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69 hour week
JoelP - 1/8/04 at 09:03 PM

anyone else do that many hours? and still get friday afternoon off?!

phelpsa - 1/8/04 at 09:08 PM

I spend 132 hrs a week in school


dave1888 - 1/8/04 at 09:10 PM

58 hrs normally still to much however got myself a new job that should see the hours come down abit

stephen_gusterson - 1/8/04 at 09:11 PM

I recon my working life has amounted to

52,896 hrs

so I wouldnt complain too loudly!

AND I havnt had 16 weeks off a year since 1975!



JoelP - 1/8/04 at 09:25 PM

well im not complaining, cos i got paid for 80 hours this week including bonuses! just a shame i dont have much time for the car now!

Tblue - 1/8/04 at 09:38 PM

Used to do 70+ most weeks till I went self employed, now I earn more money in 45. Subcontracting, I love it.

Mark Allanson - 1/8/04 at 10:25 PM

I work 7:00 to 18:00 every day (only 5 days) which is only 55 hours a week, but I get paid for the hours I achieve over a month, last month I achieved an average of 22 hours per day so I get paid double wages over the next 4 weeks

My base rate is £5 per hour, so if I do badly in a month, its bread and water (thankfully its never happened yet), but when I win loads of work I'm quids in. You cannot beat a good incentive scheme to sharpen the concentration!!

Skirrow - 1/8/04 at 11:05 PM

I do 71 hours.


I get every other week off!

drmike54 - 2/8/04 at 12:51 AM

I did 36 hours of work in 2 days once starting up the emission controls on a gas turbine engine. In my business, Water & Sewer Plant controls, you can't say "See you tommorow nobody drink anything or take a crap because my shift is over."

mangogrooveworkshop - 2/8/04 at 03:52 AM

When we contracted we did 7 x 12 hour shifts, it was come home sleep get up back to work. Murder in the winter here in Scotland. Nice money but no time to spend it....wife saw to that bit thou.

Now we have a 9- 5.30 + an on call every four weeks. After a week of being called out at all are nacked. I did a seventeen hour shift last time out and almost fell asleep on the one hour drive back from Dumpdee!
The new idea is to do a 3x 10 hours +1 7.5hr and have 3 days off. Sounds good till they tell you weekends are normal days. Goodbye to double time and if you are out on call all night you have to come to work the next day otherwise you pay will be docked! See a few vans going off the road cause the guys are sleepy. The other thing is that you are expected on the days off to cover overtime or else.

We think that this is a means of getting rid of staff by making hours of work so c***p that they leave. The other group that was forced to do these hours have said forget you have a family cause when you are off they are away at work and school and visea versa .
Any one else on moontime shifts?

[Edited on 2-8-04 by mangogrooveworkshop]

madforfishing - 2/8/04 at 05:44 AM

Paid for 168 Hours per week @ approx £3 per hour.
On call 24 hrs a day.
No extra pay for overtime.
Huge manning cuts, just to stretch the workforce a bit more.
If I couldn't take a joke, I shouldn't have joined up.
Scutter will no doubt agree and reply.

nicklondon - 2/8/04 at 05:54 AM

doesn't the EU 48 hr week come in to effect from jan 05?

Cita - 2/8/04 at 07:13 AM

EU 48 hr week?????

We can start working anywere between 7 and 10 in the morning.Our working day is 8 hrs which includes lunch time(30 min) and a morning coffee break(15 min).
We can stop working from 2 a clock in the afternoon as long as your average is 160 hrs a month.
We have 43 days payed leave every year and would you believe that there are still idiots who complain?????

phelpsa - 2/8/04 at 08:45 AM

In school from 8:00 on Monday morning until 16:30 saturday afternoon. I'll admit, we do have 8 week summer holidays and 4 week Christmas and Easter holidays which does equal roughly 1 week off every three weeks! I've never really thought about it like that.


spunky - 2/8/04 at 09:45 AM

Good grief...
I'm contracted to a 37 hour week. Salary, so no overtime or additional hours and 26 days holiday plus bank holidays.
Oh yeah, and I've been signed off sick for 5 months, which may go on longer after my little RTA last week....


Skirrow - 2/8/04 at 10:13 AM

Well, see if anyone can beat this.....

Last year I worked 15 hours on Xmas day and the same on Boxing day.

Sounds kinda sick but they paid me triple time on top of my salary so it was effectively 90 hours additional pay and I slept for most of it.

stephen_gusterson - 2/8/04 at 02:26 PM

didnt you miss out that for that money you might need to lay down your life for queen and country too?

Im assuming you are in the services.....



Originally posted by madforfishing
Paid for 168 Hours per week @ approx £3 per hour.
On call 24 hrs a day.
No extra pay for overtime.
Huge manning cuts, just to stretch the workforce a bit more.
If I couldn't take a joke, I shouldn't have joined up.
Scutter will no doubt agree and reply.