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Some thieves have killed my mate ...
mark chandler - 11/10/10 at 10:34 PM


Scum were stealing from his barn, when he caught them they drove over him and left him to die in the driveway.... dragged at least a 100 yards, a good friend of mine found him when he went to work this morning.

Could at least of called an ambulance, bastards. He was a lovely bloke

Just goes to show, you have to be careful if you see them at it, better to take a photo and hide. Its rubbish.

NigeEss - 11/10/10 at 10:40 PM

Shizen..... I have no words to sum this up

nick205 - 11/10/10 at 10:51 PM

I really don't know what say other than how sad and how sickening

l0rd - 11/10/10 at 10:56 PM

I am realy sorry to hear that.

Our thoughts to him and his family.

Let's hope the police does find them.

slingshot2000 - 11/10/10 at 11:10 PM

Thoughts to family and friends left behind!

Hope any-one who knows anything lets the police know a.s.a.p. These scum need some proper punishment, a life for a life !

lewis - 12/10/10 at 06:33 AM

R.I.P. makes me sick

Agriv8 - 12/10/10 at 06:36 AM

word cant explain the sorrow. Poor chap left to die after protecting his business and likley livleyhood.

Horible horible horible

Hope the police find em

symapathies to all those affected.


Dangle_kt - 12/10/10 at 06:41 AM

Terrible news.

They deserve worse than they will undoubtably get.

Please pass our Condolences to the family for what it is worth.

jabbahutt - 12/10/10 at 06:57 AM

Truly horrific, my sincere condolences to his family. I cannot begin to imagine what a horrific shock this must of been to them.

ashg - 12/10/10 at 07:24 AM

i hope they catch the scum that did this and leave them to rot in jail.

speedyxjs - 12/10/10 at 07:34 AM

OMG! Im so sorry to hear that

I hope the bastards get caught and locked up though that is not enough of a punishment

hughpinder - 12/10/10 at 07:43 AM

I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope they are caught and sent down for a long time.


02GF74 - 12/10/10 at 08:01 AM

That is truly awful.

I hope the police find them and courts do ther job properly to mete out appropriate punishment.

boggle - 12/10/10 at 08:20 AM

thoughts to family and friends...

this is just horrendous....scum like this are cowardly enough to steal, then to knock him down and drive off! totally sickend....i really hope they die long torturous deaths.......scum....

MikeRJ - 12/10/10 at 08:34 AM

Horrible news RIP to your friend and I hope they catch the cowardly scum that did this.

jollygreengiant - 12/10/10 at 08:38 AM

My condolence's to Friends and especially Family.

I was reading about this in the Mail this morning. I am a great believer in true punshment for true crimnals. An eye for an eye etc. I hope that the police find them, ......


Bumble - 12/10/10 at 08:40 AM

Absolutely sickening........
Condolences to Family and Friends.

carpmart - 12/10/10 at 08:43 AM

Thats terrible!

marcjagman - 12/10/10 at 09:04 AM

Whatever happened to an Englishmans home is his castle? If you fight back the thieving B'stards can sue you and you get arrested for GBH, where's the justice? My son dragged a bloke of a woman, she was a real mess, sorted him out and mt lad got a 10 year suspended sentence. The judge said you should call 999 and let the police sort it out, if he had done that she would be dead. Who's the real criminals? Gripe over. A death from protecting your own is always a great tragedy, his family are in my thoughts and hope they get through this with time.

jossey - 12/10/10 at 09:18 AM

sorry to hear that.

change of law requires property owners to be able to defend their land in a more (effective manner)

my thoughts go out to his family and friends.

dave j

Richard Quinn - 12/10/10 at 09:30 AM

Speechless... !!
My thoughts go out to all, particularly family and friends.

TimC - 12/10/10 at 10:07 AM

That's terrible news!!! My thoughts are with his family and his mates, particularly the chap that found him.

I have a mate who was hit when trying to pen thieves into a compound where he worked. He was lucky and got away with a minor back injury.



joni - 12/10/10 at 10:32 AM

please bring back hanging for this scum who has done this

sorry to hear this R.I.P

scootz - 12/10/10 at 10:36 AM

Terrible news...

mookaloid - 12/10/10 at 11:14 AM

Surrey Dave - 12/10/10 at 11:45 AM


Really sorry for everyone involved, we are reaping what's been sown a generation with no morals ,no responsibility or respect

Hope they are caught, although part of the problem is that the punishment rarely matches the crime, 'cos even A**holes have rights, WHY DO THEY HAVE RIGHTS!?

Benzine - 12/10/10 at 12:28 PM


welderman - 12/10/10 at 12:39 PM

Very sad news indeed, thought go out to anyone involved


jacko - 12/10/10 at 04:16 PM

Very sad news
Lets hope the police get the scum

Simon - 12/10/10 at 04:37 PM


Sorry to hear about this. Shocking news.

As everyone else says, please pass on our condolences to the family.



mangogrooveworkshop - 4/1/11 at 10:26 PM

russbost - 4/1/11 at 10:44 PM

Truly, truly horrible - just don't know what to say .............

Marky911 - 5/1/11 at 02:06 AM

God! I've just seen this thread. Truly shocking.
At least they've got the scumbag, or at least one of them.
The future of this country sure looks bleak sometimes.