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Anyone know about PS&O?
flak monkey - 30/1/12 at 07:34 PM

Obviously if you know what it stands for you might

Anyone tell me more about it? Anyone have any experience of it?

mookaloid - 30/1/12 at 07:49 PM

I've googled it and still don't know what you are talking about

westf27 - 30/1/12 at 07:52 PM

Its either the Isle of Wight ferry operator or something to do with fuel

westf27 - 30/1/12 at 07:57 PM

or could be

production surveillance and optimization

production surveillance and optimization

I win the doughnuts

russbost - 30/1/12 at 08:03 PM

Is it anything like bdsm???

foskid - 30/1/12 at 08:21 PM

Originally posted by russbost
Is it anything like bdsm???

Have found a new variety of which we are not yet aware?

foskid - 30/1/12 at 08:28 PM

Notwithstanding my last "serious" comment, the best I could find is this

PS&O Interim Management
Voor advies en ondersteuning op het gebied van Sponsoring, Organisatie en Relatiemarketing,

Sounds like some dutch firm adept at aiding fools part with their money.

balidey - 30/1/12 at 10:26 PM

it sounds familiar but can't think why.
You going to give us a clue?

flak monkey - 31/1/12 at 02:23 PM

It's Production Optimization and Surveillance so westf27 gets the prize for that.

Anyone have any experience of it in practice?

TimC - 31/1/12 at 03:38 PM

I've got some experience of SCADA. Is that good enough?

Agriv8 - 31/1/12 at 03:42 PM

Time and Motions study by a fancy new name possibly .

I know my old man had a to go down production line every 6 monts and state how to increase productivity by X and cost Y ( in later years reduce cost by Y what whould it mean to X )

45 years @ Brook Crompton Motors now retired

owelly - 31/1/12 at 05:21 PM

SCADA? Simulated Control And Data Aquisition.....