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photo montage software
jabbahutt - 22/12/11 at 11:35 AM

Morning all

Forgive my ignorance but I'll try and describe what I'm after, one of you will hopefully know what I'm talking about. I'm trying to find some software buy/download which allows you to create a picture from loads of small photos(you use to seem posters in athena etc)

I've got loads of photos of my daughter and thought it would be great to make a portait from all the photos. so does anyone know the proper term for this kind of thing or know any software which allows me to do it?

Thanks all

sprouts-car - 22/12/11 at 12:17 PM

Never tried any but you should find a few searching Google for "mosaic software"

jabbahutt - 22/12/11 at 12:19 PM

that's the term, not sure why I got montage stuck in my head but thank you for the help.

v8james - 22/12/11 at 01:01 PM

Googles Picasa does it, and its free .

tims31 - 22/12/11 at 02:03 PM

Picasa does collages but I don't think it does mosaics. Give Andrea Mosaic a try its free

jabbahutt - 22/12/11 at 03:29 PM

thanks for the info that's exactly what I'm after