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Light Emitting wallpaper
James - 14/1/10 at 01:30 PM

Not strong on detail but looks interesting!


blakep82 - 14/1/10 at 02:07 PM

if it can be like a tv screen, that would be cool. you could change the colour of your room any time or change the pattern of your paper, hang digital photos on the wall, watch telly on your wallpaper, cool

ian86 - 14/1/10 at 02:26 PM

it's interesting stuff. There is currently at least one tv that uses oled's made by sony i think and is super, super thin. curtains could be coated and when closed useds as the room lighting. or a mat that you unroll slip it under the car when working on it to iluminate the area. gota be better than hitting your head on a nice hot light bulb!

Bluemoon - 14/1/10 at 03:25 PM

I thinks it's going to look odd, reminds me of the floor lighting in 2010 space odyssey:


[Edited on 14/1/10 by Bluemoon]

[Edited on 14/1/10 by Bluemoon]

Confused but excited. - 14/1/10 at 06:07 PM

Why is his telly on it's side?
Answers on a postcard.........

speedyxjs - 14/1/10 at 09:42 PM

Originally posted by ian86
or a mat that you unroll slip it under the car when working on it to iluminate the area. gota be better than hitting your head on a nice hot light bulb!

LOVE that idea!

Ninehigh - 16/1/10 at 09:01 AM

Hmm, glowing rooms... Could be great or nauseating