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Top Gear Racism
T66 - 3/2/11 at 11:08 AM

Well doesnt this just sum up British Law ! Another futile pointless case, brought to court by someone exploiting a no win no fee basis...

Only people to win are the barristers, only losers are the British taxpayers who have to buy a TV licence.

prawnabie - 3/2/11 at 11:10 AM

They must of budgeted for this as it is obvious by airing the show this would be the outcome.

Ivan - 3/2/11 at 11:24 AM

Another case of political correctness gone crazy - do they really think that anything those three say has any credibility whatsoever?

Its only a comedy show with some nice cars after all.

scootz - 3/2/11 at 11:36 AM

What surprises me most is that the animal rights groups haven't had a go at them for harassing the sheep using motorbikes...

Confused but excited. - 3/2/11 at 11:37 AM

Have you noticed it's only caucasians that are accused of racism?
Do any of you object to being called 'a Brit', or object to being described as having a stiff upper lip?
I wish those Belgian kiddy fiddlers would stick to making chocolate stop telling us all what to do.

Strontium Dog - 3/2/11 at 11:39 AM

I think that people often miss that Top Gear takes an intentional poke at the absurd PC we are forced to endure. I hope they win the case and we are allowed Free Speach once again without fear of offending some ignorant oaf from this or any other country!

Oh god, what have I said I'm gonna be in trouble? And now I've mentioned a god too, it just gets worse

blakep82 - 3/2/11 at 11:42 AM

wasn't a lot of what the aussies said classed as racist? i thought it was funny, not going to take them to court over it though

daviep - 3/2/11 at 12:01 PM

Originally posted by Confused but excited.
Have you noticed it's only caucasians that are accused of racism?
Do any of you object to being called 'a Brit',

I'd prefer Scottish

jabbahutt - 3/2/11 at 12:04 PM

Why is the Aussies managed to see the joke in arriving in a prison van thereby implying that all Australians are criminals yet the Mexican comments cause uproar?

Throw the case out as a waste of time and free up court time to hear proper cases of a criminal nature. Free speech only seems to apply to certain elements of this country but if in the silent majority don't dare say anything.

balidey - 3/2/11 at 12:04 PM


The Mexican Ambassador has complained to the BBC about comments on Top Gear. Richard Hammond is accused of calling Mexicans lazy. Mr Eduardo Medina Mora, 54, said that he saw the show live on Sunday and rang to complain as soon as he woke up on Tuesday afternoon.

eddie99 - 3/2/11 at 12:20 PM

Lol woke up on tuesday morning hahahaha

Richard Quinn - 3/2/11 at 12:34 PM

Brought about by a 30 year old Mexican student... I rest my case m'Lud. If she'd been awake and conscientous she would've graduated with the rest of her class when she was 21! (and being a 30 year old Mexican, I'll bet she has a moustache too!)

No, I'm not racist - I'm just trying to be a little bit funny, a bit like TG.

Anyway, Englishman, Scotsman and an Irish man walk into a bar...

A1 - 3/2/11 at 12:52 PM

one second I cant stop laughing...

she should be told where to go.

loggyboy - 3/2/11 at 01:09 PM

99% of comedians would be facing lawsuits if a judge took this case seriously.

Defo needs to be a simple appology from TG and move on. (of course the appology will be backhanded with another stab at the mexicans.)

They have made it far worse by complaining, if they had ignored it, it would just be another TG joke that would rarely be reported.

Peteff - 3/2/11 at 01:23 PM

Originally posted by Richard Quinn
No, I'm not racist - I'm just trying to be a little bit funny, a bit like TG.

Anyway, Englishman, Scotsman and an Irish man walk into a bar...

And the landlord says, "Is this a joke or something?"

Got to go now, sheep to shag and all that you know

edit to add:- don't mention the drug wars it's the year of the tourist this year.

[Edited on 3/2/11 by Peteff]

tegwin - 3/2/11 at 02:34 PM

To be fair, the mexicans dont help them selves though do they.....

All of their films etc you see feckless mexicans asleep under cactasus etc....

Peteff - 3/2/11 at 02:51 PM

Originally posted by tegwin
To be fair, the mexicans dont help them selves though do they.....

All of their films etc you see feckless mexicans asleep under cactasus etc....

But why are they feckless, 'cos America stole all their feck. I think that should be cacti there.

The Venom Project - 3/2/11 at 02:55 PM

Originally posted by Richard Quinn
Brought about by a 30 year old Mexican student... I rest my case m'Lud. If she'd been awake and conscientous she would've graduated with the rest of her class when she was 21! (and being a 30 year old Mexican, I'll bet she has a moustache too!)

No, I'm not racist - I'm just trying to be a little bit funny, a bit like TG.

Anyway, Englishman, Scotsman and an Irish man walk into a bar...

I'm not racist either, I just hate everyone :-)

This is the problem with all these bloody imigrants, just in this country to get free accomodation, free health care, our jobs, they generally put nothing back into the country, the send there money home to allow more of them back into the good old Slack Arse UK, (Come in, we feed you, we look after you)

I think there is no other country that it is so easy to gain entry to.

Great my Arse!


DaveFJ - 3/2/11 at 02:57 PM

Feckless, lazy pot-noodle eating students.......

James - 3/2/11 at 03:49 PM

Originally posted by The Venom Project
Originally posted by Richard Quinn
Brought about by a 30 year old Mexican student... I rest my case m'Lud. If she'd been awake and conscientous she would've graduated with the rest of her class when she was 21! (and being a 30 year old Mexican, I'll bet she has a moustache too!)

No, I'm not racist - I'm just trying to be a little bit funny, a bit like TG.

Anyway, Englishman, Scotsman and an Irish man walk into a bar...

I'm not racist either, I just hate everyone :-)

This is the problem with all these bloody imigrants, just in this country to get free accomodation, free health care, our jobs, they generally put nothing back into the country, the send there money home to allow more of them back into the good old Slack Arse UK, (Come in, we feed you, we look after you)

I think there is no other country that it is so easy to gain entry to.

Great my Arse!


A Mexican student will have paid the uni and absolute fortune to be there!!!

Our uni make more money from selling places to foreigners than practically anything else. Money that the UK tax payer would have had to fund otherwise.


r1_pete - 3/2/11 at 03:56 PM

A Mexican student will have paid the uni and absolute fortune to be there!!!

Our uni make more money from selling places to foreigners than practically anything else. Money that the UK tax payer would have had to fund otherwise.


and so they fekkin should, the price should include an air fare home too.

daviep - 3/2/11 at 04:04 PM

Originally posted by The Venom Project
Originally posted by Richard Quinn
Brought about by a 30 year old Mexican student... I rest my case m'Lud. If she'd been awake and conscientous she would've graduated with the rest of her class when she was 21! (and being a 30 year old Mexican, I'll bet she has a moustache too!)

No, I'm not racist - I'm just trying to be a little bit funny, a bit like TG.

Anyway, Englishman, Scotsman and an Irish man walk into a bar...

I'm not racist either, I just hate everyone :-)

This is the problem with all these bloody imigrants, just in this country to get free accomodation, free health care, our jobs, they generally put nothing back into the country, the send there money home to allow more of them back into the good old Slack Arse UK, (Come in, we feed you, we look after you)

I think there is no other country that it is so easy to gain entry to.

Great my Arse!


Take a look in the mirror (as a nation) we created this situation, point 3 is the key - they come and do our jobs. Now why are they able to come and do "our" jobs when there is so much unemployment, that would probably be because we won't get off our arses and do them ourselves. Now the fact that they have taken our jobs invalidates points 1,2 &4 because they are now (hopefully) contributing to the tax/NI system and seeing as they now live and work here they probably contribute to our economy by buying clothes, food and fuel.

On what basis do you believe that there is no country so easy to gain access to? Is this through personal experience or do you read the sun


Confused but excited. - 3/2/11 at 05:15 PM

Originally posted by r1_pete
A Mexican student will have paid the uni and absolute fortune to be there!!!

Our uni make more money from selling places to foreigners than practically anything else. Money that the UK tax payer would have had to fund otherwise.


and so they fekkin should, the price should include an air fare home too.

So, it's the universities that are to blame for unemployment.
They teach modern technology to 'Third World Nationals' (that's me being PC that is) so that they can start companies in their own country, pay carp wages (ie a fish head) and undercut our manufacturers.
And to think, I have been blaming the banks.

Humbug - 3/2/11 at 06:08 PM

Just a wee bit off topic, but doesn't "racism" relate to race? Nationality isn't the same as race. If you slag off the French, you may be done for something, but it would be something like xenophobia (unless you were also slagging off French people of a certain race).

A1 - 3/2/11 at 06:10 PM

we did invite them all over, but i know for a fact that a lot of them dont pay tax, bills etc and screw the system any way they can. almost every one i know sends money home.

and yea, theres a lot of lazy people from here that do nothing, but do we really need to add to that?


ps, i appreciate that up here we have it a hell of a lot better than england do. but still, maybe this bloody wind will blow a few away

[Edited on 3/2/11 by A1]

scootz - 3/2/11 at 06:15 PM

Originally posted by Humbug
Just a wee bit off topic, but doesn't "racism" relate to race? Nationality isn't the same as race. If you slag off the French, you may be done for something, but it would be something like xenophobia (unless you were also slagging off French people of a certain race).

True... technically there is only ONE race. The Human Race!

We are then broken down into ethnicities.

Ninehigh - 4/2/11 at 08:15 PM

Originally posted by Richard Quinn
Brought about by a 30 year old Mexican student... I rest my case m'Lud. If she'd been awake and conscientous she would've graduated with the rest of her class when she was 21!

Would help if she was actually studying jewellery design (or maybe something that would get her a job?) instead of watching telly....

I take it when she wins this case (ahem) she's then going to use the winnings to sue half of the US for perpetuating the stereotype (which incidentally hasn't been pulled out of someone's backside)

scootz - 6/2/11 at 09:08 AM

Steve Coogan sums it up rather well... Linky

flak monkey - 6/2/11 at 11:04 AM

Jeez there are some biggoted views on here....

The majority of 'britons' are immigrants at some point in their recent past, certainly in the last 300 years.

Remember that while people are free to move around within the EU you have every right to move to Poland as much as they have the right to move here. And contrary to popular belief they cant just walk in and end up on benefits, thats a story much pulicised by the Daily Mail, but simply isnt true. Trouble is a lot of people believe it and it generates a bad attitude towards migrant workers. The tabloid media have a lot to answer for in the general state and poor attitude of a large majority of the UK population.

What makes me laugh even more is the fact that people say 'I am fed up with this country letting people in and taking our jobs etc etc' closely followed by the statement 'if i get the chance I am leaving to live in france/spain etc etc' oh the irony!

If the UK population werent so lazy there wouldnt be any jobs for those 'damned foreign johnnys' to take. There are plenty of service jobs, farm work etc etc that the brits seem to think is above them. So guess what, other people come in and fill those jobs while unemployment of brits rises.

Around here we have lots of Polish and Lithuanians come over just for the farming season. They come over, earn a damned good wage, then go back home during the winter. Not one farmer I have spoken to can say a bad word about them. They get paid a little more than minimum wage and work at twice as hard as brit farm labourers would for the same money. Sadly thats how it is.

I would wager a large sum of money that the number of UK born citizens on benefits and generally sponging off the system outweighs the number for other EU nationals by at least 500 to 1.

Racist? Not in the slightest. My biggest dislike is normally the UK population, specifically the portion made up of chavs and spongers who live their whole lives off my tax money.

As for foreign students in universities, our uni system would be literally nothing without them. Most come over and pay upwards of £15k per year to study here, and when finished go back to their own country and become successful in their own right. They contribute more to the system in terms of funding than UK students ever will. Funny enough they tend to be the ones etting the best grades too. What does that tell you about their attitude to work?

Anyway rant over, off to decorate....

scootz - 6/2/11 at 11:21 AM

Well said that man!

Richard Quinn - 6/2/11 at 12:37 PM

Originally posted by flak monkey
Jeez there are some biggoted views on here....

Ohh, come on! She started it by moaning about TG!
As stated earlier, I am not racist in the slightest. I just take issue with exploitation of the system whether it is by UK "citizens" or foreign nationals. I earn a comfortable salary and pay a large amount of tax. My kids are both working, I visit the doctor on average once per year and even my dentist has now gone private. I also seem to have a "pay as you go" arrangement for any interaction with the Police force!
At least our industry is trying to enforce a fully "cards in" approach where it doesn't matter who you employ providing they are legally entitled to be here and are competent to do the job. However, they must be fully on the books and a proper employee. This is to try to ensure that there is no exploitation and that positions are offered to the most suitable candidate rather than the cheapest.

ETA: Do you reckon anyone checked whether she had a TV licence?

[Edited on 6/2/11 by Richard Quinn]

mistergrumpy - 6/2/11 at 12:56 PM

Well said Flak

Confused but excited. - 6/2/11 at 01:28 PM

Originally posted by Confused but excited.
Originally posted by r1_pete
A Mexican student will have paid the uni and absolute fortune to be there!!!

Our uni make more money from selling places to foreigners than practically anything else. Money that the UK tax payer would have had to fund otherwise.


and so they fekkin should, the price should include an air fare home too.

So, it's the universities that are to blame for unemployment.
They teach modern technology to 'Third World Nationals' (that's me being PC that is) so that they can start companies in their own country, pay carp wages (ie a fish head) and undercut our manufacturers.
And to think, I have been blaming the banks.

Doh! I forgot to add the smiley face to show this to be taken lightly.

Richard Quinn - 6/2/11 at 02:08 PM

I think quite a bit of this is tongue in cheek

David Jenkins - 6/2/11 at 02:40 PM

Originally posted by Richard Quinn
Originally posted by flak monkey
Jeez there are some biggoted views on here....

Ohh, come on! She started it by moaning about TG!

Actually... I'm with Flak on this one...

I see a lot of east Europeans at my local station (it's the nearest to Harwich ferry) and I know they've all been working their socks off in fields somewhere in east anglia. Those jobs have been available to british workers - if they'd been willing to do them.

I also read a report in london's Evening Standard last year, where a plumbing company's boss said that he was happy to take east european plumbers - they did a good job, worked all the hours needed, AND got full pay rates equal to whatever the equivalent british worker would have got.

[Edited on 6/2/11 by David Jenkins]

Ninehigh - 6/2/11 at 09:08 PM

I hope I speak for everyone on here when I say I find nothing wrong with a little casual racism (these people should go back and watch "Allo Allo", they have a poke at the French, Germans, English and Italians and it's all coming from each other) when in reality there are three kinds of people: Friends (and family), people you don't know and people who need a smack.

I've met people from a whole bunch of nations and if I was to have regular contact with them they'd fall from the middle category to the other two, completely independant of nationality

blakep82 - 6/2/11 at 09:22 PM

Originally posted by flak monkey
Anyway rant over, off to decorate....

i hear the poles are pretty good at that

Peteff - 6/2/11 at 11:33 PM

You wouldn't set an Italian electrician on though would you?

owelly - 7/2/11 at 12:01 AM

My views on immigration did a complete u-turn after a visit to Bradford Industrial Museum! I would say it's pronounced 'Bratfut' but that may cause offence so I won't. At the museum there was an exhibition which told the history of the rag trade and how the area was inundated with immigrants. The exhibition contained loads of newspaper cuttings, census data, factory ledgers and more importantly, the jobs that were available to the immigrants. Jobs that the locals were not prepared to do so were happy to let the 'underclass' carry out. The examples that immediately spring to mind were the bus drivers, street cleaners and any work carried out during unsociable hours. The museum put together a good insight to what why and where and opened my eyes.
I still don't like the idea of the Eastern Europeans coming over here to rob me but I'm not entirely happy with locals doing it either.

Top Gear is making these remarks because they like the attention. I watch it because it's funny and I'd like to do a job like thiers. Getting paid for titting about sounds good. A bit like putting a wooly hat wearing old man in a bath on wheels and pushing it down a hill. Or is that a different programme?

MikeRJ - 7/2/11 at 01:13 AM

Time for the BBC to start trawling Mexican TV archives to see if anybody dared to make a joke about Britons

DarrenW - 7/2/11 at 02:21 PM

Fantastic bit of marketing by the beeb. It would have cost mega bucks if they had to pay for all of the free advertising they have had.

MikeRJ - 7/2/11 at 05:16 PM

Originally posted by DarrenW
Fantastic bit of marketing by the beeb. It would have cost mega bucks if they had to pay for all of the free advertising they have had.

Very true. I did wonder if Coogan was either doing it as a joke, or just to get himself a bit of exposure as surely he knows that this kind of thing is playing straight into Clarksons hands?

Look like a few other "comedians" have jumped on the bandwagon

[Edited on 7/2/11 by MikeRJ]