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how honest would you be???
will121 - 19/2/10 at 08:25 PM

i ordered something last week and got it delivered on wednesday, today i come home from work to a card through the door saying i had a parcel which had been left with a neighbour. To my suprise its a duplicate order!!!

oh what to do!!!

jacko - 19/2/10 at 08:30 PM

I like to think i am honest or is it daft

designer - 19/2/10 at 08:31 PM

I would give it back.

Maybe it's something else!!!

franky - 19/2/10 at 08:33 PM

what is it?

Ben_Copeland - 19/2/10 at 08:33 PM

Who you kidding??? I think most people would keep quiet. If contacted then give back, otherwise say nothing.

Suppose it depends how much its worth !

austin man - 19/2/10 at 08:34 PM

honesty is the best policy, but hey whose bothered about policy lol

woolly - 19/2/10 at 08:35 PM

if you got what you paid for with a good deal and service then ring them.

only fair


mistergrumpy - 19/2/10 at 08:36 PM

Do you really need two of them and is it really worth the risk of taking a big dry one if they accuse you of theft?

hicost blade - 19/2/10 at 08:42 PM


scootz - 19/2/10 at 08:44 PM

You phone them on Monday and get them to collect it at your convenience...

ghostrain - 19/2/10 at 08:46 PM

Ring up and tell them,unless it's very valuable most mail order companies will tell you to keep both,it's just not worth the bother of trying to get the second delivery back and you will feel good about your honesty. Live has a way of balancing these things out,you will win the lottery next week.

blakep82 - 19/2/10 at 08:47 PM

Originally posted by hicost blade

exactly, and i'm sure something's done you wrong in the past week, so keep it

iank - 19/2/10 at 08:49 PM

I'd email them to ask them what they want to do.

If it's low(ish) value they they'll probably be happy for you to keep it, if they want you to send it back (i.e. it's high value) make sure they pay P&P before you send it (or they collect at some time convenient for you). What you really want to avoid is them charging your CC for a second time - check before you contact them, if they do that nail them.

Edit: I say email as it costs you nothing and phoning up will just generate huge confusion and cost you money.

[Edited on 19/2/10 by iank]

beagley - 19/2/10 at 08:51 PM

I would definitely ring them Monday. Nothing feels like a clear conscience, plus they might just tell you to keep the extra one anyway.

Humbug - 19/2/10 at 09:06 PM

Originally posted by iank
I'd email them to ask them what they want to do.

If it's low(ish) value they they'll probably be happy for you to keep it, if they want you to send it back (i.e. it's high value) make sure they pay P&P before you send it (or they collect at some time convenient for you). What you really want to avoid is them charging your CC for a second time - check before you contact them, if they do that nail them.

Edit: I say email as it costs you nothing and phoning up will just generate huge confusion and cost you money.

[Edited on 19/2/10 by iank]

Ditto - we've had things like that. 9 times out of 10 they say keep the extra one because it's too much cost and/or admin hassle to process a return

Dusty - 19/2/10 at 09:10 PM

If you didn't return it then you would be being dishonest. Taking advantage of another's genuine mistake. What would you say if the firm eventually realises it's error and takes action? I chose to shaft you cos I thought I could get away with it? Your choice, your conscience but don't kid yourself.

morcus - 19/2/10 at 09:18 PM

Tell them. A single person can't drastically change the world, but you can try to be honest and do the right thing, If more people did it would make things better.

As said they might let you keep it or they might come back for it, don't pay for postage as it's there mistake.

fesycresy - 19/2/10 at 09:21 PM

Originally posted by Ben_Copeland
Who you kidding??? I think most people would keep quiet. If contacted then give back, otherwise say nothing.

Suppose it depends how much its worth !

I agree.

Unless it came from a 'person' such as one of the suppliers to our hobbie and not a faceless company.

What is it then...........

10" rampant ar$e stimulator ?

Daddylonglegs - 19/2/10 at 09:24 PM

Yep, defo ring them up. As already said, what do you lose, if they want it, they pay the postage. If not, you win. But most of all you keep a clear conscience

steve m - 19/2/10 at 09:25 PM

We had a parcel delivered to my house (no7)
that had my address, but not our name
we did not sign for it,
just a knock on the door, and by the time we got there it was just left in the porch, and the driver was allready in the van and halfway off our drive

My wife thought she knew the name, and was right, they lived at no 17
so parcel given to them

I wish we had kept it, as it was £1500 worth of laptop

So now if anything comes to my door, we will keep it


JoelP - 19/2/10 at 09:35 PM

im impressed by how many people suggest honesty really, i'm generally honest but i suspect that i wouldnt be bothered messing about sending it back. I dont have time to write invoices, never mind time to give stuff away!

MikeR - 19/2/10 at 09:55 PM

I'd call them - just make sure the collection isn't at your inconvienience.

Had one company once insist i post it back to them (it was 10 cds from someone elses order i'd got by mistake. I said no problem, they insisted it was first class. I said what if it gets lost in the post, they said its my problem. I pointed out that if they'll pay for recorded delivery i'll happily do that. They refused and threatened me that i had to return the goods.

So i did, first class........ I got my cd's the next day, no idea if it they got theirs, couldn't care less.

speed8 - 19/2/10 at 10:24 PM

I ordered a towbar for the barge a year or so back. One of the threads to bolt it to the chassis was gummed up so I called them up and they sent a replacement. The second one got delayed in the post so I ended up chasing the thread through myself and fitting the 1st one.
When the 2nd one turned up, while I was out, I called up and told them to arrange a courier to come and collect it back. After 3 months it was still sitting in my garage so I called them again and they told me to keep it. I sold it to a lad on another forum for half price so we both got half price towbars.

dan8400 - 19/2/10 at 10:58 PM

They're not going to come after you if you have two by mistake. The person who processed the order earns minimun wage so they don't give a rat's ass.

I am too much of a pu$$y in these situations and would call anyway, but i dont think anything will happen if you don't so it's totally your decision.

Good luck (hope you get both) lol


FFTS - 19/2/10 at 11:04 PM


Only kidding.. send it back.

Peteff - 19/2/10 at 11:22 PM

I've had this happen twice and both times contacted the sender. One offered me the second at a well reduced price so I paid and kept it. The other was really funny. I ordered 50 DVD +R from ebay and I received two boxes full of all kinds of computer stuff, about £300 worth. I contacted the seller and he asked if I would send them to him if he paid the return postage plus £10 for my inconvenience by paypal, just take out my DVDs and send the rest back as it was his stock for the next month. He then paid the postage + £10 into my paypal twice by accident. I did a refund of the second payment, all sorted I thought. Next day my DVDs were delivered again and I contacted him he just said keep them It was an almost surreal couple of days. I'm too honest not to contact the sender.

irvined - 20/2/10 at 12:18 AM

Phone em up, honesty here will pay dividends, especially if you buy from them a lot. There's a company I deal with quite regularly and from time to time I get duplicate bits or rather expensive bits by mistake.

When I call them up they know me now, and if I ever need anything out of the ordinary delivered to strange and wonderful places they go out of their way to help.

Simon - 20/2/10 at 09:09 AM

If you think MP's expenses were ok, then keep, otherwise, you know the right course of action



smart51 - 20/2/10 at 09:58 AM

I bought something off ebay and complained about non-delivery after 2 weeks and then again after 3. They seller sent a replacement and another 3 weeks later the original part turned up with the postage date on it the day after my sale.

I emailed the guy asking if he wanted it returned and he said keep it.

will121 - 20/2/10 at 10:17 AM

As some are inquisitive it was a nice shiny set of £370 Newman zetec cams. (so dont think there will be the offer to keep them!) To be honest when it arrived i had convinced myself i would phone them monday anyway as i had ordered them direct from Ken Newman who seemed a very nice chap. Im just reassured how honest everyone is, although the secret poll results dont quite reflect the opinions of those willing to post a reply. Must add though if the duplicate delivery had come from company like Tesco my opinion would have been different!!

whitestu - 20/2/10 at 10:37 AM

I'll take them back for you if You want!

will121 - 20/2/10 at 11:09 AM

Originally posted by whitestu
I'll take them back for you if You want!

i did wonder if anyone would take them off my hands if they said i could keep them! they do look good for the price

[Edited on 20/2/10 by will121]

Ninehigh - 20/2/10 at 11:53 AM

Sometime last year I'd been out somewhere on my day off and when I came back there was a delivery van outside, they said they had a delivery for us. I ran inside and put away whatever it was I had, came back to the door and signed for it. When I looked round to see what "my missus had got off Amazon now" I found a 42" tv... Definately not her!

I rang up the company after finding the sticker (had to go to xyz gardens not xyz lane) and the lady said how honest of me I was

I asked out of interest what would have happened if I'd have said nothing (cos I was seriously considering it!) and she said it could have been traced through the delivery guys and they would have chased me for it.

will121 - 20/2/10 at 12:09 PM

part of my issue is every time UPS deliver anything when im out they seem to knock on every door till they find someone at home to take it off them, then just stick a card through my door saying its left at what ever house number, this time it was about 4 doors up with someone i would say i dont get on with to well!!