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Anyone been to Shenzhen in China?
MikeRJ - 11/1/10 at 11:07 PM

Looks like I'm going to be flying out there next week for work, and I'm absolutely dreading it. The main problem is I can't stand being cooped up in a plane for long periods, I flew to New York a while back and was desperate to get off after about 2 hours, though I don't suffer from claustrophobia normally.

However, looking around tourists guides on the web it appears to be a something of a crime hotspot as well. Just wondering if this means it's like most big cities, London etc. or whether it really is a bit ropey?

skodaman - 11/1/10 at 11:19 PM

I've been there a few times when I lived in H.Kong, but circa 1995. I'd watch out for the police and immigration officials as well as the usual criminals.
Saying that I've been to far dodgier places like Manila, Karachi and the West End of Morecambe.

carpmart - 11/1/10 at 11:39 PM

Not as bad as it could be!

I live in the UK and have on customer in Sydney (Aus) and one in Wellington (NZ). To make matters worse, I'm having to go down for a couple of weeks every 3 months at the moment. Its over 24 hrs of travelling to get to NZ. Not good!

I'm off to China second week in March but to Shanghai and Beijing so I can't help I'm afraid!

BTW - New York is a short flight compared to China

MikeRJ - 11/1/10 at 11:43 PM

Seems my visa application is so rushed I have to pick it up in Hong Kong...I'm sure nothing can possibly go wrong with that!

MikeRJ - 11/1/10 at 11:50 PM

Originally posted by carpmart
BTW - New York is a short flight compared to China

Yes, that's why I'm dreading it! 12 or 13 hours I think Drinking make me sick as a dog on planes so might have to see the doc about sleeping tablets.

I really, really want to visit NZ, as does the wife, I just need to be knocked out like BA Barracus on the A team Stupid thing is I really enjoy take off and landing and staring out the window at stuff is great for about an hour, it just goes a bit pair shaped after that!

skodaman - 11/1/10 at 11:53 PM

Hong Kong's a great place for a short visit. I've only been there twice but the second time I stayed five years. If you've got time take a day trip out to some of the islands such as Lantau. Or just get the bus to Stanley or Repulse bay on H.K. island and spend a day on the beach. The beer is bloody expensive though.

MikeRJ - 12/1/10 at 12:07 AM

I'm a bit of a gadget freak, so a trip to HK is hopefully on the cards! (providing I've not been mugged/had organs stolen/or been arrested for strange behaviour on the plane)

[Edited on 12/1/10 by MikeRJ]

skodaman - 12/1/10 at 01:24 AM

Regarding flying I usually go to S.E. Asia on Arab airlines cos I figure they won't bomb one of their own. Have fun.

morcus - 12/1/10 at 02:49 AM

By Drinking did you mean booze? If so, try to avoid it as the ac systems they have, combined with alcohol, will dry you out and mess with your head. Your story reminds me of one a 40 a day smoker told me about his trip to India, apparently the lack of nicotine made him completely mental and he tripped out.

karlak - 12/1/10 at 07:22 AM

The constant dorne and noise can be an issue. I have bought these as they are on offer at the moment. They will help to cut out the engine noise etc, making for a more relaxed journey. You don't even have to have any music/sound coming through them.

May be worth a try........

MikeRJ - 12/1/10 at 08:37 AM

Originally posted by morcus
By Drinking did you mean booze? If so, try to avoid it

Yep, I will avoid it as I had a couple of nightcaps to help me sleep last time and made me sick which didn't improve the journey much!

Thanks for the link to the headphones. Several others have recommended noise cancelling headphones, and these get cracking reviews on avforums so looks like an imminent purchase!

charlie_pank - 12/1/10 at 12:19 PM

Yes flying is a pain, but the alternatives are a LOT slower!

China is fine, but very depressing, HK is great fun. I recommend going to Shek-O - really relaxed town on the beach, away from all the hustle and bustle.

[Edited on 12/1/10 by charlie_pank]

Mr Whippy - 12/1/10 at 03:46 PM

took me over 15 hours to get to Singapore on one of their own 747’s, nice plane but boy was it bumpy didn’t get my meal till almost the end of the flight as the plane was moving about too much for the trollys. Then had a 2 hour flight to Indonesia in a worn out pile of sh%t commuter airliner that kept filling up with steam

that was the last time I ever went on a long haul flight

[Edited on 12/1/10 by Mr Whippy]

Jimbob - 12/1/10 at 04:33 PM

Been to Dalian this year for work, yes the 3 flights each way sucked but it was the jet lag that messed me up the most, could not sleep properly for a week and put me off food.

Dave Ashurst - 12/1/10 at 09:54 PM

We lived in Hong Kong for 6 years until 1999. I travelled quite a lot but never went to Shenzhen. My wife went a few times on shopping trips with her pals and I don't think there was any drama.

Your experience will depend on how much cultural variety you're used to. I'd go with an open mind and enjoy it.

Noise cancelling headphones are good if you find comfortable ones. I got some jvc foldaway ones that are nice. You'll get to see loads of movies on the flight, and your own headphones will give you really nice sound quality too.

To help fight jet lag I try to get into the HK time pattern 12 hrs before leaving, then stick to it on the plane too despite the lights and mealtimes. Also do remember to drink plenty of water.

A blanket, a blindfold and sleeping tablets can help, or I take a double dose of antihistamines either piriton hayfever tablets or a double dose of stugeron travel sickness tablets. That sends me to sleep.

I'm jealous already, enjoy your adventure