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Motorcycles in Cycle Lanes - discuss
Hellfire - 8/10/10 at 02:36 PM

At the moment I believe Motorcycles are allowed to ride in Bus and Cycle lanes due to safety and to speed up the flow of traffic.

Despite many Cycle Authorities defending the Cycle Lane as being the only safe place in towns for Cycles to ride without being in fear. Basically wanting Motorcycles OUT of Cycle lanes.

Just wondering what the general consensus of LB Members regarding this?

I know this is as a loaded question, but how many cyclists actually directly contribute to many of the Road Taxes? Be it Insurance, RFL, Fuel etc etc... so why should they be dedicated their own lane?


Before you ask - I'm a Motorcyclist, though use a Cycle (off road typically) from time to time.


karlak - 8/10/10 at 02:43 PM

Crazy state of affairs,,,, Next thing you know Cyclists will not want to obey No Entry signs and Traffic Lights etc ...... Oh hang on they dont anyway ...........

My personal feeling is that cyclists will get their way. They are after-all saving the planet

[Edited on 8/10/10 by karlak]

whitestu - 8/10/10 at 02:48 PM

Speaking from experience of driving and riding in London, personally I think cycle lanes are dangerous for cycles and doubly dangerous if motorbikes are in there as well.

The standard of riders of both is dreadful and I'm surprised more aren't killed. Cycle lanes just encourage both to undertake in traffic exposing them to the risk of cars turning left and knocking them off.

I'm a bike and motorbike rider BTW.


Hellfire - 8/10/10 at 02:55 PM

To add insult to injury!!!



Richard Quinn - 8/10/10 at 03:02 PM

Originally posted by Hellfire
To add insult to injury!!!



Something like that appeared on a roundabout near our office. Apparently "it's to stop the headlights of vehicles on the roundabout dazzling those drivers waiting to enter the roundabout".
I've no idea what they are going to do to combat the potential issue of two cars approaching each other on the same stretch of road at night!!

adithorp - 8/10/10 at 03:42 PM

I'd have not problem with motorbikes in shared bus/cyle lanes. Far safer to share those with a m/bike than a bus. Dedicated cycle lanes are more difficult as they tend to be narrower and the relative speeds would mean constant lane changing by motorbikes and a lot of undertaking of cars if the traffic was slow enough for the m/bike to want to use them. Cycle paths (ie seperated from the roadway) are out of bounds to m/bikes Personally I hate these paths as they're poorly designed, too narrow to overtake with corners too tight and require constant stopping.

Most of my friends are cyclists and I can only think of one who doesn't own a car (but her partner does) so they all pay road fund licence. They just chose not to use what they've paid for sometimes and ride instead. I pay the tax on 4 vehicles yet am regularly told I've "no right cos you don't pay tax" remeber cyclist like pedestrians and horse riders have a "right" to use the road, cars and thier drivers no such "right" and have to be licenced to use the road.

As for going through red lights, I never do on my bike but see cars jumping them every day, just like thousands of them break the speed limit...

LCC are a pretty radical cyclist rights group and the behaviour by cyclists in London is terrible compared to most places in the UK; cycle couriers in particular.
The problem re m/bikes there is to do with the number of courier m/bikes using the bike lane in an inapropiate way.

Both cyclist and m/bike riders facing greater dangers than each other;Cars and trucks!


[Edited on 8/10/10 by adithorp]

matt_gsxr - 8/10/10 at 04:27 PM

Bus lanes here (Oxford) are used by buses, cycles, motorcycles, taxis, council vehicles, and anyone turning left who can't be bothered to queue.

A cyclist gets killed every year (crushed mostly) in bus lanes. Some of the bus drivers are very dangerous. Many of the cyclists have no ability, sense, or helmet. The motorcyclists are better than most (Darwinism I guess) although the moped riders are dodgy.

Regarding road tax. Most grown-up cyclists I know have a car, but many can't use it to commute because the roads are so clogged around here and their are insufficient carparks.

I'm sure London is worse, but its pretty rubbish for cars in Oxford.


MikeRJ - 8/10/10 at 04:45 PM

Originally posted by whitestu
Speaking from experience of driving and riding in London, personally I think cycle lanes are dangerous for cycles and doubly dangerous if motorbikes are in there as well.

The stats showed no increase in accidents when motorbikes started using cycle lanes in London (in fact a small drop). The London Cycling Campaign didn't like this one bit as it conflicted with all their doom mongering so they simply li ed about it.

^^ the gap in "lied" must be a forum bug, it's not present if I try to edit the post, but appears after it's been submitted?

[Edited on 8/10/10 by MikeRJ]

robocog - 8/10/10 at 05:09 PM

Not in Brighton you cant...


morcus - 8/10/10 at 06:33 PM

I don't have a motorcyle lisense and can't ride a push bike (Mostly phycological reasons) but I know alot of people who use both methods as their only mode of transport. For what it's worth I think Motorbikes in on road cycle lanes isn't dangerous and should be allowed.

I know alot of people who agree with Adithorp on the off road cycle lanes. My uncles Friend is a pro cyclist and has only be injured once on a bike and that was on a cross road on one of these lanes with no visability where he crashed into another cyclist. I think these lanes are dangerous to pedestrians because they tend to be put on foot paths and round here niether half is wide enough.

I don't see how anyone could think that the Bus/Cycle/Taxi/anyone apart from privately owned cars lanes is a sensible Idea. You end up with three or four kinds of vehicle that accelerate and travel at hugely different rates one of which frequently stops and starts, one of which tends to ignor most of the highway code.

I also think there are alot of on road cycle lanes that make things more dangerous for cyclists, those that are about 18" wide but actually on the road.

mediabloke - 8/10/10 at 10:39 PM

Like many others, I guess, combined bus & cycle lanes seem to me to be of little use to anyone other than bus operators. As a motorist, motorcyclist and cyclist, the thought of being obliged to under-take other vehicles on something small and narrow with 2 wheels but no engine sends a shiver down my spine...

Back to the OP: I have no problem with sharing road-space with other bikers (pedal or motor). Despite the inconsiderate road users of all types, there are some of us who take the safety of other road users of equal importance as our own. Compelling several lanes of unequally-sized vehicles to drive at unequal speeds makes no sense at all to me.

Perhaps the person who made the rule should be made to ride a bicycle along a busy bus/cycle lane for a month or 3...

adithorp - 9/10/10 at 08:10 AM

Originally posted by mediabloke
Like many others, I guess, combined bus & cycle lanes seem to me to be of little use to anyone other than bus operators. As a motorist, motorcyclist and cyclist, the thought of being obliged to under-take other vehicles on something small and narrow with 2 wheels but no engine sends a shiver down my spine...

Back to the OP: I have no problem with sharing road-space with other bikers (pedal or motor). Despite the inconsiderate road users of all types, there are some of us who take the safety of other road users of equal importance as our own. Compelling several lanes of unequally-sized vehicles to drive at unequal speeds makes no sense at all to me.

Perhaps the person who made the rule should be made to ride a bicycle along a busy bus/cycle lane for a month or 3...

Well said!

I'd add to the last bit that not only the rule makers should have to ride but so should the designers of these lanes.


Ninehigh - 9/10/10 at 08:31 AM

Cycle lanes get used? Most round where I've seen are about 4 foot long. I can p**s further than that! Hey I might even be able to cycle further.

If you're going to do cycle lanes have them done properly, motorcycle and bus lanes should be a separate thing. For starters bus lanes are long enough to be of use