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Signing off the dole?
coozer - 15/2/10 at 05:48 PM

The dole have stopped my JSA as its over 26 weeks now and given me a time sheet for my part time las than 16 hours job.

As well as having to fill in the job seeker diary and getting grilled every 2 weeks I'm sick of them..

Is it possible to sign off without a job? I fancy going for voluntary NI contributions or not bothering with that either.

Any advice chaps/esses??


blakep82 - 15/2/10 at 05:50 PM

yep, i did it when i went on holiday last year. just go in there and tell them you're signing off and you sign a bit of paper, and done

i really need to sign on again. my last job was temp, finished on new years eve and no sign of anything else yet
i can't be bothered with the job centre either, and i've left it as long as i can

what i want to know, is what happens if you get small jobs here and there, like 1 day things, but not regular, and all above board with tax etc?

[Edited on 15/2/10 by blakep82]

coozer - 15/2/10 at 05:55 PM

You are allowed to work up to 16 hours a week while signing on, but, they take £59 off you for every 8 hours if you earn more than the JSA.

StevieB - 15/2/10 at 05:57 PM

Originally posted by blakep82
yep, i did it when i went on holiday last year. just go in there and tell them you're signing off and you sign a bit of paper, and done

i really need to sign on again. my last job was temp, finished on new years eve and no sign of anything else yet
i can't be bothered with the job centre either, and i've left it as long as i can

what i want to know, is what happens if you get small jobs here and there, like 1 day things, but not regular, and all above board with tax etc?

[Edited on 15/2/10 by blakep82]

I suppose the thing to do there is to ask at the JC what you should do.

As far as I can see, the only problem with people earning a days pay while also taking benefits is that they don't pay tax on the income and lso don't declare it so the relevant deductions can be made from JSA.

Their views may differ from mine though...

blakep82 - 15/2/10 at 05:57 PM

the sort of thing i'm thinking is like 1 day every few weeks if i'm lucky. you can get £80 a day though. extras for tv. my mum does it sometimes.

blakep82 - 15/2/10 at 05:58 PM

Originally posted by StevieB
Originally posted by blakep82
yep, i did it when i went on holiday last year. just go in there and tell them you're signing off and you sign a bit of paper, and done

i really need to sign on again. my last job was temp, finished on new years eve and no sign of anything else yet
i can't be bothered with the job centre either, and i've left it as long as i can

what i want to know, is what happens if you get small jobs here and there, like 1 day things, but not regular, and all above board with tax etc?

[Edited on 15/2/10 by blakep82]

I suppose the thing to do there is to ask at the JC what you should do.

As far as I can see, the only problem with people earning a days pay while also taking benefits is that they don't pay tax on the income and lso don't declare it so the relevant deductions can be made from JSA.

Their views may differ from mine though...

cool, well i'll have to go in this week anyway i guess meant to phone today actually... haven't coz i don't really want to

austin man - 15/2/10 at 06:04 PM

Its your decision, you can sign off whenever you like. If you where to be wise you could ask what training you can access whilst signing currrently. Not sure of what quals you already have but you could possible get funding from JCP for fork lift truck, SIA licence, CSCS card etc. You will shortly commence Flexible New Deal which is a whole new ball game that lasts for 52 weeks. If you can afford to sign off financially then all well and good, do so and pay your stamp

Steve G - 15/2/10 at 06:20 PM

Cant you claim Income Based JSA then?? A mate of mine went straight from Contributions based to Income based after the 26 week period. Worth asking anyway - if you havent already done so.


[Edited on 15/2/10 by Steve G]

SteveWalker - 15/2/10 at 06:33 PM

Originally posted by Steve G
Cant you claim Income Based JSA then?? A mate of mine went straight from Contributions based to Income based after the 26 week period. Worth asking anyway - if you havent already done so.


[Edited on 15/2/10 by Steve G]

That's assuming there's no other household income. When I wasn't working, I was switched to income based JSA after 26 weeks, but my wife's income meant that didn't receive a penny - despite the fact that our mortgage alone was greater than her monthly take-home pay! We did receive Child Tax Credits, which the council have to take into account as general income, so we had to pay full council tax too, despite it being aimed specifically at the extra costs of children!

coozer - 15/2/10 at 06:40 PM

Originally posted by Steve G
Cant you claim Income Based JSA then?? A mate of mine went straight from Contributions based to Income based after the 26 week period. Worth asking anyway - if you havent already done so.


[Edited on 15/2/10 by Steve G]

We have too much money in the bank and wor lass works nearly full time, plus we have no mortgage or debt and we tried to get working tax benefit but when they worked it out we ended up with nothing...

I'm working 8hrs a week atm and even though I'm not getting any cash I have to fill in a sheet with mine and her hours, tax, Ni, take home pay plus our names address and everything every two weeks.

I've had LGV C training and ADR training off them but they won't pay for C+E so me thinks its time to cast them off.

Nash - 15/2/10 at 07:05 PM

Make sure you keep up your NI payments or it could affect your State Pension and National Heath cover down the line.

I took a year out in 2001 to kick back after a difficult job came to an end and I didn't sign on but kept my NI payments up.


bj928 - 15/2/10 at 07:48 PM

it was a nice feeling today, i signed on for the last time i think, visa should be with me tomorrow and its off to nice new job in America till christmas at least, managed to get the social to pay for visa and transport to visa interview in london because i had it in writing that i had a job once i got visa,


Moorron - 15/2/10 at 07:52 PM

As i was made redundant in December im interested in this topic too. Im on garden leave at the moment and this ends on March 23rd but i have no idea what i can claim and how much after that.

Never been out of work before and after working the last 12 years im unsure what to do and my work is also stiffing me over holiday pay or lack of and bare legal min redundancy pay its going to be bad in May time.

Cant even get out in the kitcar with the weather

Toltec - 15/2/10 at 08:46 PM

There is a scheme for starting your own business, if you sign off you get £50 a week for sixteen weeks. You have to attend an interview after six weeks to show you are pursuing self employment. Supposed to show some income, client appointments etc.

Ask them about Business Link, you get a few days of seminars to cover business setup, finances, plan, marketing ideas, etc. If made redundant you get more of a retraining package I think. I got the push a couple of weeks before end of probation, no warning, just we have decided not to keep you on.

Anybody need and IT/Network consultancy?

designer - 16/2/10 at 09:15 AM

I came to France years ago. Just told all the authorities and went.

Regarding NI contributions. Under the new rules you only have to pay 33 years and you have paid in enough to get a full pension.

I have this in writing, so I do not have to contribute any more. I shall just apply for my pension in eight years.

coozer - 16/2/10 at 10:26 AM

Yes, just thinking of peeps who work away in other countries etc who have gaps in their contributions.

I have just had 10 years in a high paid/deduction engineering job and have paid tons of tax and NI. I do not want to go back to that kind a job, I'm thinking of part time, semi retired type status

I also believe if i leave it for a bit i can top it up within 6 years.. thats just my interpretation of the bumf on the voluntary contribution section of Browns homepage.