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GMPMotorsport - 16/2/10 at 06:48 PM

This should be passed to as many people as possible! ...

When VAT was temporarily reduced to 15%, the Chancellor added 2% duty to fuel to offset the reduction in tax collected from motorists. Now that VAT has been increased to 17.5% again this hidden tax has not been removed - hence recent rises in your fuel costs. Sign the petition at the link below to have this stealth tax removed!

Please pass this on to your friends - the more the merrier. Happy motoring!

prawnabie - 16/2/10 at 06:49 PM


mads - 16/2/10 at 06:52 PM


BenB - 16/2/10 at 06:52 PM

Hey- someone's got to pay for these MPs second homes. Stop complaining about paying tax on fuel.

Bet the MPs claim it back on expenses anyway....

vinny1275 - 16/2/10 at 07:08 PM

The 2p duty wasn't to offset the reduction in VAT I don't think - it was planned, put off during the worst part of the recession and then reinstated. Once it's on there, it's never coming off, petition or no.....

Steve G - 16/2/10 at 07:34 PM

Originally posted by vinny1275
Once it's on there, it's never coming off, petition or no.....

I dont think a single petition since the start of that farce of a site has made the slightest difference......... but i'll sign anyway

GMPMotorsport - 16/2/10 at 07:52 PM

Originally posted by vinny1275
The 2p duty wasn't to offset the reduction in VAT I don't think - it was planned, put off during the worst part of the recession and then reinstated. Once it's on there, it's never coming off, petition or no.....

No this was added as well!

Chippy - 16/2/10 at 11:43 PM

Conning barstewards, signed!! Ray

Angel Acevedo - 17/2/10 at 12:23 AM

Here in Mexico we had a Tax Called Tenencia which was supposedly to cover for the 1970 Olympics.
It is Somewhere between 3 to 5 % of the invoice value of the car and you have to pay for every vehicle under 10 years old.

And thats on top of IVA (VAT) and ISAN (New Vehicle Acquisition Tax)
Every single Presidential candidate for the last 18 years has promised to remove, but when they do the maths, I think they suddenly get Alzheimers or some other form of memory loss.

morcus - 17/2/10 at 12:58 AM

The Real Crime is the VAT on the Duty, they should both be worked out on the cost of the fuel alone.

Noones going to fix it. Labour and conservative are offering the same things and the LibDems won't win.

02GF74 - 17/2/10 at 07:23 AM

2p!!! Pah!!!

Couldn't give a monkey's tit, just got my £ 100 K bonus

So ya boo sucks to you, losers!!

(ok, some if not all of the above many or may not be true)

[Edited on 17/2/10 by 02GF74]

locobri - 17/2/10 at 09:11 AM

I've not heard of one of these petitions ever changing the way they do things. But I've still signed it in hope.

Ninehigh - 17/2/10 at 09:31 AM

I've not heard of one of these petitions answered in a way which looks like they've read it!

Signed anyway, and I'm voting for the first people who ACTUALLY reduce fuel costs, I don't care if it's the "breaking windows with bricks" party

wilkingj - 17/2/10 at 12:23 PM

I recon the Gov't just use that site to gauge issues. They dont actually do anything that is asked for. Whihc is par for the course for ANY party that gets into Gov't.

morcus - 17/2/10 at 05:31 PM

I get the impression that any party who made a believable promiss to lower things like fuel duty and taxes in general would do well come election day.