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Scots LCB'ers... How Would You Vote?
scootz - 24/10/11 at 01:29 PM

Well guys... ???

No need to make comment if it makes you uneasy, but would be interested to see the numbers!

scootz - 24/10/11 at 01:30 PM

PS - By all means debate away from all corners of the UK & NI, but can we keep the poll-vote only open to Scots.

Humbug - 24/10/11 at 01:39 PM

Originally posted by scootz
PS - By all means debate away from all corners of the "UK & NI", but can we keep the poll-vote only open to Scots.

So NI is not part of the UK then?

[Edited on 24.10.2011 by Humbug]

scootz - 24/10/11 at 01:44 PM

Sorry GB & NI... where's the red-faced smiley when I need one!

Hector.Brocklebank - 24/10/11 at 01:46 PM

It should be open to REAL Scots to choose only, but you will get the non-birth-Scots (other nationals who live there) and as such feel just because its where they choose to reside that they too should get a say in things.

Having seen such a scenario first hand from a very indignant Non-Scot who attempted to "advise" on how we should be running things who was no to pleased to be told by another Scot to "shut it" !!!

Personally build the Wall nice and high, have immigration laws that would shame the Australians !!!! put meters on the oil lines going south and charge 30 odd year back tax..

And yes many (mainly the English) will say what happened in the past, should be past, (and to a point i agree) BUT in reality history proves the English raped and pillaged its way across the world and the Celts have long memories and VERY good history teachers !!!!

Im just going to grab my shovel and dig a fox hole !!!!

Tongue in cheek

FREEDOM !!!!!!!

[Edited on 24/10/2011 by Hector.Brocklebank]

Daddylonglegs - 24/10/11 at 01:56 PM

When I saw the title I was thinking it was a vote to see if people would use a Scottish-only LCB forum! Doh!

I was all geared up to say that it would be a shame to lose all that quick-witted banter we get from our NOTB buddies

Oh, and as far as the vote goes, does it really matter? The governments will always do what they decide anyhow, look at the EU thing in the press at the moment ......

SeaBass - 24/10/11 at 01:59 PM

lol. Hector is such a voracious Scot he f'ed off to Thailand!

I'm not a Scot by birth but do live in Scotland (just!) by absolute choice. I feel I should have a voice in what happens... but I'm no evangelist.

[Edited on 24/10/11 by SeaBass]

scootz - 24/10/11 at 02:03 PM

... and open to Scots residents!

Basically, if you're permitted a vote on the referendum, then please vote on the poll!

jabbahutt - 24/10/11 at 02:06 PM

So would I be correct that the situation the Scots find themselves in now is directly tied to the Darien scheme of 1693 where the Scots desperate to mirror the English colonies success and wealth from trade overseas nearly bankrupted the country which was a major factor in the treaty of union on 1707?

If the Scots want complete independance they should be allowed to have it along with the Welsh but only if they are completely self financing. After all at the moment it's only England where you pay for perscriptions & University education as two examples.

Hector.Brocklebank - 24/10/11 at 02:23 PM

Originally posted by SeaBass
lol. Hector is such a voracious Scot he f'ed off to Thailand!

I'm not a Scot by birth but do live in Scotland (just!) by absolute choice. I feel I should have a voice in what happens... but I'm no evangelist.

[Edited on 24/10/11 by SeaBass]

I got fed up being ruled by the "auld enemy" (but in reality those who know me, know why i left the country)

As for the second point.... I rest my case

The decision of who should decide upon Scotland's future should be made by Scots only, not "incomers" as your called

But we are all on this rock together and cant really help where we are born .

[Edited on 24/10/2011 by Hector.Brocklebank]

SeaBass - 24/10/11 at 02:42 PM

I have to say it's not an attitude that's new to me - try moving to a tiny village in the Borders and not being labelled and incomer. People are very surprised when you, an incomer, want to make a positive contribution to the local community.

It's going to be very interesting to see how it develops.

big-vee-twin - 24/10/11 at 03:10 PM

Personally the vote should be the other way round.

Ask the English if we want Scoltand as part of the UK.

If Scotalnd was independant who do you think would have bailed out the RBS!!

Scotland would be at the Euro table with a begging bowl just like Greece.

Anyway we have found oil in the Faklands now so we dont need Scottish oil any more!!

Long live the Union

Daddylonglegs - 24/10/11 at 03:26 PM

This could warrant a BIG bag of popcorn......

Chippy - 24/10/11 at 03:28 PM

Fine, have independance should you feel thats the way to go, the only request that I would make is to take all the scots currently in the Parliament back with you, (and Oh! boy there are loads). Just my two penath, :-) Cheers Ray

Simon - 24/10/11 at 03:57 PM

An interesting aside in the debate is the 49 labour Westminster MPs, who would be chucked out of the HoP, making the Tories no longer need the Agnostics, sorry LibDems for a majority




Hector.Brocklebank - 24/10/11 at 04:00 PM

Originally posted by big-vee-twin
Personally the vote should be the other way round.

Ask the English if we want Scoltand as part of the UK.

If Scotalnd was independant who do you think would have bailed out the RBS!!

Scotland would be at the Euro table with a begging bowl just like Greece.

Anyway we have found oil in the Faklands now so we dont need Scottish oil any more!!

Long live the Union

PLEASE PLEASE let the English decide to throw Scotland out of the union the sooner the better.

RBS has not been ruled 100% by Scots for a long time... If it had been it wouldn't have allowed its (miss) management to buy "toxic" AMERICAN debts...

And to be correct it was American owned companies who initially found oil in the Falklands in the mid to late 90's it was found but decided at the time due to the depth of water it was laying in that technology precluded its economic recovery.. but now the continual thirst for oil need to be slaked and its time to go back and dig about with new technology.

How do I know this ? well I spent 6 month freezing my nuts off there in 1997/98 with sheep getting prettier by the day !!!! with Western Atlas (now Barker-Atlas) running wireline logging services, and you can be sure the yanks made pretty sure the rights for that were pretty well stitched into their back pockets for a rainy day...... long long ago.

So at least do a bit of homework first before you begin..... (starting with how you spell Scotland)

[Edited on 24/10/2011 by Hector.Brocklebank]

Hector.Brocklebank - 24/10/11 at 04:05 PM

Originally posted by Chippy
Fine, have independance should you feel thats the way to go, the only request that I would make is to take all the scots currently in the Parliament back with you, (and Oh! boy there are loads). Just my two penath, :-) Cheers Ray

Didnt you know that Gordon Brown (and all Scots MP's in England) are TRUE Scottish Patriots they attempt(ed) to Destroy "The Auld Enemy" in the best way possible, from within !!!!

[Edited on 24/10/2011 by Hector.Brocklebank]

craig1410 - 24/10/11 at 04:45 PM

I voted to forget the whole thing and go back to Westminster. I just think the Scottish government is a big waste of money in its current guise and the parliament building is a joke! I say this as a proud and patriotic Scot but I can't feel proud of the Scottish parliament I'm afraid.

Betting our future on oil is a short term strategy at best although renewables might be a stronger long term case, especially tidal power and wave power. On the whole I don't think independence would work as we Scots have a proud history of bickering amongst ourselves.

Also, as a conservative voter with strong beliefs in working for a living and being allowed and encouraged to accumulate wealth based on hard work and job/enterprise creation, that pretty much rules out wanting to be governed by the usual suspects in Scotland. That said, Salmond doesn't seem a bad guy and has exceeded my expectations but I think at the moment, in order to compete with the likes of Germany and France in Europe, we need to keep the union together. I say that as a euro-sceptic but unfortunately the last government gave away so much power to Europe that we need to go along with it for a while until things settle down.

blakep82 - 24/10/11 at 05:07 PM

Originally posted by craig1410
I voted to forget the whole thing and go back to Westminster. I just think the Scottish government is a big waste of money in its current guise and the parliament building is a joke! I say this as a proud and patriotic Scot but I can't feel proud of the Scottish parliament I'm afraid.

Betting our future on oil is a short term strategy at best although renewables might be a stronger long term case, especially tidal power and wave power. On the whole I don't think independence would work as we Scots have a proud history of bickering amongst ourselves.

Also, as a conservative voter with strong beliefs in working for a living and being allowed and encouraged to accumulate wealth based on hard work and job/enterprise creation, that pretty much rules out wanting to be governed by the usual suspects in Scotland. That said, Salmond doesn't seem a bad guy and has exceeded my expectations but I think at the moment, in order to compete with the likes of Germany and France in Europe, we need to keep the union together. I say that as a euro-sceptic but unfortunately the last government gave away so much power to Europe that we need to go along with it for a while until things settle down.

i agree, don't know why we can't be as patriotic as the americans with their united states.
personally, I think alex salmond is hell bent on independance that he hasn't actually worked out what to do if he gets it. so far i think he's making a lot of promises he can't sustain.
as for RBS, during my 'sentence' there, i learned that RBS is actually registered as an English bank, therefore if independance happens, scotland loses that too i think. there's no industry here any more, oil, yeah, but aren't all the oil companies registered in england too? whats he going to do about a currency? military/defence? setting up all this can't be done with the tax freezes, no uni fees, and a population of only 5 million or so.
i think he's got a pretty blinkered view on it all, but his promises are winning voters over, be interesting to know now what wil happen if it goes ahead.

and the way he behaved when he insulted that other politician and then refused to appologise for it when confronted by all the other parties, he was very childih about it. seems he will only disagree with anything and everything westmisnter decide.
doesn't matter what it is, he always goes the other way.
what happens to labour, tory, lib dem and all the rest if independance goes through? are we then stuck with only SNP? where's the democracy?
i don't trust him in the slightest.

thing is, mum and dad from essex, moved up here before about 2 months before i was born, i was born in greenock, but got a essex accent, what does that make me?

and lets not even start on how well the whole tram project is going, and what a great decision by the scottish government(s) was... can't remember which one started it though?

[Edited on 24/10/11 by blakep82]

mad4x4 - 24/10/11 at 05:12 PM

Independance - won't work, were too small with too much oil and no Army - Prime target for invasion.... bit like Kuwait.

scootz - 24/10/11 at 05:19 PM

Originally posted by mad4x4
Independance - won't work, were too small with too much oil and no Army - Prime target for invasion.... bit like Kuwait.

Hector.Brocklebank - 24/10/11 at 06:25 PM

Originally posted by mad4x4
Independance - won't work, were too small with too much oil and no Army - Prime target for invasion.... bit like Kuwait.

Ah but like Kuwait we still hae a wee bit o oil left laddie, so the yanks might just come to make sure it keeps flowing their way too

plentywahalla - 24/10/11 at 06:49 PM

So you get your independence and then the oil runs out. Are you going to ask to be bailed out again just like in 1707 and let back in?
It's all a nonsense because ultimately small countries cannot prosper in a world which is coalescing into large trading blocks, which is why being part of Europe is essential to the UK's property.

I am proud of being a mongrel, one quarter Welsh, one quarter English, two quarters Irish! So I certainly don't qualify to vote in your poll. But if you go back in history we are all mongrels. The true celts that you will only allow to vote in your poll, started in Central Europe and migrated to Britain only to be pushed into Ireland and Scotland by the Romans. Then the 'English' who you accuse of raping and pillaging Scotland were mainly of Norman (French) descent and later

At what point in history do you decide that was the correct demography to return to? Why can't we forget all this nationalist nonsense and all prosper together!

scootz - 24/10/11 at 08:01 PM

Originally posted by plentywahalla
The true celts that you will only allow to vote in your poll...


Ninehigh - 24/10/11 at 08:34 PM

Whichever way it goes go that way, from what I understand there's a nice middle ground where the Scots have a say in what happens in England, but the English have no say on Scottish goings-on

plentywahalla - 24/10/11 at 09:37 PM

Originally posted by scootz
Originally posted by plentywahalla
The true celts that you will only allow to vote in your poll...


Maybe celts is not appropriate.

I was only questioning your definition of true scots only being able to vote. How many generations do you have to count back to qualify?

If you count back too many then none of you are native scots at all!

craig1410 - 24/10/11 at 09:51 PM

I'm not sure describing native Scots as Celts is correct at all. Picts or Gaels perhaps.

I think we can assume for the purpose of this exercise that we are talking about those with the right to vote in Scotland.

[Edited on 24/10/2011 by craig1410]

Chippy - 24/10/11 at 09:52 PM

Haven't voted as don't qualify, (one of the Auld enemy, ) but just wondered how the poll is going. Cheers Ray

zilspeed - 24/10/11 at 10:21 PM

I would just like to defend Mr Seabasse's right to vote here.

He lives and works here and makes a significant contribution on many levels.

Unlike the huge tracts of the country inhabited by wastes of space that wouldn't know how to contribute to society if their lives depended on it.

The man lives and works here. Pays his council tax and contributes to his local economy.

He's entitled to a vote.

skodaman - 25/10/11 at 02:57 AM

As a half Scot but born in England all I've got to say is ,"Freedom for Tibet''. England isn't even independent from Europe so what's the point in Scottish independence?

bertie_bas205 - 25/10/11 at 04:56 AM

Ye need a 5th button on yer poll......

It's all 80110CK5 and they'll please themselves anyway......


Hector.Brocklebank - 25/10/11 at 06:40 AM

Originally posted by bertie_bas205
Ye need a 5th button on yer poll......

It's all 80110CK5 and they'll please themselves anyway......


Now that man speaks the truth, your not a politician by any chance !!!!

Originally posted by skodaman
As a half Scot but born in England all I've got to say is ,"Freedom for Tibet''. England isn't even independent from Europe so what's the point in Scottish independence?

I would agree having lived in an Asian country and been up into both Burma/Tibet I think freedom for Tibet is a much more valid cause.

And Zil I actually agree with you about SeaBass im just winding feker up !!!!! Scots humour that's lost on many !!!

bertie_bas205 - 25/10/11 at 07:04 AM

Hector B,

No I'm not....

The way I see it people vote on these things, they get their asses into big comfy leather chairs in their big offices that we, the tax pay for an reem us..

How many voted for raised taxes?? I didn't but I have to pay it!!!

Maybe there should be a "rants page"....


Hector.Brocklebank - 25/10/11 at 07:59 AM

Originally posted by bertie_bas205
Hector B,

No I'm not....

The way I see it people vote on these things, they get their asses into big comfy leather chairs in their big offices that we, the tax pay for an reem us..

How many voted for raised taxes?? I didn't but I have to pay it!!!

Maybe there should be a "rants page"....


Bertie, Seeing as your from Aberdeenshire, you should get in touch with "omega24v6/Garry" he's in the "Broch" you seem as gumpy & moaning faced an old bstard as he is you two would get along quite well

(if your reading ) sorry couldny resist Garry

jabbahutt - 25/10/11 at 08:33 AM

Hector as the history teachers in Scotland are so good and the Scots memories are so long, what is your take on the fact that one of the major reasons Scotland signed the treaty of Union was it's disastrous attempts to set up a trade colony in the 1690's practically leaving the country bankrupt and that is why you are currently under the yoke of the Auld enemy?

JoelP - 25/10/11 at 09:59 AM

Originally posted by Chippy
Haven't voted as don't qualify, (one of the Auld enemy, ) but just wondered how the poll is going. Cheers Ray

Click the view results button.

Hector.Brocklebank - 25/10/11 at 10:10 AM

Originally posted by jabbahutt
Hector as the history teachers in Scotland are so good and the Scots memories are so long, what is your take on the fact that one of the major reasons Scotland signed the treaty of Union was it's disastrous attempts to set up a trade colony in the 1690's practically leaving the country bankrupt and that is why you are currently under the yoke of the Auld enemy?

Thats only one of the many farks up both sides have to hang their head in shame about.

But maybe that's not a road you should wish to travel as an Englishmen, Because the PROVABLE list of English fark ups throughout history leaving people and whole countries high, dry and everything else in between is very very long and not very distinguished, ask almost anyone around the world and you will come across a nation who has reason to be pissed off at the English many many countries were forcibly under the yoke and tyranny of the English.

If you wish to proceed further, where would you like me to start the list ?


Ask some of the Africans who were sent over to colonize Jamaica on slave trade ships by English.
America (remember the big hoo ha about the declaration of independence that was the result of the yanks not being best please being under the yoke of English tyranny)

I could go on and on and on as I said the list is very long.

All history yes but )provable history too) the "English" have much to answer for, for creating many problems throughout the history of the developing world.

But as this is all can only descend in to an all out slugging match, I feel its best we agree to disagree.

So I have pressed my point and need to add nothing further before effing politics gets the better of a car building forum

Scootz its your bloody fault..........................

So lets all just get on with talking about cars and leave all that shite to politicians who will do their best to fark it up anyway.

And most of all lets all stay friends (well in the case of we Scots we will at least "tolerate" you English)


Come smile guys

Badger_McLetcher - 25/10/11 at 10:10 AM

I tend to think that if the Scots do vote for independence it would be a shame, three centuries or so of history ended, however if that is the way the majority of the population want to go, so be it. I must confess I have some doubts as to the economic viability of Scotland on it's own, but I will also confess that I aint no expert
My personal preference would be to set up a federal system for the four countries in the Union, with England, Wales, Scotland and NI acting much like states in the US. This would allow a lot more freedom for law making etc, whilst keeping the benefits of the Union. I guess it's too much of a compromise in that it wouldn't satisfy the rabid unionists or independence nuts!

foskid - 25/10/11 at 10:54 AM

I’m originally from Glasgow (as were my parents) so I’m a real jock and I feel this independence thing is all a bit silly, as none of the countries in the union, even Engerland could survive independently any more than Britain could survive if totally divorced from Europe, though I do wish they would stop interfering in our laws such as they are.

I have found it amusing though throughout this thread watch the napalm flying back and forth in relative safety from behind the ramparts of the welsh border.

It’s nice to watch the kids have fun.

jabbahutt - 25/10/11 at 11:02 AM

Hector I hope you didn't take my question as a serious point scoring excercise mearly a light hearted mickey take from an Englishman. I have no doubt that throughout history England has done many things to be ashamed of along with many things to be very proud of.

scootz - 25/10/11 at 12:40 PM

Originally posted by Hector.Brocklebank
Scootz its your bloody fault..........................

Guilty m'lud!

scootz - 25/10/11 at 02:09 PM

I'd have to say that I'd be in favour of a fully independent Scotland... and for no other reason that I see it as an opportunity to improve the future of me and mine!

It's a MASSIVE gamble though as there (quite rightly) would be no way back, but the potential pay-off is immeasurable.

It really comes down to the ownership of the oil-fields, just how much of the black-stuff is left and how any Scottish Govt would invest the revenue to work for us in the future. I also think that recent events in Ireland would provide lessons on what NOT to do with it!

We'll see what happens. For now I'm proud to be Scottish and I'm proud to be British.

PS - would we still get to be part of LCB if we did dissolve the Union?

jabbahutt - 25/10/11 at 02:26 PM

I must admit to being extremely envious of the whole Scottish pride thing, you only have to look at the hooha flying an English flag causes to realising how nice it must be living in a country where it is not seen as wrong to being proud of your nationality and displaying it.

scootz - 25/10/11 at 02:44 PM

National pride is good, but I have to say that some of the noisiest exponents of it in Scotland are the no-marks who have contributed precisely squat... and taken the most.

They feed-off the exploits of our illustrious forefathers, but haven't cottoned on that we're being left behind at an alarming rate!

I'm hoping that an independent Scotland would shake-up the status-quo and remove the outdated 'persecution complex'. Introduce a case of there you have it... now it's success is up to each of you!

bertie_bas205 - 25/10/11 at 07:09 PM

Originally posted by Hector.Brocklebank
Originally posted by bertie_bas205
Hector B,

No I'm not....

The way I see it people vote on these things, they get their asses into big comfy leather chairs in their big offices that we, the tax pay for an reem us..

How many voted for raised taxes?? I didn't but I have to pay it!!!

Maybe there should be a "rants page"....


Bertie, Seeing as your from Aberdeenshire, you should get in touch with "omega24v6/Garry" he's in the "Broch" you seem as gumpy & moaning faced an old bstard as he is you two would get along quite well

(if your reading ) sorry couldny resist Garry

Im in no way grumpy, some things just get up my nose.........

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ............................. and RELAX.......!!


P.s I'm Irish.......