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anyone here sold gold to online places?
tony-devon - 23/5/11 at 03:39 PM

really feeling the pinch right now and totally at random someone last week offered me money for my necklace, I said no at the time as I didnt have a clue about the value etc

looked online and some of these places are offering amazing prices per gram, but are they a rip off

BenB - 23/5/11 at 03:41 PM

Yup. Rip off. Much better ringing around a few local jewellers and asking what they'll give you for it.

steve m - 23/5/11 at 03:54 PM

I believe certain sorting office staff have very new cars

adithorp - 23/5/11 at 04:09 PM

One of the TV consumer programes did a report into this. They sent equal amounts of gold jewellery to various "cash for gold" outfits. All came back with offers well below the value of the gold/ounce then raised the offer when asked for the gold back... but to nowhere near its real value. They also took it to several highstreet jewellers and where offered almost the full value (they need some profit).

As i understand it, gold prices are high right now, but predictions are that it might crash.

Triton - 23/5/11 at 05:06 PM

There is a place in Wolverhampton that gives top price, I have done it and way higher prices than those you see on TV. You send you gold in an unmarked package, they price it and it was within a quid or 3 of what I had worked it out to going by their prices. They ring up up with the price, if you say yes the money is in yer bank within the hour.....Done it twice and it works just dandy and got more than local jewellery shop quoted.

Snag is i forgot the damn name of the place but will have a hunt for you.

Triton - 23/5/11 at 05:08 PM

James - 23/5/11 at 05:19 PM

There was a program on Radio4 about this.

Be very careful!!!

The summation of the program was all these sorts of places are a total rip-off. There were so many stories of people saying 'no thanks' at the offer and then not being able to get their gold back as well.

Rememeber! The stuff will be getting melted down (after any stones removed) so it's all about the weight. You can find the international gold price and if they're offering you much less tell them to get on their bike!


P.S. Hopefully this will remind everyone of the genius of Labour's Gordon Brown as Chancellor. Selling off our gold reserves at a low price (compounded by how they announced publicly they were about to flood the market (other countries do it secretly)) when the price is now historically high. Thanks for that Gordon... only cost us a few billion!!!

blakep82 - 23/5/11 at 05:30 PM

as above, they will try and give you less than its worth, but remember they ARE a business not a charity! lol peopl eseem to forget that about companies. oil companies, banks, and these gold ones. disgusted when they make a profit

its only a rip off if they can't return your gold if you don't accept the price.
if you accept their price and then decide they should have given you double, its not a rip off, as you accept.

you can try it, but you won't get a great deal

j3w3ll3r - 23/5/11 at 05:56 PM

As from my name u may be able to guess my occupation

If u only ever take one bit of advice in your lifetime, take this

DO not send it anywhere, go to your local jewellers and get a couple of quotes, if u send me the weight i can give you an idea of what to expect

tony-devon - 23/5/11 at 07:15 PM

cheers guys, I sort of had a feeling that it was all a little too easy

local jewellers are offering way less than the figures quoted online, seen £10.80 per gram this evening, but local places are £5.50 to £8.50, £8.50 seems a lot better

got a heap of odd bits I dont want, but of main interest as it would hopefully buy me a pair of tyres, is a chain, 20" chain length plus the ends flat curb 60g in weight, marked 375

a shop in town at the weekend offered me £270 for it, was very tempted (thats a lot of money to me) but having then looked around ( I wasnt trying to sell it, he just saw it and made me an offer) I thought that it seemed a little low, however I guess a lower price from a local place with the cash in my hand, is better than a possible big fat zero from a postal place

someone suggested putting it on ebay, start price of the scrap value, as someone might want it as a chain and be prepared to pay more for it

cant find any chains like this for sale at the moment, think the chav scene has run its course LOL.

j3w3ll3r - 23/5/11 at 07:24 PM

£8.50 is very fair, £10.80 is over spot value today

You would not get that online, no matter what the advert says, I bought a car that had 190bhp..well it said it in the advert so it must be true