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All too common post
Mark Allanson - 22/3/10 at 09:44 AM

I got into work this morning, told that was it, pick up your stuff, the company is closing.

Just another gloomy day

iank - 22/3/10 at 09:46 AM

Good luck sorting out something else.

55ant - 22/3/10 at 09:51 AM

sorry to hear that, is there no protection for employees in this circumstance?

TimC - 22/3/10 at 09:56 AM

I'm sorry to hear that Mark. As you say, it is an all-too-common problem.

Some may know that the company I worked for went into administration last January ('09). We managed to guide one of the factories into new ownership but have only ever been a stop-gap solution. Our last production day was Friday and all that is left is the joyless task of stripping the factory back to a lifeless cuboid.

All I would say is that a lot of my ex-colleagues have come out of it well. Admitedly others have struggled but if you are determined and open-minded you have the best chance of getting things back on-track.

Good luck!

boggle - 22/3/10 at 10:04 AM


thats terrible.....maybe nows the time to think about a new buisness venture??

pop round for a coffee at some point mate...

D Beddows - 22/3/10 at 10:06 AM

These are strange times........ I've had 3 interviews in the post month and all the companies have said the same thing ie last year was dead but this years they've got full order books again........ so you think, I've had 3 interviews, people have full order books, things must be getting better - but then everything goes dead again and there aren't even any jobs to apply for for weeks........ odd

Sorry, I'm probably not helping here am I! hope you find something soon

Daddylonglegs - 22/3/10 at 10:15 AM

Sorry to hear that mate. Chin-up, something will come along hopefully

nick205 - 22/3/10 at 10:34 AM

Sorry to hear that news Mark - hope you're sorted soon enough!

eddie99 - 22/3/10 at 10:39 AM

Sorry to hear of the news. Hope you manage to find another job quickly.

Fozzie - 22/3/10 at 12:40 PM

Not good news ....

Sorry to hear this Mark ...
I hope something turns up soon ...


l0rd - 22/3/10 at 12:45 PM

Sorry to hear that Mark

Chin up and something better will come along.

Dangle_kt - 22/3/10 at 01:05 PM

sad indeed, all the best getting something

carpmart - 22/3/10 at 01:41 PM

Every cloud has a silver lining!

Good luck with finding your next role!

02GF74 - 22/3/10 at 02:06 PM

bad luck

wilkingj - 22/3/10 at 02:44 PM

Sorry to hear.

My Mum used to say... When the Devil slams the door in your face, the Lord always leaves the little window open for you.
Not that I am a religeous type, but hope something turns up for you.

We are all thinking of you.

David Jenkins - 22/3/10 at 03:05 PM

Bad news...

...I guess that West Cornwall is not a good place to find work in your trade.

Steve Hignett - 22/3/10 at 03:56 PM

Hope you find something soon Mark, all the best!


JoelP - 22/3/10 at 07:20 PM

aye good luck mark.

Dont be disheartened though, there is lots of work out there, many companies are booming at the min. Just try to keep smiling in the face of the gloom.

Mark Allanson - 22/3/10 at 08:41 PM

Thanks for all the support - it does make a difference.

I got hold of the paint company reps today, they visit the bodyshops regularly, so I should find out who needs staff and who doesn't

Jobs in this trade usually go by word of mouth.

......or I could try and get a job teaching welding again