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Wanted. Propane Air torch
907 - 15/1/10 at 01:50 PM

A shot in the dark this one.

I'm after a propane / compressed air torch for silver soldering.
Unlike the modern propane torches that suck air in through holes in the back of the nozzle
these old ones have two control taps, one for the fuel gas and one for compressed air. (at 3 or 4 psi)
It looks like an O/A torch apart from the nozzle.

They give a very well defined inner cone to the flame so the heat is much more directional.

I believe they were used by silversmiths and also used in the glass industry.
( "Carlisle" might be a make )

Anyone got one lurking in their shed?

Paul G

hughpinder - 15/1/10 at 02:23 PM

Those air/gas torches that were popular in the 50's used towns gas, and needed a high flame speed to work - they do not work with propane or butane.

A company called drax torches in guilford have been working on a new model which can even weld steel using propane and compressed air but I don't know if there is a commercial version of their torch yet.
They were featured in new scientist about 10 years ago!

Edited to add: You could also look at 'browns gas' torches (hydrogen/oxygen generated in situ) but the cost of the proper versions of those would keep you in oxy acetylene for many years!

[Edited on 15/1/10 by hughpinder]

r1_pete - 15/1/10 at 02:28 PM

Last time I saw one of those was in the school metalwork shop, and that was 30 years ago.

Wont the bigger propane burners do the job?

Mr Whippy - 15/1/10 at 02:53 PM

Only last week I did some silver soldering of one of my r/c planes wire undercarriage. First time I've got it to work perfectly and it needed a lot more heat than ordinary solder, i.e. metal starting to glow. Also used a powder flux that looks like cocaine which you mix with a tiny bit of water, that did a great job

Used up both my tubs of flux and two silver solder rods but will be buying more from them for another plane now I know it works well.

The metal has to be super perfect clean first, I washed then sanded the metal with glass paper before hand then only handled it with dodgy white gloves to prevent oil from my hands getting on them.

bought it all from Proops Brothers Limited on the web, they have torches too btw


[Edited on 15/1/10 by Mr Whippy]

keithice - 15/1/10 at 07:00 PM

It's called a scorpion kit and uses oxygen and mapp gas, creates a flame hot enough for silver soldering (we silver solder sometimes on the fridges) but a lot smaller and lighter than our oxy/acytelene.

907 - 16/1/10 at 09:22 AM

Thanks for all the replies chaps.

I have been using a torch I bought from Machine Mart but the flame is not as focused as I would like.
The inner cone is ok but it has 6 outer cones (see pic) that I could do without.

I have seen an old comp air / propane torch and the inner cone of the flame was sharp with just an outer envelope,
sharper than my Photoshopped insert in the pic.

The bloke who has it won't sell.

I have loads to do. Used over £100 worth of silver solder this week.

I just wondered if anyone had one laying about?

Cheers for your help
Paul G

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iank - 16/1/10 at 09:52 AM

Might be worth looking at glassmakers torches (though I'm not an expert)

Here's what looks a fairly comprehensive range of torches in the US, including the Carlisle brand


907 - 16/1/10 at 11:29 AM

iank, you are a hero.

That's the one I've seen.


Paul G

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dave r - 16/1/10 at 01:37 PM

cant find that one on that site paul.... how much ?

Dave Ashurst - 16/1/10 at 01:42 PM


Meanwhile have you had your nozzle apart to see whether you can modify the jetting? Just a thought. Perhaps you can find a way to block the 6 little spikes?

By the way, I'm still running the silencer you made for me ages ago. One of your very first. It's great.



iank - 16/1/10 at 01:53 PM

Good stuff $80 doesn't seem bad, though getting one to the UK will be the pain.

907 - 16/1/10 at 06:13 PM

Originally posted by Dave Ashurst

Meanwhile have you had your nozzle apart to see whether you can modify the jetting? Just a thought.
Perhaps you can find a way to block the 6 little spikes?

By the way, I'm still running the silencer you made for me ages ago. One of your very first. It's great.



Should have made it from that nasty magnetic 409 stuff. You'd have ordered another by now.

Yup, I did play with the nozzle. Made a barrel shaped bit to blow air in the holes. It blew the flame out.

Made a tight fitting ring to slip inside and block the six small flames.
Made the flame go long and fuzzy.

It's $80 plus the nozzle. I need to find out the size I need.
Back to the chap with the old one then.

I think it's the JM series burner tips. I'll sort it Monday.

I'm more likely to be struck by lightning than find a s/h one.

Cheers for all the help,
Paul G