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How to clean oil off the road ?
NigeEss - 29/1/11 at 08:09 PM

Coming in this morning, past the house, turn at end of road so as to face the right way
on the street (aren't I a good boy). During said turn I hear a single loud pop, stopped,
heard no more, all seemed fine so carries on. Pulls up out side the house, get out and
have look to see the cause of the noise and see PAS fluid pi$$ing out of the car.

By the time I got a tray there's a puddle 18" wide under the car and it's running down the

There's also a continuous trail of oil 2" wide 50 yards long to another large puddle at the

Mopped as much as I can with towels and cat litter but how to deal with the mess ?

Don't want to use Jizer as it always leaves a slippy surface till dried ( a while at this current
temperature) and besides, my hose aint long enough.

skodaman - 29/1/11 at 08:14 PM

Throw cement (powder not mixed) on it, let it soak it in then brush off.

britishtrident - 29/1/11 at 08:21 PM

Kitty Litter to soak up the bulk followed by Washing Powder work it in dry, followed by more soap powder which you wash off.

Cement dust is fine for racing circuits but at this time of year it is likely to get damp and turn into a soggy mess

[Edited on 29/1/11 by britishtrident]

iscmatt - 29/1/11 at 10:45 PM

dust it with cement powder, if it turns into sludge you've used too much!