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16 Dec 2009 11:23 - is it snowing where you are?
02GF74 - 16/12/09 at 11:24 AM

it is here in sunny south, and I was planning to go for a lunchtime run, grrr.... and brrr......

[Edited on 16/12/09 by 02GF74]

flak monkey - 16/12/09 at 11:27 AM

It does look like it might be a white christmas here according to metcheck. Snow forecast for the next 10 days or so on and off:

blakep82 - 16/12/09 at 11:29 AM

nope, but i did have a dream it was snowing. i don't suppose that counts? lol

MikeCapon - 16/12/09 at 11:32 AM

Snowing a tiny bit here. Think it's too cold to really snow. Minus 3 or 4...

mattg8000 - 16/12/09 at 11:34 AM

Snowing loads here - love it!

With a bit of luck it will keep going tomorrow & put a load of people off Xmas shopping so I can sneak out and do mine (I can hope can't I?)

mookaloid - 16/12/09 at 11:40 AM

not in Yorkshire

02GF74 - 16/12/09 at 12:02 PM

12:01 stopped now.

GMPMotorsport - 16/12/09 at 12:06 PM

Originally posted by MikeCapon
Snowing a tiny bit here. Think it's too cold to really snow. Minus 3 or 4...

To cold to snow?

blakep82 - 16/12/09 at 12:14 PM

Originally posted by GMPMotorsport
Originally posted by MikeCapon
Snowing a tiny bit here. Think it's too cold to really snow. Minus 3 or 4...

To cold to snow?

its true! between 0 and +3 degrees is supposed to be best for snow

Mr Whippy - 16/12/09 at 12:20 PM

Originally posted by blakep82
Originally posted by GMPMotorsport
Originally posted by MikeCapon
Snowing a tiny bit here. Think it's too cold to really snow. Minus 3 or 4...

To cold to snow?

its true! between 0 and +3 degrees is supposed to be best for snow

yip quite right

speedyxjs - 16/12/09 at 12:29 PM

How come it snows in places that are in the minus teens? (mountains etc)

Fozzie - 16/12/09 at 12:31 PM

It was -3 here when I got up this morning......

You are quite right re temperatures, as soon as it hit 0 degs. it started snowing.
It the dipped a bit more and stopped. Started again when it hit 0 degrees, it's currently 0.7 and just lightly snowing with a bit of drizzle mixed in.........


MikeCapon - 16/12/09 at 12:33 PM

Amazing what you can learn on this forum.

Too cold to snow?

Fozzie - 16/12/09 at 12:43 PM

It's hit 0.9 now and the flakes are bigger.......

Following on from Flaks post......I just checked metcheck. For my postcode on Saturday, they are currently saying it is going to be -6 on Saturday, feeling like minus13c
What? here in the tropical south? .....
Next, they will be blaming global warming!!!!!!!!


GMPMotorsport - 16/12/09 at 12:53 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
Originally posted by blakep82
Originally posted by GMPMotorsport
Originally posted by MikeCapon
Snowing a tiny bit here. Think it's too cold to really snow. Minus 3 or 4...

To cold to snow?

its true! between 0 and +3 degrees is supposed to be best for snow

yip quite right

If the air cools to truly frigid Arctic temperatures such as -40 C and below then the moisture capacity of the air will be so low that likely not much snow can occur. Only at these extremely low temperatures is the phrase "it is too cold to snow" fairly valid.

02GF74 - 16/12/09 at 12:58 PM

got my run in, cold ... but now started to snow again, 12: 57, but very very light snow.

mad4x4 - 16/12/09 at 01:22 PM

No snow here

twybrow - 16/12/09 at 01:58 PM

It is virtually impossible for it to be too cold to snow - it is just to dry. As temperature drops, so does the amount of water vapour the air can support. It is this which causes snow falls to diminish if temperatures drop to really low values (eg -40C).

twybrow - 16/12/09 at 02:06 PM

Fozzie - it could well be global warming. Global warming/climate change doesn't mean no more cold weather, it means more extreme events, like flash floods, snow storms, extremes of temperature etc...

uklee70 - 16/12/09 at 02:30 PM

No Snow here

But I am working on a cruise ship in the Red Sea


Fozzie - 16/12/09 at 02:48 PM

Originally posted by twybrow
Fozzie - it could well be global warming. Global warming/climate change doesn't mean no more cold weather, it means more extreme events, like flash floods, snow storms, extremes of temperature etc... was a tongue in cheek comment... ....but.......Did anyone see the programme presented by Tony Robinson called 'Man On Earth' ?

I was very relieved to know that I didn't imagine my education in historical geography....
Sorry, went a bit Off Topic there.....

It is now 1 deg, and we have fine rain with the odd snow flake..........


twybrow - 16/12/09 at 03:07 PM

even better was the David Attenborough programme 'How Many People Can Live on Earth'.... Very scary indeed. Climate change is the least of our worries - we are all screwed when oil runs out, as we won't have a clue how to farm anymore!

Fozzie - 16/12/09 at 03:41 PM

Originally posted by twybrow
even better was the David Attenborough programme 'How Many People Can Live on Earth'.... Very scary indeed. Climate change is the least of our worries - we are all screwed when oil runs out, as we won't have a clue how to farm anymore!

Oh so very, very true.........

02GF74 - 16/12/09 at 05:35 PM

why is that? can't we hitch up the horses to pull the ploughs?

when oil runs out, it is not just petrol/diesel engines that cannot be run but a lot of products such as plastics that are derived from oil will not be able to be made. the former can be repalced by donkeys or electric motors, not sure how you will be able to make play stations or plastic bottles though.

morcus - 16/12/09 at 07:17 PM

Its stopped but it did snow a little and there's thin patches of what I believe is snow on the ground. I really hate snow and I'm hopeful it will clear up by 5am (time i go to work) but I imagine it will be worse.

twybrow - 17/12/09 at 10:08 AM

Originally posted by 02GF74
why is that? can't we hitch up the horses to pull the ploughs?

when oil runs out, it is not just petrol/diesel engines that cannot be run but a lot of products such as plastics that are derived from oil will not be able to be made. the former can be repalced by donkeys or electric motors, not sure how you will be able to make play stations or plastic bottles though.

You really think that electric motors or horses could compete with the diesel engine? We can just about farm enough to supply our country, but that is because we have developed tools and techniques to increase yield, slash costs etc. No oil means no fuel (as we currently know it), no fertilizers. If you think how much work farmers currently have to do, and the tools they have - now strip away the majority of those tools, and expect the yields to increase to meet the growing population!? throw in a bit of climate change, and things go from bad to worse.... I suspect in my lifetime, we will see food shortages in the UK.

Ninehigh - 19/12/09 at 08:50 AM

Nope no snow here, but if there is you're all going to be in a few foot of it!