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Japan earthquake - scary statistics...
David Jenkins - 11/3/11 at 09:46 PM

Apart from the horrendous videos and pictures, I've just read this bit of info...

The US Geological Survey is reporting that the coast of Japan has shifted 8 feet (2.4m) because of the earthquake in Japan. The Earth's axis has reportedly been shifted 10 inches too.

That's just scary!

(I have a nephew in Tokyo, with Japanese wife and child - awaiting news from my brother... )

JoelP - 11/3/11 at 09:51 PM

scary stuff- just heard it was 8000 times stronger than the one last month in new zealand.

johny p - 11/3/11 at 09:53 PM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
Apart from the horrendous videos and pictures, I've just read this bit of info...

The US Geological Survey is reporting that the coast of Japan has shifted 8 feet (2.4m) because of the earthquake in Japan. The Earth's axis has reportedly been shifted 10 inches too.

That's just scary!

(I have a nephew in Tokyo, with Japanese wife and child - awaiting news from my brother... )
hope everything ok for you mate......

Xtreme Kermit - 11/3/11 at 10:02 PM

Scarily unbelievable footage of the tsunami coming inland.

I hope you get you good news soon.

pauldm28 - 11/3/11 at 10:11 PM

Mayybe I'm just a geek but I often go on this site even when theres no earthquake news- fascinating stuff.

David J. - I'm wishing good news for you.

rgrs - 11/3/11 at 10:19 PM

I am watching very avidly with a lot of aprehension at the moment as I'm due to work in Tokyo next month, the amount of devastation is truly shocking.


Humbug - 11/3/11 at 11:27 PM

My son is studying in Tokyo at the moment (from September last year to June this year). SWMBO and I are on holiday in Japan to coincide with his 21st birthday last week but are currently on a tour in the west of the country. We got a text from him to say there had been a HUGE earthquake but we couldn't get back to him because the mobile networks were down. We eventually managed to skype him when we got to our hotel and thankfully he is OK - apparently he had been woken up by the quake (at 14:46!) because he had been out at an all night party until 7am...

Not sure what is supposed to happen to the rest of our tour, but will contact the travel company.


welderman - 11/3/11 at 11:36 PM

My mum is going there in two weeks with her friend. Her sister was on a train when the quake struck luckily it did not derail. The rest of our family live in Osaka down the coast and a bit higher up.
Mum can't wait to go now.

skodaman - 12/3/11 at 12:31 AM

I lived there for two years and apparently Tokyo's been expecting a massive earthquake for years and already has in place plans to rebuild as fast as possible. You get used to earthquakes there but there's always the lingering thought that if there's a big one you can't do much about it. Try riding a motorbike during an earthquake of just a few seconds. It feels very much like a blowout on the back tyre.

norfolkluego - 12/3/11 at 02:34 AM

Originally posted by Humbug
My son is studying in Tokyo at the moment (from September last year to June this year). SWMBO and I are on holiday in Japan to coincide with his 21st birthday last week but are currently on a tour in the west of the country. We got a text from him to say there had been a HUGE earthquake but we couldn't get back to him because the mobile networks were down. We eventually managed to skype him when we got to our hotel and thankfully he is OK - apparently he had been woken up by the quake (at 14:46!) because he had been out at an all night party until 7am...

Not sure what is supposed to happen to the rest of our tour, but will contact the travel company.


Really glad he's OK but love the bit where the earthquake WOKE him at quarter to three in the afternoon, oh to have those days back again.
You should be OK to go out there from what I understand, Tokyo hasn't suffered too badly, it would have flattened any other city in the world bar Tokyo but they build 'em strong out there

steve m - 12/3/11 at 10:14 AM

The whole area looks a very sorry state, but the Japenese are a very good at dealing with these problems, they even sent earthquake teams to Christchurch, now on there way home!

I have spent about 4 weeks in Japan, and it is/was my favorite place to go


Chippychap - 12/3/11 at 10:37 AM

I think our prayers are with anyone here with family/friends involved.

The pictures of the tsunami were horrific. Cars boats and buildings flung about like toys.

Bearing in mind that some of these cars boats and buildings have people in 'em.

Certainly makes my moaning about petty stuff seem pretty pathetic.

bi22le - 12/3/11 at 11:25 AM

Originally posted by pauldm28
Mayybe I'm just a geek but I often go on this site even when theres no earthquake news- fascinating stuff.

David J. - I'm wishing good news for you.

I hope this website is not live. It says that there has been several earthquakes TODAY (could be within 24 hours but still wrong) of Mag 8 right on Japan. Also one of mag 6 north of NZ. I have not watched the news today but I really hope they have not had another large one.

Best of luck to all. Lets hope natural disasters put our petty religion wars to rest and unite this planet as we should be in such a modern sophisticated world.


David Jenkins - 12/3/11 at 02:53 PM

Heard a little while ago that my nephew, wife and son are all OK - they live south of Tokyo and only got the fringe of the quake. Stuff rattled around but no damage.

Family much relieved!