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how stupid are some people
adam1985 - 17/12/09 at 06:48 PM

we have had a little bit of snow today like most people it is only about a inch deep but on the roads where i live they havent been gritted so has turned to black ice now.

so put some grit down my path and on the road to the main road (about 20 meters away)where it is then clear so in the morning its easy to get gone for work.

half way through a women turns up saying you cant do that if someone slips on the grit you are liable. i said theres more chance of slipping on the black ice or a car hitting something. so what should you do have you heard anything so stupid

graememk - 17/12/09 at 06:52 PM

people with nothing better to do than stick there nose in

blakep82 - 17/12/09 at 06:55 PM

lol brilliant

eznfrank - 17/12/09 at 06:56 PM

Clearly deranged.

rf900rush - 17/12/09 at 07:03 PM

The snow is an "act of god". no one to sue.

If you put down grit to be helpful and someone slips on it, you could be sued.

So what's more stupid. Our law system or tying to be helpful?

coozer - 17/12/09 at 07:04 PM

Should have just punched her straight in the face.. oops. I slipped!

adam1985 - 17/12/09 at 07:04 PM

thats not the best bit she went on to say shes just slipped outside her shop on the ice so is going to ring the council tomorrow who will grit it proberbly in about a weeks time when the ice has gone there that slow and will just do exactly what i have done. i just let her have her say then carried on gritting the rest.

theconrodkid - 17/12/09 at 07:06 PM

what mr rush said,got told that by a shop keeper when some old lady was moaning about him not clearing the pavement outside his place

MautoK - 17/12/09 at 07:11 PM

Lose-lose situation - In these litigious days person A will sue because they slipped on the ice; so put some grit down and person B will sue because they tripped over a piece of grit.
The concept of having to blame someone else for one's own lack of care seems to rule these days.

adam1985 - 17/12/09 at 07:28 PM

suppose what i should really of done is coned off all where i have gritted and put warnings around but then what if someone tripped over the cones where do you stop its bloody stupid

whitestu - 17/12/09 at 07:29 PM


The snow is an "act of god". no one to sue

Presumably then if you have a deeply held belief in God you can get out of being sued by saying he made you put the grit down!

ashg - 17/12/09 at 07:31 PM

you should have told her to go back indoors because we are on icy weather watch and that the government reccomends that it is safer for us all to stay indoors and rot in out own filth.

[Edited on 17/12/09 by ashg]

Toltec - 17/12/09 at 07:33 PM

The liability thing is an urban myth afaik. You have to take reasonable care so you should not clear the snow by pouring water on it which will turn to ice and you must not shovel the snow onto a public footpath/highway for instance.

I remember reading once that someone can sue you for anything they like, winning the suit is quite a different matter. A postman could sue you for not clearing the snow if they have an accident.

Do a few searches, there are various answers, however most come down to what actions would be considered reasonable. I guess it depends if you think you could defend any action you take to clear the snow as reasonable.

r1_pete - 17/12/09 at 07:41 PM

It is a sad fact of todays litigation society, thats why councils no longer sweep up leaves, or grit pathways. If they do nothing the onus in on each individual to take reasonable care, if they sweep up, grit etc. and someone slips, liability shifts as it can be argued the job was not done with reasonable care and skill.

Sad, and it annoys the hell out me, but thats how it is.

macspeedy - 17/12/09 at 07:49 PM

there is nothing more stupid than a stupid person

roadrunner - 17/12/09 at 08:26 PM

Stupid is as stupid does.

speedyxjs - 17/12/09 at 08:26 PM

You should have said, you're right and given her a little push back onto the ice

roadrunner - 17/12/09 at 08:28 PM

Talking about slippery conditions.
Driving home tonight , 1 mile from home slight left bend, blue flashing lights from ambulance and one car on top of the other on the far side of the bend on the verge. Hope no one was hurt.

yellow melos - 17/12/09 at 10:11 PM

this is the problem with Darwin's theory.

in normal life of creatures... the stupids and numptys would have died off.

but we humans help these idiots and allow them to breed.. and thus you people like this comming out with stupid statements about slipping over on the grit.

before long we will be electing these into councils and government..... oh dear.. too late

55ant - 17/12/09 at 10:20 PM

if someone (something? sp) speaks to you about stupid crap like that, then its probably best to just say hopefully, then slip over in her footprints and sure her.

[Edited on 17/12/09 by 55ant]

Simon - 18/12/09 at 12:22 AM

You'll like this - I did.

When we were in France earlier this year we went to a "Go-Ape" type of place (where grown ups and kids can swing in trees) except over there it was a third of the price.

One of the things that got my attention was that you could only use it if your own insurance covered you.

Basically it meant if you fell or hurt yourself, it was up to you to prove to your own insurers that it was an accident.

Takes the onus off the fun provider and puts it on the customer/user not to be a prat.



se7en - 18/12/09 at 01:05 AM

Originally posted by yellow melos
this is the problem with Darwin's theory.

in normal life of creatures... the stupids and numptys would have died off.

but we humans help these idiots and allow them to breed.. and thus you people like this comming out with stupid statements about slipping over on the grit.

before long we will be electing these into councils and government..... oh dear.. too late

ILMAO ne'er a truer word spoken

mad4x4 - 18/12/09 at 07:50 AM

Originally posted by whitestu

The snow is an "act of god". no one to sue

Presumably then if you have a deeply held belief in God you can get out of being sued by saying he made you put the grit down!

Act of God my ****. It a weather phoenomon (sp) and not part of global warming ..... We've had snow for years it's nothing new.....

Now PURPLE SARDINES falling from the sky that would be an ACT OF GOD.

02GF74 - 18/12/09 at 07:51 AM

Originally posted by Toltec
The liability thing is an urban myth afaik. You have to take reasonable care so you should not clear the snow by pouring water on it which will turn to ice and you must not shovel the snow onto a public footpath/highway for instance.

whoops, did a bit of that this morning.

but think of it this way.

you are walking ginerly along a path, see a gritted section and say to yourself "Oooh, a gritted section" and walk normally then slip and throw a hip joint.

Then are in right to say that because you saw a gritted section, it would be ok to walk normally?

Still a load of nonsense, this suing business IMO.

When I was in Brazil we welked from hotel to office and there was a paving slab lifed, stolen probably, with a huge pit. I mentioned to the local colleague that in UK, you could shue the council blady blah...

His reply was, "Well, you should look where you are going."

Which really is the correct answer.

mcerd1 - 18/12/09 at 08:55 AM

Originally posted by Simon
When we were in France earlier this year we went to a "Go-Ape" type of place (where grown ups and kids can swing in trees) except over there it was a third of the price.

a few years back I was at a place in ireland a bit like that (mostly water stuff)

basicaly a mudy hole in the ground with some shallow water, little boat, trees rope swings and so on
it seemed they had a about 3 staff to 300 kids - it was a riot and know one cared (least of all the kids)
I don't think they'd heard of litigation over there

[Edited on 18/12/09 by mcerd1]

Liam - 18/12/09 at 09:09 PM

^^^ wow - brings back memories! You wouldn't, by any chance, mean Clara Lara Funpark in wicklow, would you? Fits that description perfectly. Used to go on holiday round there quite a lot when I was young - awesome place. Would be nice to think it's still there unchanged in this day and age. One thing though - every time I went there, I'd be throwing up that evening! Almost certainly due to drinking plenty of the muddy, wee-filled water I'd spent all day swimming in. You certainly couldn't see down very far! Still, never did me any harm (assuming the low IQ and mutations have another cause, of course).


morcus - 19/12/09 at 08:30 AM

Most people seem to be stupid, bad weather seems to bring alot of it out aswell.

I scraped all the snow of my car onto the road, what else would you do with it? I'm certainly not gonna drive with it in place and I'm not gonna collect it and put it somewhere else.

If it was your path, why should it concern anyone else what you do to it?

Ninehigh - 19/12/09 at 11:13 AM

So someone complained to you that someone might slip on the substance used to stop people slipping? I'd have told them it's a bigger injustice that they can breed and speak and subject intelligent people with their tiny thoughts

mcerd1 - 19/12/09 at 06:58 PM

Originally posted by Liam
^^^ wow - brings back memories! You wouldn't, by any chance, mean Clara Lara Funpark in wicklow, would you?

Thats the one

thinking about it though - it must have been about 10 years since I was there...