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come on England
spunky - 13/6/04 at 08:10 PM

Not that I give sh!t about football but just come back from a great blast on the bike.
The roads are empty....
Hope the boys go all the way...


I love speed :-P - 13/6/04 at 08:14 PM

footballs crap

JoelP - 13/6/04 at 08:24 PM

yep, it sucks eggs.

Dusty - 13/6/04 at 08:44 PM

Once again glorious defeat snatched from the jaws of victory.

spunky - 13/6/04 at 08:51 PM

Yep, looks like we wont have empty roads to play on for very long.


theconrodkid - 13/6/04 at 08:51 PM

footie is crap,only pitty is we were beaten by the french

tom_loughlin - 13/6/04 at 09:01 PM

gotta say i like footy, but the england fans are a bunch of arses (the minority giving the rest a bad name)

mandy69 - 13/6/04 at 09:50 PM

Total toilet is the only way to describe football.

locoboy - 13/6/04 at 10:12 PM

Its all a load of shite, the hype that surrounds it and the load of tossers that speil nutsack to the press about it are a waste of space.

The one thing that really gats me about UK sport in general is the number of excuses that can come up with.

one commentator said tonight,

" i cant understand what went wrong.... we played well for 90 minutes we didnt put a foot wrong and played a good game, was just our passing that let us down!" Wake up dipshit, isnt passing part of the game!

anyway rant over, hope they get stuffed and dont go through, cant be arsed with weeks of "elation, false hopes and the blame culture that surrounds it all.

Football should be downgraded from a religion back to a bloody sport

tadltd - 13/6/04 at 10:23 PM

I quite enjoyed it!

(Vive la France!)

stephen_gusterson - 13/6/04 at 10:33 PM

why such bad feelings?

80% of english would support the scots in a footie competition, whilst only 20% of scots would support the english.....



anyone that doestn support england thro the bad times is obviously not gonna take part in the celebrations IF (big if) they win....

spunky - 13/6/04 at 11:11 PM

It is strange how the Jocks always cheer for an English defeat. My allegiance is with England first but will gladly support Scotland, Wales and Ireland.
Would any of the Scotish members care to explain their behaviour...

As for football, I could probably enjoy it if it wasn't for the tribalistic bullshit and moronic supporters.
Never missed a match during the Rugby World Cup, now thats a sport....


Peteff - 13/6/04 at 11:11 PM

At least now we won't get the wankers (from the other thread) coming home from the pub at 1.30 banging on cars and chanting ENGERLUND like the idiots they are. I feel like following them home and waiting a couple of hours then doing the same to them, kin idiots. Pity they can't find something constructive for all that enthusiasm.

blueshift - 14/6/04 at 01:39 AM

I was having a lovely drive in the evening sun with the top down while the footy was on. remarkably laid back drivers on the m25, a21.. perhaps the wankers were all watching tv?

N*E*R*D - 14/6/04 at 09:17 AM

What is all this football LARK any how
the ball is the totaly wrong shape for a good kick around !
any way more important did any one see top gear much better to veiw and funny for the right reasons

[Edited on 14/6/04 by N*E*R*D]

ChrisW - 14/6/04 at 09:38 AM

Yeah, Top Gear is far better viewing. Pity it's not on for nearly a month due to BLOODY FOOTBALL CRAP!


JoelP - 14/6/04 at 05:01 PM

they had a 35 grand xjs on top gear!

Simon - 16/6/04 at 11:01 PM

"I quite enjoyed it!

(Vive la France!)"

Joke on Talk Sport (actually talk poo about football) with regard the current football competition:

What do you call a Scotman with a bottle of Champagne?




tadltd - 17/6/04 at 10:42 AM

Ooohhhh. Meow!

Have I touched a nerve?!

For the record, in a recent poll in the most popular tabloid in Scotland, over 60% asked said that they'd be supporting England in the Euro 2004 campaign.

All of 'em were then rounded up and sent to the nearest looney bin! (kidding, just kidding...)

The problem is that the louts AND the commentators (a minority) spoil it for everyone else who just wants to appreciate the football. You do get a bit sick fed up of the constant references to 1966, and the perpetual mentions of England during games that don't even involve them (Germany vs. Holland).

I was living in Essex during the 2002 World Cup and was actually pleased to see the country showing it's support for the team, with St George's flags hanging out windows and cars. There was a fun, party atmosphere surrounding the event, something that we're familiar with in Scotland when we're (rarely!) in a competition. THAT'S the kind of support England deserve, not the idiots that constantly spoil it for the rest.

Learning to take defeat graciously is not one of England's strong points, because they always expect to win every bloody tournament. The team is also over-criticised, and expectations of them are raised too high by the English media, fuelling the angst felt by the supporters.

Take the Scottish approach: chill out - enjoy the competition, be glad you're in it, and party - in victory or defeat! If you win party harder!!!

I'll raise a beer or two to Eng-er-land if they win it!

Good luck...

Peteff - 17/6/04 at 10:47 AM

It's nice to see all the patriots flying the flag for St. George, pity none of them thought to do it on St. Georges' Day though..

Hellfire - 17/6/04 at 11:15 AM

Too right Pete. Most English people celebrate St Patricks day more than St Georges.

theconrodkid - 17/6/04 at 11:26 AM

not allowed to celebrate st georges day as it upset some types

locoboy - 17/6/04 at 11:37 AM

I was fully behind the England team in the rugby world cup oce i realised that my home team Scotland were no longer a contender, its not a problem with supporting England that i have its a problem with football and all the bollox that surrounds it.

I mean wtf is David James doing when he states that he didnt save a blistering free kick because the referee was in the way - if i was the England manager and i heard him come out with that shite i would have slapped him about a bit...........its just bare faced inability to admit you were out done.

and to try to blame the FA for not providing him with video footage of Zidan's past free kicks, 2 points to make about that
1) He is a footballer - probably too thick to think to ask for it. 2) as the goal keeper surely its his responsibility to make sure he is up to speed on these things, its going to save his bacon in the end.

Its all a load or tripe, Rugby ........yes, Football game for over paid jessies who have their head up their own arse most of the time.

Simon - 17/6/04 at 09:26 PM

"Ooohhhh. Meow!

Have I touched a nerve?! "


Not in the slightest. You started it

Only been to Scotland once, but have every intention of returning. Quite stunning. Though sure like rest of UK, it has it's not so desirable parts!


"not allowed to celebrate st georges day as it upset some types ".

Well, they found the way in, I'm sure they coan find their way out



tadltd - 17/6/04 at 10:03 PM

Jeez - all I said was I enjoyed a game of football...

Oh, btw, well done to that team that beat Switzerland tonight. The 3rd goal was a cracker, just wish I could remember their name...

mad4x4 - 18/6/04 at 02:59 PM

You know that most statistics are made up - Where did some one get a figure of 60% of scots supporting England.. More likely that the scots will support any team playing England.

Although I did hear a good theory the other day..
" Lets support England through the Championship till they get to the final. It would be far better to see them crash and burn in the final than not make it pass qualiflying - Think of the Humiliation"

robinbastd - 18/6/04 at 09:52 PM

4x4, I'm puzzled by that theory. Surely the humiliation for coming second is far,far less than the humiliation of not qualifying at all.

undecided - 19/6/04 at 08:17 AM

Indeedly doodly Mr B'stard....but footie really is total shite........needs petrol to be worth doing/watching then most have too many wheels....only need two!