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OMG - More Riots
karlak - 8/8/11 at 07:59 PM

More rioting tonight in loads of areas around London and now Birmingham.

Croydon, Peckham, Hackney and more

It's about time they got heavy with these idiots. They charge at them and just stop as they run away, get other Police/Army behind the to$$ers and pen them in - then beat the crap out of them.

Peoples houses and business's going up in flames. Someone will die soon in these fires. It needs sorting now !

[Edited on 8/8/11 by karlak]

Confused but excited. - 8/8/11 at 08:03 PM

Lock and load boys.

StevieB - 8/8/11 at 08:09 PM

Bring on Marshall Law I say - put a few Marines and Para's on the streets and see how hard the yobbo's think they are then.

CRAIGR - 8/8/11 at 08:10 PM

Get some troops on the streets , break out the water cannons and shoot any looters on site and if that doesn't work i'll send up the motherinlaw.

scootz - 8/8/11 at 08:12 PM

Originally posted by StevieB
... put a few Marines and Para's on the streets...

LOL... you don't want to mix Marines and Paras - they'd start their own riot amongst themselves (only it would be far more violent!)

Coopz - 8/8/11 at 08:24 PM

I'm just outside croydon, its odd watching the news an area I know well being burnt down! I'm getting my water pistol out go and sort this mess out once and fore all! as it seems the police are doing bugger all! bring in the SAS! that will scare the little hoody kids

Mr G - 8/8/11 at 08:30 PM

Cracks are beginning to show in the sky news coverage.....


karlak - 8/8/11 at 08:44 PM

Originally posted by Mr G
Cracks are beginning to show in the sky news coverage.....


Oh for an officer with a taser pistol

daniel mason - 8/8/11 at 08:45 PM

Put sky news on for live footage

richard - 8/8/11 at 09:19 PM

i live in Catford/ Lewisham / Forest Hill area and had to walk trough Catford shortly after there had been attacks on many shops and thre was definelty a tense atmospehere and talk of where we going next.
Very strange to feel uncomfortable on roads i have grown up around.

shindha - 8/8/11 at 09:27 PM

1st Water Canon
2nd Tazer
3rd Rubber Bullets
Should soon see the scrotes back indoors drinking Frosty Jack.
It's spreading - in sunny brum as well.

daniel mason - 8/8/11 at 09:34 PM

There was not a single police officer when they were smashing up the high street. They got into ladbrookes and smashed it to bits

Davegtst - 8/8/11 at 09:34 PM

Been listening on the radio about these riots for the past few days but only just seen it on the news. These people are like wild animals, feel so sorry for the shop owners and innocent residents.

MikeRJ - 8/8/11 at 10:25 PM

Originally posted by Davegtst
Been listening on the radio about these riots for the past few days but only just seen it on the news. These people are like wild animals, feel so sorry for the shop owners and innocent residents.

No no, you have it all wrong. They are just cheeky, high spirited lads that wouldn't harm a fly. You can't go wading in with riot countermeasures because it would be all too easy to contravene the little darlings human rights.

myke pocock - 8/8/11 at 10:36 PM

Thats it! Sod the Human Rights of the poor sod who has just had his bussiness/home/place of work destroyed by the TW*TTS. Why is it that the poor effin innocent ALWAYS comes out worse. Geezus H. I wasnt born into this country neck end on 60 years ago to put up with all this shit. Where ARE we going nowadays.

aka_shortie - 8/8/11 at 10:46 PM

I am disgusted to be English!

I really think we have brought this on ourselves, we have created a nanny state where people know there is little consequences for their actions, and police are too scared to get stuck in for fear of complaint which always seems to go the complainers way.

I think the police / government need to stop using their furry handcuff policies and stamp this out before it gets worse. We all seem to moan at the police, but how we expect them to cope when they have been thinned down so much over the past 12 months.

A1 - 8/8/11 at 10:57 PM

bring in the military and shoot the lot on sight, why should we have to put up with this for the criminals rights?
time they put the decent people first.

Fozzie - 8/8/11 at 11:05 PM

Originally posted by MikeRJ
........No no, you have it all wrong. They are just cheeky, high spirited lads that wouldn't harm a fly. You can't go wading in with riot countermeasures because it would be all too easy to contravene the little darlings human rights.

So very, very true Mike ....

The crim/thug/yob/low-lifes' in this country have used the 'Yuman Rights' to their own ends to such a degree that the crims/wrong-doers are now the victims and the actual victims are the ones who are 'punished'.

Sadly we have no one in Government with the b*lls to say enough is enough and take our justice system back from the grip of the EU.
Our justice system used to be the best in the world, now it is less than useless.

You cannot blame the police...their hands have been tied with legislation.....they are just as demoralised when the judicial system
also lets them down ....

Bring in the army...but ... wait...are they not now answerable to the faceless bureaucrats of Europe too?

James - 8/8/11 at 11:16 PM

Definately should round them all up in a big national square and shoot them all. Tanks, tear gas, whatever.

Actually, we could probably get some great techniques from some of our friends in middle Eastern countries. I believe that Egypt, Libya, Syria, Bahrain, Saudi have all got bloody fantastic ways of dealing with people who are rioting!!!


Sorry, but just had to say that there's a lot of comment here that suggests the sort of actions that when used in other countries we roundly object to... and even go to war over!!!


PSpirine - 8/8/11 at 11:25 PM

Nobody goes to war over riots - war is for oil/resources. Riots and uprisings just create an excuse. Been like that for centuries.

Fozzie - 8/8/11 at 11:32 PM

Do you not think that the reasons are slightly different James?

Whatever peoples opinions are......there is no excuse for putting families/childrens' lives at risk and burning their homes and possessions .....there is no excuse for smashing and stealing from local businesses ...

blakep82 - 8/8/11 at 11:33 PM

Originally posted by James


er, are we not on the side of the rioters there? lol

aka_shortie - 8/8/11 at 11:37 PM

Originally posted by Fozzie
Originally posted by MikeRJYou cannot blame the police...their hands have been tied with legislation.....they are just as demoralised when the judicial system
also lets them down ....

Your so right, Teresa May wants less police officers, wants to pay them less and attack their pensions. Now she wants them on the streets risking their lives.

Police officers are so demoralized, i have family in the force, all they want to do is protect people in their community but its an uphill battle.

The average bobby is on 30k and pays more than most into their pension, thats not a lot of danger pay is it really for being attacked with knives, shot at, petrol bombed!

[Edited on 9/8/11 by aka_shortie]

Ninehigh - 9/8/11 at 01:22 AM

Originally posted by blakep82
Originally posted by James


er, are we not on the side of the rioters there? lol

There's oil there, and the rioters promised us some...

Anyway these riots are perfectly justified! Some kid got shot 400 miles away so damn right I should smash up a shop and set a car on fire!

Oh wait, some kid I've never heard of, that lives on the other end of the country, got shot for reasons that might well have something to do with "his own fault"
Ah what the hell I'm gonna loot me a Playstation and an engagement ring for the missus

Hector.Brocklebank - 9/8/11 at 03:38 AM

London's Burning and the sytems run by the people allowed it to happen......

UK is Fcuked, I'm glad I left....................

scootz - 9/8/11 at 06:29 AM

I've not been watching any news coverage as my blood-pressure wouldn't be able to stand it and my head would pop like a pimple!

They should send down the lad from the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders who's been collecting Taliban fingers and tell him to go for testes this time!

Triton - 9/8/11 at 07:20 AM

Originally posted by scootz
I've not been watching any news coverage as my blood-pressure wouldn't be able to stand it and my head would pop like a pimple!

They should send down the lad from the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders who's been collecting Taliban fingers and tell him to go for testes this time!

Scots squirrel collecting nuts..

scootz - 9/8/11 at 07:48 AM

And what about Theresa May

probablyleon - 9/8/11 at 08:35 AM

I think there is a real need for a much stronger distinction between this kind of thuggery and a political / social uprising. As it stands, the government and the ever powerful media have only one word, 'riot'. Unfortunately these events will further stigmatise the very necessary, legitimate 'passionate' demonstrations, that will occasionally descend into 'rioting' when the government continually refuse to listen. In my opinion there is not enough of the latter. Society continually rolls over and accepts issues and opinions. We have been taught to not think for ourselves, and as such society, on the whole has never been easier to control. This current run of events on the other hand is nothing more than the same bunch of hooligans that has always been there but 'now with added Twitter and Facebook' to organise themselves. The riot squads may be learning something here; looting hooligans cannot be dealt with in the same way as legitimate, angry citizens with a social conscience. The looters seem to have picked up on this.

Peteff - 9/8/11 at 09:09 AM

Shut down the mobile signal in the riot areas and stop them communicating.

Alfa145 - 9/8/11 at 10:53 AM

Panic over. The PM has recalled parliment to talk about the riots. Well done you pointless idiots. Telling the rioting plonkers they are "very naughtly boys/girls" won't stop them ripping the capital apart.

So not only do they waste time talking instead of acting they will cost the taxpayer a fortune in extra expenses to get them all to London to waffle on and build up their self importance.

Army, water cannon, rubber bullets and tear gas will stop it quicker.

mistergrumpy - 9/8/11 at 11:43 AM

I think it's pretty unbelievable that people are saying that the police aren't doing anything. Do they not realise that they are out there but their hands are tied as said Fozzie has said, coupled with the fact that numbers are so low. I'm as ready as anyone to get stuck in but would you go running head on into something like that with little, if any back up because there simply isn't any? I now have the scars to prove this is the case and seems to be more and more common! Single crewed officers going into public order scenarios. I was sat, ready to go down to London last night but instead had to stay and sort out our own area up here which flared a bit because, again, there's simply not enough staff to stay here and go to London. I've now just received notice, after arriving home at 8am that I'm on 7-7 shifts for the rest of the week. Great!
Sure, I agree bring the Army/Forces in (there's people in the RAF and Navy too) but how many more bodies do people think we have what with increasing redundancies and global commitments? And then once their hands get tied by the same legislation that is tying the police's hands (the legisaltion and rules don't cease to apply just because you wear a different style of hat) what then?
The government is now getting an insight into what they've created. I'll plat sh1t if they do anything about it once it dies down and don't just try to sweep it under the carpet.

tony-devon - 9/8/11 at 11:44 AM

maybe my brain works in too simple a mode

water cannons, even tho we cant use them here, its a nice thought, with the UV ink like in bank security boxes, nick the ones that you can on the night, then at your own leisure go around with UV lights, nick the rest of them

as they werent available for work, they cant claim benefits, so stop them, save the tax payers a fortune

although to be honest I think the best idea would be to just get the troops in, give them carte blanche to do what they want, call it therapy for the shit time they had out in Afghanistan etc

how many of the dirty thieving lowlife looting scumbags would actually continue to turn out and ruin peoples lives if they saw gangs of mates getting battered

time for this country to stop being such a pansy handwringing nation and get tough

to hell with it, ring the french or the russians, pay them to send some cops over to deal with it, at least they know how to get the job done

02GF74 - 9/8/11 at 12:41 PM

Originally posted by scootz
I've not been watching any news coverage as my blood-pressure wouldn't be able to stand it and my head would pop like a pimple!

shame I didn't heed your advice but watched he lunchtime bbc news.

some spotty chavette going on about "the polis don't rispek us so we do not rispek the police". Err, right, you've left shool with no qaulification probalby have a couple of avbies back at home so contribute ZILCH to soceity but sponge off it as you want respk?

Get the bleep away!!!

beagley - 9/8/11 at 12:44 PM

As an "uninformed yank" what exactly are these riots about? Most of what our news sources over here are saying is that there is rioting in London..... thats about it. I know back in the 80s there was rioting due to racial issues, and I have read that a young person was shot. Is that correct?

I feel bad for your police force being stripped of the ability to exert force when necessary. I hope these riots get quieted down quickly for you guys.


blakep82 - 9/8/11 at 12:57 PM

Originally posted by beagley
As an "uninformed yank" what exactly are these riots about? Most of what our news sources over here are saying is that there is rioting in London..... thats about it. I know back in the 80s there was rioting due to racial issues, and I have read that a young person was shot. Is that correct?

I feel bad for your police force being stripped of the ability to exert force when necessary. I hope these riots get quieted down quickly for you guys.


some black kid with a gun got shot dead by police in tottenham, north london on thursday, his family peacefully marched to the police station for answers, and loads of unrelated people started looting from there. thats it really, coz some wannabe ganster shot at police, so they shot him

beagley - 9/8/11 at 01:09 PM

Originally posted by blakep82
some black kid with a gun got shot dead by police in tottenham, north london on thursday, his family peacefully marched to the police station for answers, and loads of unrelated people started looting from there. thats it really, coz some wannabe ganster shot at police, so they shot him

Its sad to me how much prejudice still exists.

Do people not realize that police are trained when somebody points a gun at them they shoot to kill? They would have shot that kid regardless of his race. Any way you look at it, it is a sad state of affairs.


russbost - 9/8/11 at 01:19 PM

Wouldn't have thought Blake had any racial motivation in his statement - so far as I can see it is correct to the facts so far as I know of them - where's the racism???

aka_shortie - 9/8/11 at 01:56 PM

Im watching Sky and getting really frustrated and those being interviewed, will people STOP making EXCUSES for them and trying to justify it.

The simple fact is they are mindless thugs and criminals!

beagley - 9/8/11 at 02:05 PM

Originally posted by russbost
Wouldn't have thought Blake had any racial motivation in his statement - so far as I can see it is correct to the facts so far as I know of them - where's the racism???

There wasn't any.

I hope I didn't infer that Blake was hinting at any kind of racism, I apologize if it came across that way.

Here in the states there would be people up in arms because it was a "black" kid that was shot. Activist groups would be saying that he was shot because he was black, seeming to ignore the fact he had pointed a gun at police. At least thats where my thoughts went. There are a lot of news reports that follow that train of thought and it just makes me angry and sad at the same time.

I am sorry if anyone thought that I was bringing racism against Blake, just want to get that out into the open.


MikeRJ - 9/8/11 at 02:07 PM

Originally posted by russbost
Wouldn't have thought Blake had any racial motivation in his statement - so far as I can see it is correct to the facts so far as I know of them - where's the racism???

I initially thought the same when I read that post, but I think maybe beagley is referring to the rioting scum that used the race card as an excuse for their disgusting behaviour.

Like scootz, I can't bear to watch the news reports as it gets me massively worked up

I have to wonder how Theresa May is feeling now after she mandated pay cuts and job losses in the Police service... Probably too busy getting her claim form in for her interrupted holiday.

beagley - 9/8/11 at 02:10 PM

Originally posted by MikeRJ
Originally posted by russbost
Wouldn't have thought Blake had any racial motivation in his statement - so far as I can see it is correct to the facts so far as I know of them - where's the racism???

I initially thought the same when I read that post, but I think maybe beagley is referring to the rioting scum that used the race card as an excuse for their disgusting behaviour.

MUCH more eloquent than I put it.


Edit: Maybe your government can make a statement "LOCOSTS FOR EVERYBODY THAT WASN'T RIOTING!!" You all seem to be a pretty happy lot, must be the Locost thing.

[Edited on 8/9/2011 by beagley]

D Beddows - 9/8/11 at 02:14 PM

It's an interesting way to 'protest' ie "I hate the police so I'm going to steal some sports/designer clothing and a 50in plasma tv to really teach them a lesson"...........

Fozzie - 9/8/11 at 02:25 PM

Beags.......The guy who was shot, wasn't a kid, and he wasn't 'just shot' per se.....

He had been under surveillance for quite a while. He was allegedly a 'major player' in the drug and gun circles.

The police had been informed that he had a firearm, and that he was on his way.... avenge the death of his cousin
who was stabbed earlier in the year in a row over drugs and a woman .........

The guy was travelling in a taxi at the time of the incident.

A firearm (non police issue) was reported to have been found at the scene ...

What, why and how it unfolded as it did is the subject of the IPCC investigation of which we will not know the full
facts for a while.

beagley - 9/8/11 at 02:29 PM

Thanks for clearing that up, all the reports that I have seen on it just say that a black man was shot. Really no other details.

jeffw - 9/8/11 at 02:35 PM

It appears the Police have been issued with Baton Rounds (or rubber bullets as they are commonly known). Game on.....just need to add CS Gas and they'll not want to be rioting tonight

scootz - 9/8/11 at 03:04 PM

If this was happening in Belfast, then baton rounds (rubber-bullets) would have been authorised 48 hours ago!

But we can't have that in mainland Britain... far less THE CITY!

mistergrumpy - 9/8/11 at 04:05 PM

The baton rounds would have been swapped for the batteries in the lads torches

Daddylonglegs - 9/8/11 at 04:05 PM

Don't forget their human rights! Yeah right!

What's next?

PSpirine - 9/8/11 at 04:15 PM

Originally posted by Daddylonglegs
Don't forget their human rights! Yeah right!

What's next?


Our insurance premiums will go up

Ninehigh - 9/8/11 at 04:41 PM

Originally posted by beagley
Edit: Maybe your government can make a statement "LOCOSTS FOR EVERYBODY THAT WASN'T RIOTING!!" You all seem to be a pretty happy lot, must be the Locost thing.

[Edited on 8/9/2011 by beagley]

I guess it's an "able to think" thing

mangogrooveworkshop - 9/8/11 at 05:18 PM

Got caught up in the London riots last night.
Had to find a safe place to hide.
So am in the job centre if anybody needs me.

David Jenkins - 9/8/11 at 05:28 PM

And on the good side...

Cleanup volunteers

Ninehigh - 9/8/11 at 05:38 PM

Originally posted by mangogrooveworkshop
Got caught up in the London riots last night.
Had to find a safe place to hide.
So am in the job centre if anybody needs me.


I've just found a clip of a Swedish copper dancing in the street and this has given me an idea... Instead of riot police and rubber bullets, why not get some BIG-ASS speakers and bring Fatboy Slim down? Who's gonna riot and rock out at the same time?

scootz - 9/8/11 at 05:43 PM

Oh great! The bullet lodged in the policemans radio was definitely a police-issue one! It'll be interesting to hear how it got there!

I guess the best (worst-case) scenario is that the cops reacted to Duggan going for his weapon and the 'radio-shot' was a police miss, or ricochet. If it turns out it was a negligent-discharge from one of the cops that kicked-off the chain of events leading to the fatal shooting, then I guess things will REALLY kick-off!

[Edited on 9/8/11 by scootz]

jollygreengiant - 9/8/11 at 05:48 PM

Originally posted by Daddylonglegs
Don't forget their human rights! Yeah right!

What's next?

I posted previously on this subject, but the post seems to have 'disapeared', so I will re-itterate.

'The Law' and 'Human Rights' are there and have been put in place to protect the innocent and the 'Law Abiding'. IF (for want of a better word) people choose NOT to obey and abide by 'The Law' that is there to protect them, then WHY should they then be protected by it. I would call it double standards and to hell with them.

The police and authorities need to utilise one of our older laws (if it still is in existence) and litterally 'Read The Riot Act' out over a PA system and then just wade in and let the 'rioters' acceppt the results.

jollygreengiant - 9/8/11 at 06:09 PM

Originally posted by scootz
Oh great! The bullet lodged in the policemans radio was definitely a police-issue one! It'll be interesting to hear how it got there!

I guess the best (worst-case) scenario is that the cops reacted to Duggan going for his weapon and the 'radio-shot' was a police miss, or ricochet. If it turns out it was an ND from one of the cops that kicked off the chain of events leading to the fatal shooting, then I guess things will REALLY kick-off!

Yep I agree with you there, a great bit of 'PR' from a police comander, release a small amount of potentially damaging information, before ALL the facts are known and a full and definte conclusion has been reached. The main and only really pertinent fact of the case was the Duggan was carrying. End of.

jeffw - 9/8/11 at 06:33 PM

Originally posted by scootz
Oh great! The bullet lodged in the policemans radio was definitely a police-issue one! It'll be interesting to hear how it got there!

I guess the best (worst-case) scenario is that the cops reacted to Duggan going for his weapon and the 'radio-shot' was a police miss, or ricochet. If it turns out it was an ND from one of the cops that kicked off the chain of events leading to the fatal shooting, then I guess things will REALLY kick-off!

Two rounds fired from a MP5, one into his chest and one into his upper arm. I presume the jacketed round found in the radio is a ricochet from the upper arm round. Round to chest was the fatal shot. I was always taught to double tap to the chest so there you go. Duggan had a working automatic pistol and he got shot for his troubles.

[Edited on 9/8/11 by jeffw]

aka_shortie - 9/8/11 at 06:37 PM

Makes me laugh his family saying someone needs to be held accountable.

Yes, your son does. He was carrying a loaded firearm. If someone goes to draw it on you, of course you are going to fire first.

Double tap is standard practice!

scootz - 9/8/11 at 06:44 PM

Originally posted by aka_shortie
Double tap is standard practice!

Not unless things have changed in the last 5 years...

The police stopped teaching it as a technique a while back as it 'infringed' human rights! That's not to say that it doesn't happen in practice ... all depends on the circumstances.

A1 - 9/8/11 at 07:11 PM

they should replace the rubber rounds for lead... thatll stop the rioting. besides, whos going to miss them?

you see the pics, people who act like that are not needed in society.

theres not even a bloody reason for it!!

[Edited on 9/8/11 by A1]

scootz - 9/8/11 at 09:36 PM

I just don't get it... why are the IPCC issuing press statements in relation to the technical-details of a 'live' enquiry? Is that one of their functions!?

IMHO, I think it was absolute madness for them to have come out and said what they have about the 'radio-bullet'. They have surely just poured petrol on the flames! Do they honestly think that the neanderthals who are rioting have the brain-capacity to understand that the question of whether Duggan got a round off or not could be completely irrelevant in relation to his death!?

And the media are doing what the media do... milking it for all it's worth and subliminally raising the tension to get more 'stories'!

Fozzie - 9/8/11 at 09:45 PM

Originally posted by scootz
I just don't get it... why are the IPCC issuing press statements in relation to the technical-details of a 'live' enquiry? Is that one of their functions!?

IMHO, I think it was absolute madness for them to have come out and said what they have about the 'radio-bullet'. They have surely just poured petrol on the flames! Do they honestly think that the neanderthals who are rioting have the brain-capacity to understand that the question of whether Duggan got a round off or not could be completely irrelevant in relation to his death!?

And the media are doing what the media do... milking it for all it's worth and subliminally raising the tension to get more 'stories'!

+1 ......

Ninehigh - 9/8/11 at 09:58 PM

To be fair they could have shown a video of the guy murdering 20 coppers before he bit it and the mouth breather would still probably blame the immigrants.

Yeah makes no sense to me either but that's these wastes of space for you

RK - 10/8/11 at 06:07 AM

Sadly kind of all predictable when viewed from afar.

russbost - 10/8/11 at 06:25 AM

Originally posted by scootz
I just don't get it... why are the IPCC issuing press statements in relation to the technical-details of a 'live' enquiry? Is that one of their functions!?

IMHO, I think it was absolute madness for them to have come out and said what they have about the 'radio-bullet'. They have surely just poured petrol on the flames! Do they honestly think that the neanderthals who are rioting have the brain-capacity to understand that the question of whether Duggan got a round off or not could be completely irrelevant in relation to his death!?

And the media are doing what the media do... milking it for all it's worth and subliminally raising the tension to get more 'stories'!


VanHaydn - 10/8/11 at 09:06 AM

spray permanent Ink on the tossers..bring em in one by one make em accountable!

whitestu - 10/8/11 at 09:34 AM


spray permanent Ink on the tossers..bring em in one by one make em accountable!

The problem is what to do to them to make them accountable - It is too costly to put them in prison, and they would be out in no time anyway. None of the mainstream parties would stop benefts / conscript them / deport them / flog them etc.

It seems to me that lack of any real pressure to work is the main problem.

scootz - 10/8/11 at 10:45 AM

It would appear that I've just sent a email to (IPCC's internal investigation unit).

Bet they're shaking in their boots now!

[Edited on 10/8/11 by scootz]

r1_pete - 10/8/11 at 11:38 AM

Originally posted by whitestu

It seems to me that lack of any real pressure to work is the main problem.

The country is over crowded.

The working population can no longer afford to keep the non working population.

Successive governments allow jobs to be offshored, and labour to be imported.

There just aren't the jobs, or the infrastructure to support more people, so why are our borders still open?

whitestu - 10/8/11 at 11:41 AM


The country is over crowded.

The working population can no longer afford to keep the non working population.

Successive governments allow jobs to be offshored, and labour to be imported.

There just aren't the jobs, or the infrastructure to support more people, so why are our borders still open?

I totally agree, but I don't believe a young bloke living in London and willing to do any kind of work can't get a job. Thus unemployment / lack of opportunity just isn't an excuse for the thugs here.


[Edited on 10/8/11 by whitestu]

Kwik - 10/8/11 at 12:22 PM

maybe we should find a big empty island on the other side of the world and ship them all there instead....

what we should do is build a massive floating island filled with exersize bikes hooked up to generators. glue there feet to the pedals and we get free energy and they cant cause any trouble...

jabbahutt - 10/8/11 at 12:33 PM

I've never understood the argument of lack of prison space. No one wants a prison on the door step and they're far too expensive to build so instead jump start the ship building industry and manufacturing to outfit prison ships. Moor them out about 5 miles so it's too far to swim and staff them with ex forces etc (Ghurkas would be ideal) operating on an off shore rota type system.

Each cell is a concerted ISO container with minimum home comforts and fit a wind turbine on each one to form mobile windfarms. That way you could move them 10-20 miles on a regular basis so as not to upset the people living near that stretch of coast and ruining the view.

Seems to solve several problems in one go.

or alternatively pat each one on the head and give them everything they want in the slim hope that they decide to behave

Ships get my vote

karlak - 10/8/11 at 12:39 PM

Hmmm, so they can now have "the use of a water cannon with 24 hrs notice."

"Err excuse me rioters, would you mind popping back the same time tomorrow night so we can hose you down!! "

I can only think other coutries must be pi$$ing their pants at our crowd control (or lack of)

Great publicity for the Olympics that will be on in 12 months time...

Mark Allanson - 10/8/11 at 07:02 PM

At least we will get a gold in the plasma carrying hurdles

scootz - 10/8/11 at 07:11 PM

Great big fat LOL!

I got a confirmation from the IPCC that they had received my complaint... THEY HAVE NO REGULATORY BODY! They 'police' themselves! You couldn't make it up!

mcerd1 - 10/8/11 at 07:26 PM

Originally posted by scootz
Originally posted by StevieB
... put a few Marines and Para's on the streets...

LOL... you don't want to mix Marines and Paras - they'd start their own riot amongst themselves (only it would be far more violent!)

that or they'd star a competition on how may rioters they take out

scootz - 11/8/11 at 11:20 AM

The IPCC have made me LOL again! Here's their reply to my complaint regarding their conduct...

Thank you for your email dated 10th August 2011.

As set out in the Statutory Instrument 2004 No. 660, IPCC Staff Conduct Regulations a person must be able to show they have been adversely directly affected by the conduct of the Commission's staff. The Statutory Instrument also states a person is not considered directly affected by conduct by reason only of the fact that they witnessed it. Therefore your correspondence does not meet the criteria for making a formal complaint against the IPCC.

We are sorry that you have felt the need to complain, however the IPCC have acted in good faith in balancing a difficult set of circumstances. Your comments have been noted and passed to the appropriate teams concerned.

I regret I can be of no further assistance on this matter.

Yours sincerely,

L Hyland
Internal Investigations
Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC)
90 High Holborn

So these buggers will actively solicit complaints about the Police from ANYONE and their granny about ANYTHING, yet they have protected themselves with legislation to stop the same thing happening to them!?

blakep82 - 11/8/11 at 11:45 AM

hmm i see thier point scott, if you hadn't been watching the tv, you wouldn't have known anything about it, so therefore it doesn't actually affect you, so theres not really a complaint. had your son been shot, then yes, or even rioters broke into your shop then yes, but i guess they've got enough on their plate from people who are directly affected by it.
just my view anyway

scootz - 11/8/11 at 11:55 AM

I hear what you're saying Blake and I am inclined to agree to an extent, but it is the SHEER hypocrisy of their whole organisational existence that is bugging me! They will take and investigate complaints against the Police if you are merely a witness to an event and feel aggrieved by it. Yet they have no regulatory body, they police themselves and they will not extend that same investigatory courtesy to complaints made against themselves! End of!

As for their conduct not affecting me directly... I think there is a strong argument to be had that their conduct over the last few days has (or will) affect all of us in some way directly!

Fozzie - 11/8/11 at 12:07 PM

Originally posted by scootz...................As for their conduct not affecting me directly... I think there is a strong argument to be had that their conduct over the last few days has (or will) affect all of us in some way directly!

Totally agree with that ^^ ..... However, I also feel that they should not have released any information whilst the initial investigation was/is in process ...

Link to the act in question:-

Linky Dink

It does seem as though they have the power over themselves .... how can that work?

Maybe a letter/email to our MPs and ask their thoughts ....

scootz - 11/8/11 at 12:14 PM

Originally posted by Fozzie
Maybe a letter/email to our MPs and ask their thoughts ....

That's where I'm going next Fozz! I seem to have quite a bee in my bonnet over this one!

I just find it incredible that they seem to be functioning in the unacceptable manner that the Police used to...

mistergrumpy - 12/8/11 at 02:55 PM

IPCC admits to having maybe misled the media

scootz - 12/8/11 at 05:29 PM

Fozzie - 12/8/11 at 05:37 PM

Just watched it on the BBC news..........It wasn't quite the announcement I was hoping for ....

scootz - 12/8/11 at 05:45 PM

Originally posted by Fozzie
Just watched it on the BBC news..........It wasn't quite the announcement I was hoping for ....

Ah, yes!

mistergrumpy - 12/8/11 at 05:50 PM

What's been said? I've been catching up on a few jobs and a bit of sleep

Fozzie - 12/8/11 at 06:27 PM

Originally posted by mistergrumpy
What's been said? I've been catching up on a few jobs and a bit of sleep

Basically ....they had said at the time that there were 2 shots fired...thus perhaps giving the impression that
the guy had fired back......

I was hoping that they were going to say that they should have not said a word to anyone whilst the investigation was in progress
and the findings had been reported to the Commanding Officer of the police concerned...
And it was not their place to make media statements, only to investigate incidents and report back to the necessary people...

mistergrumpy - 12/8/11 at 07:04 PM

I agree with you Fozzie.
It's interesting that they're trying to avoid blame. The very thing that they normally seek to apportion!

Fozzie - 12/8/11 at 07:11 PM

Now you can read it ....

JoelP - 12/8/11 at 08:33 PM

have they never heard the expression 'live by the sword, die by the sword'?

I could sort of understand if this nonsense had come in the aftermath of the shooting of Menezes (sp), but this moron seems to have been in possession of a gun, maybe even a working one! Assming the officers at the scene werent suicidal, they were well within their rights to make sure they got home safe. The IPCC investigation should simply focus on 'did the firearms officers have reason to think he may be about to threaten them?' Totally irrelevant if he fired or not.