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Know your cycles? Live in Edinburgh?
mr_pr - 14/3/11 at 10:34 PM

I want to buy a bike (A Giant Anthem X3 to be specific) but I live near Shrewsbury and the bike in question is in Edinburgh. Is there anyone on here who lives in Edinburgh and knows there bikes and would be willing to pop round and have a look at the bike to check it has all the bits on it that it should (I can send you the spec list) and also that it is brand new as advertised?

If you can I can return the favour with beer tokens or if you have any other ideas?

Please U2U me if you can help.

Cheers guys (not many forums I would trust to do this on!)

A1 - 14/3/11 at 11:34 PM

i take it its at the giant shop in bruntsfield?

how soon would you need it looked at by?

mr_pr - 15/3/11 at 07:27 AM

Didn't make that clear sorry, it is a private sale.

Has the giant store in bruntsfield got a good rep? (Is it a store that sells Giants, or an actual Giant store?)