Maybe the nice man might add one for us

[Edited on 10/12/09 by OX]

David Jenkins - 10/12/09 at 07:25 PM

There's some little "law" or "rule" that goes "Any posting that complains about spelling or grammar will itself contain at least one spelling or grammar mistake"!

As for saying thank you - I appreciate it from others, and do try to thank people who supply information to a thread I've started (even if I don't act on it - but I don't tell them that...)

02GF74 - 10/12/09 at 08:22 PM

Originally posted by OX
In every post there is a 'quote' button and a 'report' button.....well one of the forums i use also has a 'thank you ' button and its very handy and always gets used
Maybe the nice man might add one for us

... but surely that is going one step too far and will swap the forum with noise i.e. thank yous.

One could argue that anyone who posts on any forum does so volunatrily and shouldn't really expect anything in return e.g. being thanked.

Don't like it then go to

boggle - 10/12/09 at 08:39 PM

i gotta be honest...if i help someone and they dont say thanks i dont really care, i can sleep easy at night knowing ive done what i could....

as for spelling...well my spelling is pants so if i offend you then tough boobies...