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matt.c - 9/12/09 at 11:21 PM

Well, i have just finished putting my lights up outside while a band played xmas carols to me in the the street.

Well up for xmas now. Anyway MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone.

(am i the first?)

Now taking cover!

adithorp - 9/12/09 at 11:24 PM

Bah humbug!

If you are the first, you should be first against the wall come the revolution?


mattg8000 - 9/12/09 at 11:28 PM

Lights been up a week (well they've been up all year on the outside of the house - too bloody high to take them down! but they're switched on now)

Off to find a tree at the weekend.

Merry christmas too all!

NigeEss - 10/12/09 at 12:01 AM

Originally posted by adithorp
Bah humbug!


Hear Hear !!!!!!!!!!!!!

trikerneil - 10/12/09 at 05:11 AM

I never understand the "Bah! Humbug" brigade.

I think it's great

Festive food, festive booze, a week off work to spend in the garage, and Santa's bringing a mudguard, a box of assorted bearings, a new bike jacket and his elves at Pegasus Engineering are machinining a new custom gearbox mainshaft for me.

It's the best time of year for parts collection.



Ben_Copeland - 10/12/09 at 07:42 AM

Bit early ain't it? Week and a half yet!

Lights have been up a week. Got some more to go up this weekend. Only done it for my son who's just old enough to point and try make almost word noises.

He's loving the Xmas tree!

r1_pete - 10/12/09 at 08:04 AM

Tis the season to spend money you can ill afford on gifts that the recipient doesn't really want or need.

I enjoy the Christmas spirit but not the commercial must outdo one another event it has become.

welderman - 10/12/09 at 08:07 AM

Our tree went up on Sunday, kids and the mrs decorated the tree whilst i decorated the eldest kids bedroom ..
All good fun though still.

r1_pete - 10/12/09 at 08:17 AM

Edited, don't know how I managed to post twice....

[Edited on 10/12/09 by r1_pete]

Daddylonglegs - 10/12/09 at 08:38 AM

Well said Matt

MERRY XMAS to all Ho! Ho! Ho!

JB & Co. Ltd

OH, and a big thank you to Fozzie et al for their work on the site throughout the year

[Edited on 10/12/09 by Daddylonglegs]

Humbug - 10/12/09 at 08:56 AM

That's at least 2 royalty payments I am due for use of my name

omega0684 - 10/12/09 at 09:24 AM


Merry Christmas !!!!!!!

speedyxjs - 10/12/09 at 10:35 AM

We got our tree up at work on the 1st.

You may be the first to wish happy christmas but, i put a christmas CD on at work in October