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Hernia...anyone had one?
Alan B - 30/11/10 at 06:30 PM

I suspect I may have one...are they fun?...or as I'm beginning to find out, probably not.

Happy stories are most welcome...........unhappy ones, less so...

So for all of you with a hernia story to share now is your big chance.


flak monkey - 30/11/10 at 06:34 PM

No big deal, fixed with day surgery these days. Assumin its only a minor one.

You cant do any heavy lifting for 6 weeks after the op, and you arent meant to drive for 3.


Alan B - 30/11/10 at 06:36 PM


Sounds good...cheers for the rapid input.

You don't think lifting the front of my car onto blocks by hand could have done it do you?....


[Edited on 30/11/10 by Alan B]

stevetzoid - 30/11/10 at 06:50 PM

Hi, I had mine fixed with key hole surgery, the fix was ok, my lad has just had his done, it is usually a piece of cake but you must take it easy and listen to there advise, defo no heavy lifting, that's how I got mine up the gym!!.
Excuse to have a couple of weeks of work and get someone to look after you.

Regards Steve Evans. Locost 39.

stevec - 30/11/10 at 06:54 PM

I had one about 5 years ago, the cutter described it as a big one.
It was a bit uncomfortable for a week or so especially getting to a sitting position. Also got a bit of a infection in the stitches which I tend to with dissolving ones. If it starts sticking out before you get your op try lying on your back for a while and it will probably go back in.
Good luck with it.

zilspeed - 30/11/10 at 06:55 PM

A friend of mine had a hernia op done.

The surgeon was a bonzer Aussie bloke who remarked quite matter of fact.

"Yer missus will have to go top jockey for a while mate, just to let it heal."

Sound advice, I would think.

BenB - 30/11/10 at 06:58 PM

They're nothing to worry about. Very straight forward, I must refer at least a couple a month to have them "done". Some nowadays are done via keyhole surgery. Small incision, quick recovery etc. You just won't be able to start bench-pressing Pintos for a few weeks afterwards.

I read a very amusing article in Practical Classics where this one bloke had three during the course of a single car renovation He kept on having to having breaks from the build to have a little operation. Poor thing. Car turned out nice though!

Alan B - 30/11/10 at 06:59 PM

Originally posted by zilspeed

"Yer missus will have to go top jockey for a while mate, just to let it heal."

Sound advice, I would think.

Now that's the kind of practical advice I'm looking for......

Thanks everyone...

nick205 - 30/11/10 at 07:09 PM

Work pal is currently on 3 weeks holiday after having one done last week. He reports minor discomfort post op, but nothing more than a dull ache, easily sorted with pain killers. Biggest problem is not being able to drive/lift means he's bored stiff.

nick205 - 30/11/10 at 07:10 PM

Originally posted by Alan B
Originally posted by zilspeed

"Yer missus will have to go top jockey for a while mate, just to let it heal."

Sound advice, I would think.

Now that's the kind of practical advice I'm looking for......

Thanks everyone...


Just passed that on to the above mentioned work pal who will appreciate the advice I'm sure.

T66 - 30/11/10 at 07:12 PM

Many years ago as a young Cop I was sent to a report of a drunk lying on the footpath outside the local takeaway.

When I got there, turned out it was a elderly chap with a double hernia, and he had decided not to wear his truss when he went out for a pint.

He was far from drunk, and was cursing himself for not putting the truss on.

For some reason I asked if there was anything I could do for him, anyway he told me the relief would be instant if he could get them back in (a doubler) . He had both hands down his pants and was pushing but failing to put them back in, I ended up kneeling on the guys hands to pop them back in.

Bearing in mind its winter and I am wearing a Dixon of Dock Green Police greatcoat, and I am kneeling on this old fellas nutsack , it must of looked a bit strange.

Anyway after a couple of goes, I popped the old mans hernias back in, much to his relief.

I got a car to take him home.....

A true story.

jacko - 30/11/10 at 07:23 PM

Originally posted by flak monkey
No big deal, fixed with day surgery these days. Assumin its only a minor one.

You cant do any heavy lifting for 6 weeks after the op, and you arent meant to drive for 3.


Spot on David
I had mine repaired just over a year ago November 5th
went in hospital at 1pm back home by 5pm
Just take it easy and get board watching all the repeats on sky tv i was off work 6 weeks
O and good luck

[Edited on 30/11/10 by jacko]

jacko - 30/11/10 at 07:31 PM
this is from when i had mine

[Edited on 30/11/10 by jacko]

cs3tcr - 30/11/10 at 07:49 PM

I had an Inguinal hernia for a number of years before i got it fixed. Didnt hurt having it, but the doc suggested the "open" surgery rather than the "scope". The first couple days of recovery were painful, but then as most said, just a dull pain. A friend of mine had the "scope" and he was out having pints with us within a couple days. I had to wait about a week. Oh, one more thing, try to avoid dusty areas or anything that might make you sneeze.

sonic - 30/11/10 at 08:49 PM

Well i must have missed a chance for a chill out!!!

I had a double hernia op by keyhole surgery at Anlaby private hospital near Hull in 2002

I went in at dinner time on the Friday and i was sat eating a bag of crisps at 10 pm on the same day!

Went back to work on the Monday morning and had a check up the following Wednesday,no pain or anything and when i said to the surgeon do i need to take it easy he said just get on with your life and gave me a video of the whole operation which shows everything they do inside!
I cannot watch it,it makes me feel wierd!! wifes watched it and said it was amazing.

I wasnt advised to not drive or anything and never bothered about lifting anything,he did say if it is done by regular surgery it would have been done one side at a time and upto six weeks off for both ops.

Never had any problems since.

jacko - 2/12/10 at 09:46 PM

Originally posted by sonic
Well i must have missed a chance for a chill out!!!

I had a double hernia op by keyhole surgery at Anlaby private hospital near Hull in 2002

I went in at dinner time on the Friday and i was sat eating a bag of crisps at 10 pm on the same day!

Went back to work on the Monday morning and had a check up the following Wednesday,no pain or anything and when i said to the surgeon do i need to take it easy he said just get on with your life and gave me a video of the whole operation which shows everything they do inside!
I cannot watch it,it makes me feel wierd!! wifes watched it and said it was amazing.

I wasnt advised to not drive or anything and never bothered about lifting anything,he did say if it is done by regular surgery it would have been done one side at a time and upto six weeks off for both ops.

Never had any problems since.

Mick you are hard as nails
i was told not to drive due to the pressure you would have to put on the brake in a emergency stop