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Iron/Haemoglobin Levels too Low to Give Blood!
mccsp - 26/5/11 at 05:46 PM

New Topic,

Went to give blood today. Unfortunately the sample they take at the start to check iron/haemoglobin levels didn't sink (3 times) so they used another machine and another sample to test.

Pass criteria was 135 or above (think g/L) but only had 120 so not allowed to donate.

Was given a leaflet and told it may be longer than usual before I am asked to donate again. Question I have is should I be worried? The nurse wasn't particularly informative and the leaflet doesn't say anything about expected levels or when you should be woried.

Felt a little shaky this morning, before I even knew this, but happens when I haven't eaten much or have done a lot of exercise sometimes anyway, so not sure if it is linked.

Given blood 5 or 6 times before without issue. Male and 29 years old if that makes any diffence.

Anyone on here know anything?

In Canada the threshold is apparently 125 for giving blood but if below threshold then advised to go see a physician.

Davey D - 26/5/11 at 06:05 PM

My wife is 31 and has been a regular blood donor for years. She has been turned away a few times with the same condition, usually with her its during winter time. Dont worry about it. Just have a good diet, and good sleep, and it should sort itself out ;-)

whitestu - 26/5/11 at 06:32 PM

Fillet steak and brocolli for dinner then!

liam.mccaffrey - 26/5/11 at 06:54 PM

not always a problem, you should see GP and get it repeated. It happened to my wife, and was normal on the retest

chris_harris_ - 26/5/11 at 07:01 PM

If you felt shakey beforehand then likely you are a little under the weather, ableit unknowingly. and if you have done exercise recently, depending on what and how much you may still be in the recovery of that too. It isn't usually anything to worry about, everyones iron / Hb drops from time to time, but with good diet, rest, bit of greens etc it will be fine.

If you do feel unwell, or the Shakey thing is regular then you need to get checked out. Blood sampling is risk averse as they don't want you being unwell whilst donating, or afterwards.

As mentioned, if you are worried, pop to the GP and ask for him to do a Full Blood Ccount, it will tell you al your numbers and give you a benchmark for the future.

Hope that helps


mccsp - 26/5/11 at 07:01 PM

Cheers guys,

Got to go see the doctor for some pre holiday vaccinations so will bring it up then!