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Office Pranks
liam.mccaffrey - 19/5/10 at 04:38 PM

Can I have some suggestions for good natured/clever office pranks.

Been through the hiding stuff and messing with the computer stage. Need to up my game and do something different.

Anyone got anything?

mads - 19/5/10 at 04:44 PM

can you gain VNC access to other users computers and move the screen about etc whilst they are at their desk?

55ant - 19/5/10 at 04:44 PM

if you have plastic cups and a water fountain, fill up a fair few cups, place on victims desk, then staple them all together. then watch them get wet.

Glue phone handset to phone unit.

turn screen on computer upside down, cntrl, alt down arrow. (i think this is the best one to be honest.)

gottabedone - 19/5/10 at 04:45 PM

OKl to kick you off, how about..............

Tape the phone reciever down to the base

Turn the screens upside down if you're using XP (ctrl alt and arrow keys)


gottabedone - 19/5/10 at 04:46 PM

cant believe it ^^^ typed at the same time!!!

skinned knuckles - 19/5/10 at 04:46 PM

annoying pen game

cerbera - 19/5/10 at 04:48 PM

Small piee of cellotape across the phone mouthpiece.

Madinventions - 19/5/10 at 04:51 PM

Prise all of the keys off the keyboard and rearrange into an 'amusing' message.


UncleFista - 19/5/10 at 04:51 PM

"Print screen", hide all the icons then set the picture as his desktop wallpaper, then watch him clicking to no effect

fesycresy - 19/5/10 at 04:56 PM

The 'good natured' bit has me stumped

But I'll pm you a link that may give you the 'next level' idea

MikeRJ - 19/5/10 at 05:02 PM

Originally posted by gottabedone
Turn the screens upside down if you're using XP (ctrl alt and arrow keys)

Only works with some graphics cards.

Liam - 19/5/10 at 05:05 PM

Originally posted by UncleFista
"Print screen", hide all the icons then set the picture as his desktop wallpaper, then watch him clicking to no effect

Damnit - thought I'd invented that!! Excellent one.

Me and a colleague used to send those 'net send' messages over the network. Worked best on more senior colleagues. One of the best was informing the colleague (who was writing a report) to refrain from pressing the space bar for 30 minutes while the IT guy was clearing a network error. Can't remember the exact official sounding wording we used. Should have heard the language from our colleague directed at the IT suppot guy hee hee hee. We were soon told to stop using the net send function for jeuvanile purposes

Another great thing was to swap a couple of keys around on a keyboard but also having gone to the trouble of creating a custom windows keyboard layout so the swapped keys seeme to work correctly in their new position. Best for someone who can't type well so has to look at the keyboard but has enough familiarity with the corect layout by pure routine to have a feeling something is just wrong. We changed different keys over at different times over a fair period - really messed with them.

CNHSS1 - 19/5/10 at 05:07 PM

pour cress seeds and water into a keyboard (perf unplugged...) over a holiday, looks good when they arrive after the hols!

Liam - 19/5/10 at 05:10 PM

Originally posted by MikeRJ
Originally posted by gottabedone
Turn the screens upside down if you're using XP (ctrl alt and arrow keys)

Only works with some graphics cards.

A good extension/alternative to this is to create a powerpoint presentation consisting of one slide of a 'print screen' of the victim's desktop as it should be. and another slide with the desktop upside down. Then play the presentation full screen set to loop. Victim has a working mouse cursor and desktop looks normal. But every mouse click just flips the desktop upside down then back again by advancing the powerpoint presentation

[Edited on 19/5/10 by Liam]

beagley - 19/5/10 at 05:28 PM

I was always a fan of filling their office/cubicle with styrofoam peanuts. Or you can wrap everything in foil. Makes for some good laughs.

RichardK - 19/5/10 at 05:53 PM

Photocopy a screw loads of times then put the copies back in tray....
Don't let them put in a service call though

liam.mccaffrey - 19/5/10 at 05:55 PM

tried most of them already to be honest.
quite like the powerpoint one though. the thing is we all are now so paranoid about leaving our pc's un attended there is virtually no chance of actually being able to use my prankees pc

have to be careful about damaging anything or doing anything which could "affect productivity"

one of the best one i have heard of is to hide a wireless doorbell in someones office and then remotely remotely let it off at odd times. If its well hidden and, this example was behind a ceiling tile, it can provide fun for weeks. The chap in question went absolutely crazy mad and never worked out who was doing it or where the noise was coming from.

[Edited on 19/5/10 by liam.mccaffrey]

eznfrank - 19/5/10 at 05:57 PM

Colour the earpiece on their phone in with green highlighter.

Empty holepunch into their umbrella - slow burner that will brighten up you day in weeks/months to come.

Dangle_kt - 19/5/10 at 06:11 PM

fill his/her draw with the whole offices hole punch contents - you know those little white circles of paper?

Ala the office, set his/her stapler,hole punch, security pass in Jelly.

Buy a "sorry your leaving" card and get everyone to sign it (warning - let everyone know its for a joke!)

Irony - 19/5/10 at 06:13 PM

I left a post it on the desk of a girl in our office saying

A Mr C Lyons called. something about having received a parcel from us. Please call.

Then I left the number of Humberside Sea Lion Sancturary. She phoned the number and asked for Mr C Lyons and the woman said 'sorry he's down by the pool having his lunch'. That was when the office errupted with laughter.

eznfrank - 19/5/10 at 06:15 PM

Malteser where the mouse rollerball should be.

afj - 19/5/10 at 06:28 PM

i made everyones new work ID but replaced there picture with that of the most suitable characture from the simpsons

flibble - 19/5/10 at 06:33 PM


Mr C Lyons

^^ That one made me LOL, one to be remembered and used in the future methinks!

b16mts - 19/5/10 at 07:03 PM

We used to do soooo many names and the same woman got through about 5 of them over 6 months.

we did the c lyons,

a mr G Raff at chester zoo was another good one.

AndyW - 19/5/10 at 07:13 PM

we used to leave a message saying "liz" called and please call her back then put the phone number to Buckingham palace.....

MakeEverything - 19/5/10 at 07:17 PM

Funny, you lot. Im sitting here giggling like a school boy about the "Slow burner"!!! - especially as our umbrellas all fire open at the push of a button!!

Ive sellotaped the mouthpiece of the phone so that they think the phone is nackered.

Also, used to send Net Send messaged like "Im watching you..." and "System Error. Please delete some of your pornographic material. An error message has been sent."
Had hours of fun with that, but finding everyones correct IP address at Deutsche Bank was challenging!

My last day as an apprentice, the guys on site screwed my toolbox to the floor with 6" screws and painted all of my tools blue!! Not much fun in the office though.

How about dipping all of their pen nibs in olive oil? They will never work again!!

[Edited on 19-5-10 by MakeEverything]

SteveWalker - 19/5/10 at 07:31 PM

One guy left his car keys around and came back to find that the guys from the shopfloor had used his sunroof to fill the car to the top with polystyrene packing beads!

ChrisW - 19/5/10 at 08:48 PM

Years ago, you could do an escape code trick to change the message on the one-line screen on HP printers. Used to do that at college loads... 'Insert 10p' then sit back and watch a dumb teacher looking for the coin slot.

Another one (not that I've dared try it): buy one of those fake dog turds. Put it on the floor every day at every opportunity near someone's desk, then pretend it's absolutely hilarious when they spot it. Go really over the top, immature, point and laugh stuff. Fart spray works well too.

After a week of this, people will get fed up with it and start just picking it up and putting it back on your desk without even acknoweldging the joke, or muttering about how immature you are. At that point, switch to a real dog turd collected from the pavement

Another one from college. We all used to have metal flip top tins for pens, pencils, etc. One electronics lesson I soldered a mate's one shut. That upset him!


Vindi_andy - 19/5/10 at 09:00 PM

we have a remote control rat that we hide under desks and get the newbies just as they pull out the chair.

Mate of mine sent an email on my behalf now my surname is laws and he put my initial as K but didnt put a full stop so the woman who got the email asked for for Mr Klaws to which the reply was " sorry he only works 25th december"

To say she was not happy is an understatement

coozer - 19/5/10 at 09:02 PM

Make a note with TOSSER! written on it in big fonts then stick it in the Startup.

Then watch the next morning when they start up the pc

David Jenkins - 19/5/10 at 09:28 PM

These things are fun...


Makes a little noise - hardly audible - at random intervals. Stick it under a desk, or on top of the ceiling tiles, and drive people nuts!

l0rd - 19/5/10 at 09:46 PM

Stick a bolt under the chair where the hydraulic button for the height adjuster is.

Every time the sit on the chair it goes down and as soon as they stand up it goes back up.

Has made me laugh several times.

Get a wireless keyboard / mouse and stick it to the the poor person computer. When he uses his, you can start typing or moving the cursor as well and look at him go mad.

Has done that several times.

Never stopped laughing.

Also, pressing the shift button at the same time

Liam - 19/5/10 at 10:00 PM

Sometimes only full-scale* warfare will do...


* well, USB-scale

Ninehigh - 20/5/10 at 12:44 AM

Best one I ever wanted to do was the "long wait"
You know where your boss sends you for a long wait, only instead of being a mug you go for a looooonnng lunch

SteveWalker - 20/5/10 at 07:13 PM

Originally posted by Ninehigh
Best one I ever wanted to do was the "long wait"
You know where your boss sends you for a long wait, only instead of being a mug you go for a looooonnng lunch

Back in the days when my wife was a ward sister, she sent students off to ask on other wards to borrow a "case of endometriosis" (gynaelogical condition) or a "Bowmans capsule" (part of the kidney) and would then spend some time phoning from ward to ward telling them to get the student to wait and then send them on to the next one. It generally only came to an end when one of the other nurses asked the student, in a long suffering way, "did Tric McGuinness send you?"

coozer - 21/5/10 at 07:34 AM

There's plenty of green apprentice jokes...

"Go get me a bucket of steam from the stores"
"Go get me a tin of tartan paint from the stores"

A long stand for the gearbox....

Early in my life working at the NCB learning welding....

Steel toe caps 'warmed' up under the bench with the cutting torch.. and my particular favourite.... steel toes caps welded together/to the bench while the student was behind his mask up top...

iank - 21/5/10 at 07:45 AM

Originally posted by coozer
There's plenty of green apprentice jokes...

"Go get me a bucket of steam from the stores"
"Go get me a tin of tartan paint from the stores"

A long stand for the gearbox....

Early in my life working at the NCB learning welding....

Steel toe caps 'warmed' up under the bench with the cutting torch.. and my particular favourite.... steel toes caps welded together/to the bench while the student was behind his mask up top...

Bag of sparks for the grinder
Long weight
Long stand
Glass hammer
Left-handed paint roller
Left-handed/Right-handed/hard punch

David Jenkins - 21/5/10 at 07:59 AM

My sister-in-law is left-handed - one Christmas we bought her some left-handed scissors and a left-handed ruler (yes, they do exist).

Both were appreciated and are stll in regular use!

Ninehigh - 21/5/10 at 08:15 AM

Originally posted by iank
Originally posted by coozer
There's plenty of green apprentice jokes...

"Go get me a bucket of steam from the stores"
"Go get me a tin of tartan paint from the stores"

A long stand for the gearbox....

Early in my life working at the NCB learning welding....

Steel toe caps 'warmed' up under the bench with the cutting torch.. and my particular favourite.... steel toes caps welded together/to the bench while the student was behind his mask up top...

Bag of sparks for the grinder
Long weight
Long stand
Glass hammer
Left-handed paint roller
Left-handed/Right-handed/hard punch

Reminds me of Dom Joly going to a builder's yard for some Soggy Chimps, a 6ft barstud, a 2 by 4 by 3 by 6 by 1, and getting funny with them when they told him he was being wound up

Would link you the clip but channel 4 has blocked it...

Ninehigh - 1/6/10 at 08:56 PM

I've found a corker, use the autocorrect function on Word.

Replace something simple like "coffee" with "c*ck" or similar