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Welcome back to the 80s :(
D Beddows - 10/11/10 at 05:18 PM

2 months of Tory government and we have riots again...... I understand the countrys problems but amazingly rich people telling us to tighten our belts is never going to go down well.....

jimmyjoebob - 10/11/10 at 05:25 PM

Yawn... so, the country's bankrupt after the Labour party leaves office. Ever get the feeling of deja vu?

coozer - 10/11/10 at 05:27 PM

Bring it on I say... they like our vote but don't listen.

flak monkey - 10/11/10 at 05:30 PM

Its about time people stood up for what they think is right. We are very good in this country at moaning and whinging when we dont like something, but people rarely get off their @rse and do something about it!

I dont agree with the riots, but peaceful protest never hurt.

chrsgrain - 10/11/10 at 05:31 PM

The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other peoples money to spend....

steve m - 10/11/10 at 05:42 PM

The French, although i dont agree with the tactics, brought there country tumbling down a couple of weeks ago
buy picketing/mild rioting, im not sure if they achieved anything, but it caused chaos


carpmart - 10/11/10 at 05:43 PM

Originally posted by chrsgrain
The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other peoples money to spend....


marcjagman - 10/11/10 at 07:01 PM

We're paying for what Maggie did many years ago when she sold of the nations assets. No car industry, no airline, all gas and electric is private or foriegn, no british rail etc. All seemed good at the time, but look at us now.

jacko - 10/11/10 at 07:55 PM

Originally posted by marcjagman
We're paying for what Maggie did many years ago when she sold of the nations assets. No car industry, no airline, all gas and electric is private or foriegn, no british rail etc. All seemed good at the time, but look at us now.


[Edited on 10/11/10 by jacko]

designer - 10/11/10 at 08:21 PM

"The French, although i dont agree with the tactics, brought there country tumbling down a couple of weeks ago
buy picketing/mild rioting, im not sure if they achieved anything, but it caused chaos"

I live in France and these strikes never effected anybody around where I am, and the French just sent in the troops to end them.

cliftyhanger - 10/11/10 at 08:46 PM

Originally posted by marcjagman
We're paying for what Maggie did many years ago when she sold of the nations assets. No car industry, no airline, all gas and electric is private or foriegn, no british rail etc. All seemed good at the time, but look at us now.

Thats nothing compared to what the last government sold off. It was more obvious, but now a huge amount of government buildings have been sold and leased back. That make sgood long-term sense. And all those PPP's marvelous, which I had a few quid to put into them, I would be set up for life (and my kids, and their kids) as it is we will be paying forever for the actual things that should belong to the people. Didn't agree with the utilities sell-off either, but they did fund my way through uni

scootz - 10/11/10 at 08:54 PM

... and what about our gold reserves? Broon flogged them!

cliftyhanger - 10/11/10 at 09:45 PM

Yep, another time when I wish I had some spare cash. Look how much th estuff was sold for, and what it would fetch today. Probably enough to keep the Ark Royal

T66 - 10/11/10 at 10:25 PM

Peaceful protest is a right of common law, it has a place in any democracy. No questions....

Bombarding, Assaulting , throwing Piss on on Police officers and wanton destruction has no place in any democracy.

To those who waved placards and the lawful want of students , then well done you acheived your purpose.

To the scum masked up, throwing fire extingushers off the 8th floor, who are not students, dont work, take benefits, and dont pay tax, Living in a squat...

You tainted decent kids making a political point. What a bunch of tw@ts.

Please feel free to call on me at any point, I will happily punch you all over my front garden.

Only in this half arsed country will you see cops standing taking shite, like only rentamob can hurl...

It will not happen anywhere else, I am disgusted at what Ive seen on the press this evening.

Please dont excuse any of those conducting themselves like that, anarchy is not funny nor is it lawful protest.

blakep82 - 11/11/10 at 01:47 AM

bloody students...
the govermant only raised the cap on what the unis can charge students, its the unis that increased the fees

besides, labour screwed the country, thats why these lot got in, because we didn't trust labour. its always the same. labour screw everything up, they get voted out, tory come in, nobody likes it because they're the bad guys that have to put taxes up to try and fix the country, people don't like it so labour get voted back in to screw it up again. hmmm

[Edited on 11/11/10 by blakep82]

norm007 - 11/11/10 at 08:08 AM

Originally posted by marcjagman
We're paying for what Maggie did many years ago when she sold of the nations assets. No car industry, no airline, all gas and electric is private or foriegn, no british rail etc. All seemed good at the time, but look at us now.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------

In your 1st line you say "what Maggie did many years ago".

Labour have had more than enough time to mend this, haven`t they???????

Our car industry f****d itself by being a crap, stuck in a time warp product, that was always on strike.

British Airways on strike, and don't start me on British Steel or Railways.

The only people who appear to have benefited under Labour are people on benefits.

I hope when Joe public is sick of having no money they moan about Tony Browns mistakes and not Maggies.

I am not a member of the Torie party, I am just somebody who cares passionately about our Great country, who gets his ar*e out of bed to got to work, and pay my due`s.

Sorry about the rant!!!!!!!!!!

jabbahutt - 11/11/10 at 08:19 AM

Nicely put Norm.

norm007 - 11/11/10 at 12:21 PM

Originally posted by jabbahutt
Nicely put Norm.

Thank you

Ninehigh - 13/11/10 at 12:01 AM

Originally posted by T66
To those who waved placards and the lawful want of students , then well done you acheived your purpose.

Did they? So my stepson won't be £30k in debt when he finished university because a few people waved a sign saying "we don't like it" so the government dropped the whole tuition fees thing?

Following this method why is fuel now £1.20 a litre, seeing as we (the nation) protested that 85p was too much...

Unfortunately I have to agree with the mild rioting. Moan and nothing happens, tell your MP and nothing happens, go down there and tell them it's b****cks and they do nothing. Smash a few windows and set fire to an oil drum in the middle of the street and you might get your point across if it's on their way home...

scootz - 13/11/10 at 09:45 AM

We have too many students and offer too many useless degree courses.

norm007 - 13/11/10 at 12:25 PM

We have too many students and offer too many useless degree courses.


RK - 13/11/10 at 04:01 PM

It is going to be all part of the "public risk, private profit" modus operandi that "Conservative" governments are so good at. Not just where you live. You have to ask whose friends are going to profit from all this.

Re. M. Thatcher's days: why could the government not have brought those affected industries up to modern standards? Why give it away to foreign interests? I for one, rode Brit Rail quite a bit at one time, and I can say it worked well.

02GF74 - 13/11/10 at 07:28 PM

Originally posted by RK
It is going to be all part of the "public risk, private profit" modus operandi that "Conservative" governments are so good at. Not just where you live. You have to ask whose friends are going to profit from all this.

Re. M. Thatcher's days: why could the government not have brought those affected industries up to modern standards? Why give it away to foreign interests? I for one, rode Brit Rail quite a bit at one time, and I can say it worked well.

we didn't buy BL cars because they were shit. why weren't they shit? Because BL did not make enough money in order to invset becasue of poeple not buing them.. we didn't buy BL cars because they were shit. why weren't they shit? Because BL did not make enough money in order to invset becasue of poeple not buing them..

ok, maybe an over simplification. govenrmoent plough tax payers money? where is come from, increased taxes. handsup thos who would liketo pay 50% more tax to fund that?

it's a no win situation really.

basicallly we are doomed.

RK - 13/11/10 at 07:52 PM

Your country will survive this, as it survived a lot of other issues over time. The government can do the necessary cuts without gutting the forests etc. IF it plans properly and doesn't panic.

Ninehigh - 14/11/10 at 12:44 AM

Originally posted by scootz
We have too many students and offer too many useless degree courses.

scootz - 14/11/10 at 09:37 AM

Originally posted by Ninehigh
Originally posted by scootz
We have too many students and offer too many useless degree courses.