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any one else watching ch4 now?
steve m - 31/1/12 at 08:48 PM

Bloody hell, i cant imagine the fear of those poor folk on that ship!

And the Captain needs to be taken out and hung drawn and quartered, what an areshole !

bowood14 - 31/1/12 at 09:01 PM

Scared the life out of the wife we go on a cruise at the end of April!! Mind you love the Coastguard

[Edited on 31/1/12 by bowood14]

lotusmadandy - 31/1/12 at 09:02 PM

Originally posted by steve m
Bloody hell, i cant imagine the fear of those poor folk on that ship!

And the Captain needs to be taken out and hung drawn and quartered, what an areshole !

I watched it and i agree. What a coward!

That sort of incompetence deserves the severest punishment.


steve m - 31/1/12 at 09:08 PM

The coast guard, should be honoured, what a legend !!

vyperstrype - 31/1/12 at 09:38 PM

I used to work offshore and realise the dangers of life at sea. I cannot understand why that blundering halfwit of a captain didn't abandon ship whilst the ship was still bouyant in the water, it wasn't as if they where far away from land, and lifeboats could of been deployed on both sides of the vessel.

I wouldn't of put that knob in charge of a kiddies rubber duck!!!!