Hurry Hurry there will be a mad rush,typical of the gov.........price now £30
I seem to have got one off the internet, don't know how it happened, it just ended up on my computer, of course I deleted it without reading it, wouldn't want to upset the queen or anything!!!!
On the internet?!!! Property of HMG being bartered in that filthy environment of pornography and depravity. As a loyal servant of Her Majesty I demand
to be told the location of the offending material now so I can root out the source and expunge it!
Or something...
009 "For England James?"
007 "No, for me!"
009 Splat!
Always useful to know what we're gonna have to con the SVA examiners with....
I can't really remember, i think it was just after I'd looked at
but I could be wrong, as i said i deleted it without looking as a loyal subject of the queen it would be wrong to print it off
SVA, wots SVA mean, tell please
Ring it,you know it makes sense.
Well Jon,
For those of us who are not building Carlton Commando's with toy engines, it is the nasty road fairy who decides whether we can play on the highways
Ah, i understand now, S = slow V= vechile,
A = a car engine, is that it, have i got it rite ? wots rong we mi carlton anyway ?
Ruddy hell i'm scared now.
Suppose i'd better actually do something!
Yes Bob,
Check a couple of my online chapters!
OK chris
Which chapters
Not the short ones Bob!
How about seat belts and tyres?
Hang on mate there is an easy way around this.
My manual is the Dec 2000 issue.
So there have been no ammendments,it was just out of print.
The trouble is Bob that I haven't copied it from the book, no that would be naughty, it's been typed twice by people with fingers like pigs tits, and
the odd error may have crept in, see?
Dammit,so i really have got to read it.
I've read Seats section 5 and cant find anything wrong there.
Although it is easier to read the book than screen for me,as i'm a bit dislexic.
I only found this out recently after attending a TOGA party dressed as a GOAT.