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Great car if you like cr#p
mangogrooveworkshop - 26/6/04 at 10:46 PM


If you ever bought a lemon or Friday car you will love this........The brakes decided not to work on the first one when my 18 year old daughter was going down a highway at 70 miles a hour. She tried to turn to the left and the car went to the right cause her to loose control. Then the brakes decided to work and locked up causing her to go totally out of control, spinning and finally ending up in a ditch after hitting 2 trees head on and guess what!!!! the air bags did not work either.

I would never put my kid in one!

[Edited on 26-6-04 by mangogrooveworkshop]

[Edited on 26-6-04 by mangogrooveworkshop]

N*E*R*D - 27/6/04 at 12:55 PM

iReally agree with that page they are sh#t
Do not buy one.
They tried to get me one as a company car but after driving work colleges 4 month old
It did not respond to the throttle it seamed to have marsh mallow instead of suspension and a lose steering wheel oh yeh and UN reliable brake pressure and feed back

save yourself don't do it


Peteff - 27/6/04 at 01:17 PM

I've just found the insanity test on there, been looking for it for ages as it had moved. Nowt to do with kia but never mind.