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koiking125 - 30/8/10 at 07:31 PM

Anyone else at Cadwell this weekend see Josh Brooks flying over the mountain??

pdm - 30/8/10 at 07:34 PM

twice !! (only on telly though).

cant make my mind up - brave or mad ??

koiking125 - 30/8/10 at 07:38 PM

we watched him all weekend and wonder how many times he can do it without getting it wrong!!!

A1 - 30/8/10 at 10:40 PM

that guys mad. when knockhill was rained off, he appeared with a cannoe and took it onto the start/finish line.
really decent and an damn good rider!

RIE - 31/8/10 at 07:27 AM

He's a nutter, no question. I refer the jury to his move at the Hairpin at Mallory. Nutter.