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New build has arrived
sdh2903 - 2/7/11 at 08:55 PM

Well it's not a BEC but her engine can be loud when she get's going!

Baby Lily arrived just before midnight on thurs weighing a whopping 10lb 14oz. The birth got quite scary as mum had to be rushed into theatre mid-labour for an emergency caesarian.

Both are absolutely fine thanks to the wonderful staff at the RAH in Paisley and hopefully will be coming home tomorrow


T66 - 2/7/11 at 09:11 PM

well done, shes a big lass !

Hope mother is well too....


MikeR - 2/7/11 at 09:13 PM

Congratulations - i'm 4 weeks ahead of you and loving every moment of it. Thought we had a big boy at 9lbs 1oz - She's massive. I know you're other half has been through the mill as we had the emergancy rush to theatre but tell her this - larger babies are supposed to be easier to care for. They sleep longer and are less upperty. If this works out like it has for us, you'll really appreciate it.

Good luck - one thing I don't envy is how you're going to feel in 14 to 28 years time ............ I'd suggest taking up karate and getting the shotgun license now

sdh2903 - 2/7/11 at 09:24 PM

Mum is absolutely fine if not a bit sore!

We also have an 8 yr old girl so it will be karate/shotgun time prob around 2017 ish

Its quite nice having a larger baby, I dont feel as though she will break when you pick her up. The baby in the cubicle next door only weighed 5lb and she is absolutely tiny, I'm not sure my fists of ham could cope with that.

T66 - 2/7/11 at 09:33 PM

I have three sons and two daughters...

All now adults, all good people....and now a pleasure to be around, most of the time.

Its a long and challenging road bringing up children, and I still step in and out of their lives now when they go wonky, the worries dont get less when they are older, they just get bigger .

Sibling choice of partners is an amusing one, nothing you can say or do makes any difference, its good if you like them, but hard if you dont.

Have fun...

Antnicuk - 2/7/11 at 09:37 PM

many congrats to you both, i am 6 months ahead of you, my first was a boy came out at 9lb4 and i thought he was big, actually, he is big, and i think you are right, bigger babies are easier, Oliver has been really good. He sleeps, he eats (lots) and is always smiley and not been ill, long may it last. He is also a right little bruiser and loves nothing more than a little rough play, it amazing how strong he is.

Kwik - 2/7/11 at 10:00 PM

thats a light baby, i was 11lbs

congratulations as well,

Confused but excited. - 2/7/11 at 10:16 PM

Congratulations to you both.

Bigboystoys - 2/7/11 at 11:48 PM

Congratulating you both. My lady keeps on about kids but at the moment I have more than enough with the kit car and dog.

Guinness - 3/7/11 at 07:54 AM


We've got a blue one that is 10 years old and a pink one that is almost 2.

kipper - 3/7/11 at 09:29 AM

Well done that man, Takes me back to when my two arrived,I was worn out after pacing up and down and the wife just laid in bed the whole time.
Anyhow now the fun begins, word of be careful with the emissions on the little bugger , It took us about 18 months to get ours to run cleanly.
You will find the optional extra's add up quickly too.We opted for a four wheel chassis (some are called prams) but there are some very good three wheeled ones now.
Oh well , must dash, mine is bringing their recent arrival round for me to entertain while they go out .

franky - 3/7/11 at 12:17 PM
