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job offer
barrie sharp - 9/6/10 at 01:32 PM

Anyone looking for a Maintenance Managers job in Devon, just handed my notice in for a new job and they are advertising soon its here sorry dont know how to link
u2u me if interested

jimgiblett - 9/6/10 at 02:10 PM

You have u2u

motorcycle_mayhem - 9/6/10 at 07:57 PM

Any job would be great.

If you feel there is some correlation between managing a chemical laboratory, and skills that are required in your ex-position.... please U2U me. You're the best judge of that one, a PhD seems to be a great limiter for my 'acceptance' within the non-scientific job market.

While I'm here, if anyone else is moving on (jobwise) from somewhere in Cornwall (or even Devon), I am now somewhat desperate... being unemployed just isn't a good thing.

barrie sharp - 11/6/10 at 07:15 AM

Sorry i dont think there would anything to suit your skills except looking after the swimming pool (thats about the most there is to do with chemicals)
But they are a big employer and always have positions open for more run of the mill type jobs.
HR email address is or look at the web site.