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Beer (no, not lager)
SeanStone - 23/11/11 at 07:06 PM

In the last year I've really been getting into my beers, it was all kick started by a trip to Brussels (where i have just returned from a second trip).

I am very much into my IPA's, but all the good ones I have tried are belgian/american so are expensive.

Are there any other IPA lovers out there who know of a decent, well priced beer easily sourced in the UK?

I do like brewdog, but I'm looking for something a little more special

mookaloid - 23/11/11 at 07:21 PM

I like a pint of Deuchars IPA when I can find it - it is occasionally at one of my locals as a guest beer.

rb968 - 23/11/11 at 07:29 PM

Loads of micro breweries up near me. Pubs around here are well stocked with excellent light ales.

As for specifically IPA then try

Otherwise highly recommend Hawkshead Lakeland gold or Coniston brewery Bluebird beers.


[Edited on 23/11/11 by rb968]

SeaBass - 23/11/11 at 07:32 PM

If you like Brewdog Punk IPA you need to try Stone Ruination IPA from the States it's sublime - they basically helped the brewdog boys with their first recipes.

Some suggestions if your into IPA style;

Caledonian Deuchars IPA, St Austell Proper Job IPA, Harviestoun Schiehallion + Bitter and Twisted, Cairngorm Trade Winds, Black Isle Organic Blonde, Atlas Nimbus and Latitude, Orkney Scapa Special, Stewarts Pentland IPA.

A heavy Scottish bias there but if you can find any of those they should keep you going.

Confused but excited. - 23/11/11 at 07:43 PM

Cains (Liverpool) do a nice IPA.
Their Double Bock bottled beer is pure magic. Sip it though it's 8%. I've seen this in either Tesco or Asda.
They do some quite funky stuff like Raisin Beer. Niiice.
Oh and by the way, you want ale, lager is beer.

[Edited on 23/11/11 by Confused but excited.]

Pezza - 23/11/11 at 07:50 PM

Anything from the Darkstar brewery gets my vote most of the time, critical mass around crimbo is win

P ? - 23/11/11 at 08:08 PM

i deliver beer for a living .... get them cheaper than chips. shame your miles away

theduck - 23/11/11 at 08:19 PM

If you like IPAs (Indian pale ales) then worth trying most other pale ales. Iirc an IPA's deliberately brewed less gassy so that it shipped well to, you guessed it, India. I know one brewery does a HPA which is Herefordshire pale ale and is really just an IPA by another name.

phelpsa - 23/11/11 at 08:44 PM

Originally posted by theduck
If you like IPAs (Indian pale ales) then worth trying most other pale ales. Iirc an IPA's deliberately brewed less gassy so that it shipped well to, you guessed it, India. I know one brewery does a HPA which is Herefordshire pale ale and is really just an IPA by another name.

My tipple when i head to Shelsley Walsh

mrwibble - 23/11/11 at 08:52 PM

SeanStone - 23/11/11 at 09:07 PM

The one so far that has really hit the nail on the head is the stone ruination. Looks like a fantastic beer

Really looking for a 6-7%+ very hoppy beer!

Just had a struise flanders IPA and a Struise/Mikkeller IPA collaboration, and they're sublime but very hard to get here!

austin man - 23/11/11 at 10:01 PM

mcerd1 - 23/11/11 at 10:04 PM

Caledonian do some nice beers (especialy the limited edition ones) - Deuchars IPA is good, but I'm still an 80/- man

[edit] now we're talking about beer, thats a good enough excuse for me to have one
beer !
beer !

[Edited on 23/11/2011 by mcerd1]

SeanStone - 23/11/11 at 10:10 PM

Thornbridge looks on the money, however the Caledonian stuff looks a little weak for my palate!

If anyone can get hold of the struise beer 'black damnation' then let me know, I have their black albert which it is based on which is lovely, but the black damnation is very hard to come by

stevebubs - 23/11/11 at 10:28 PM

Try Loddon Brewery just outside Reading....

SeanStone - 23/11/11 at 10:54 PM

great site

SeaBass - 24/11/11 at 09:44 AM

Originally posted by SeanStone
however the Caledonian stuff looks a little weak for my palate!

Deuchars IPA does look weak on tap but it is a very good session beer though... If your on a night out it just keeps flowing... As printed on the bottom of the glass - You're due a Deuchars.

[Edited on 24/11/11 by SeaBass]