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What's the cheapest way insulate a garage ?
mcerd1 - 22/9/11 at 08:12 AM

My new garage is imminent but now I've got to think about insulating it. It’s a steel frame (UB beams and columns with timber purlins) and steel sheets - whats the cheapest and easiest way to insulate this ?

jossey - 22/9/11 at 08:21 AM

find a place near you that does kingspan seconds. i found one near me that would do 8x4 ft sheets at 50-75mm for about £8 but the silver backing is damaged or the board is broke on the corner. you can put them on the walls between a stud wall make from 2x2 which is about 50p per meter at the most.

Then when you get road to it just over board with plasterboard or soundblock boards.....

If you dont want to tidy it up like that then buy some cheap bubble wrap isulation i found rolls for about £5 which ar 2m x 10m and have silver foil on both sides they offer about 50% the insulation as kingspan but much easier to put on the walls and cheaper.

Its a bit like
tri iso which has amazing u values but its not cheap but very thin and better than kingspan. i did my loft out in it and never needed heating in it as the heat came up from the house and kept it warm.

hope that helps. im just insulating mine and decided to go with kingspan 50mm and 2x2 timber to build it in with.

my rough build costs for my garage insulation. which is 7m x 5m would be around £300 including the plasterboards i think.

good luck

[Edited on 22/9/11 by jossey]

deezee - 22/9/11 at 08:25 AM

Cheapest way? Well that would be collecting all the polystyrene packaging from supermarkets and electrical stores and glueing it to the garage. Followed by a healthy top coat of cardboard. Cost you nothing and look like a tramps house

mcerd1 - 22/9/11 at 08:34 AM

Originally posted by deezee
Cheapest way? Well that would be collecting all the polystyrene packaging from supermarkets and electrical stores and glueing it to the garage. Followed by a healthy top coat of cardboard. Cost you nothing and look like a tramps house

I'm looking for something a little better than that (and more fire resistant )

some kind of hard surface on the inside would be ideal, I'm not sure I can go as far as plaster board though so I was thinking that thin ply or stirling bord might have to do (unless somone can give me a cheaper/better option)
depth shouldn't be much of an issue as I sould have around 200mm or more depth in the colums/beams to fill up

I've just done a quick calc - I recon its going to be ~140m^2 area I'll need to cover
so if my math is right even at £8 a sheet that would make the kingspan add up to £400

[Edited on 22/9/2011 by mcerd1]

BenB - 22/9/11 at 08:55 AM

Most of the DIY sheds are doing deals on rock wool insulation at the moment. Heat goes up so you need lots of insulation in the roof and progressively less as you go down the walls. I'd just stick a load in the roof void, bang or glue some 2*4 to the walls vertically, put rockwool type stuff in between and plasterboard over the top. Job done.

jossey - 22/9/11 at 09:30 AM

plywood is probably as expensive as plasterboard. plasterboard is £5-6 a sheet at 8x4 which i guess is simular to plywood.

The kingspan i used at £8 was 50mm-75mm so im sure it would be cheaper to get thinner stuff.

as above you need to do the ceiling more importantly.

If your gonna do a job do it right once.

rock wool will work and you can get it from Npower even if your not a customer at £3 a roll so covering your 140m2 would be £66

but hanging it isnt easy if you dont have anything to pack it in with eg plasterboard etc.

the u values on plasterboard is much higher than plywood so 2 layers of insulation from|37621

and plasterboarding shouldnt cost you more than 300 tops.

i looks at covering my walls which is 64m2 and my garage is just short of 8m x 5m so your garage must be HUGEEEEEE.
How big is ye garage????????????

[Edited on 22/9/11 by jossey]

Mr Whippy - 22/9/11 at 11:14 AM

rock wool is fire resistant and very cheap. Do mind though the wall has to be dry as the wool absorbs water very well and stays wet a long time. Plasterboard sheets to cover it can be bought for peanuts as many builders end up with too much and then put the spare sheets in the classifieds, I got 15 huge over size sheets for just £50, which is more than enough to do a double garage.

Most garages lose their heat to the loft space and it is amazing the difference it makes when you put a ceiling in, even with just bare brick walls. Seal up the drafts too.

mcerd1 - 22/9/11 at 12:00 PM

Originally posted by jossey
i looks at covering my walls which is 64m2 and my garage is just short of 8m x 5m so your garage must be HUGEEEEEE.
How big is ye garage????????????

yes it will be quite big although I will have to share it

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
rock wool is fire resistant and very cheap

rock wool and plaster board was my first thought, but I'd need some to frame it up for the plaster board and I wasn't finding the board as cheep as that (guess I'll have to look harder )

the old shed just had pine sarking boards with thin asbestos sheets on top with holes all over the place and single brick walls, but even that was surprisingly good - this time round its a single layer of steel sheet with whatever I add on the inside of it......

[Edited on 22/9/2011 by mcerd1]

BenB - 22/9/11 at 12:14 PM

£5-6 for plasterboard sounds even a bit too much. Wickes isn't that much AFAIR. You can use 9mm but your studwork and noggins will need to be closer together so I just go for 12.5mm.

Here we go

Buy 5 for £3.89 each

jossey - 22/9/11 at 01:33 PM

ben that is cheap well spotted.

ive been paying more than that :O(

omega0684 - 22/9/11 at 05:57 PM

what about that spray foam insulation stuff?

dhutch - 22/9/11 at 06:41 PM

Mines the same (steel frame, steel sheet) and i thought i would do 15mm ply, with 2inchs of closedcell PU foam (ie, kingspan) stuck to the back of it, which would leave around a 1inch gap to the steel once the ply was secured to the frame.

However thats just my first thoughts.
- You would then want something so the ply didnt actaully touch the steel.
- Work out what you where doing with the space. Probably venting it to outside.
- Make sure you seal around the ply to get it fairly draft-proofed.
- Add a ventilation to open up when its not being heated (90% of the time, im propose)


mcerd1 - 23/9/11 at 08:21 AM

I did think about spray foam (the stuff they use in tattie stores) but the stuff I found wasn't that cheap and its really messy...

its looking like it might have to be ply lined rather than plasterboard - as it'll be too much work in framing it up

I'm not to worried about venting the space, what ever happens there will be a few gaps round the bottom of the sheets and that should be more than enough