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what are you like?
stephen_gusterson - 2/9/04 at 10:20 PM

take this survey from the bbc program tonight to find your psycological profile.

Im a realist aparently.



liam.mccaffrey - 2/9/04 at 10:32 PM

i'm a realist too steve, was quite impressed with how well i fitted with what they thought, i had hoped i was quite unique, i guess not!

Peteff - 2/9/04 at 10:37 PM

Apparently I'm not. It can't be right.

subk2002 - 2/9/04 at 10:44 PM

Im a Strategist

r3nuf - 2/9/04 at 10:46 PM

A Supervisor...thats me!

Think my employees will be glad to hear that!

colibriman - 2/9/04 at 11:09 PM

Apparently I'm a performer....

Chris_R - 2/9/04 at 11:11 PM

Big thinker, or so they say... Just wait until I take over the world. They'll be sorry.

I love speed :-P - 2/9/04 at 11:12 PM

Originally posted by stephen_gusterson

Im a realist aparently.

me 3

Hellfire - 2/9/04 at 11:39 PM


Sounds about right!

scoobyis2cool - 2/9/04 at 11:55 PM

Innovator for me, and I took the "millionnaire potential" quiz and was in the top bracket


Fozzie - 3/9/04 at 12:20 AM

Originally posted by I love speed :-P
Originally posted by stephen_gusterson

Im a realist aparently.

me 3

Errrrrr, me 4 !


pbura - 3/9/04 at 12:43 AM

Big Thinker.

Didn't bother with the millionaire test. I've had 52 years to work on it already

heinlein - 3/9/04 at 12:54 AM

I'm a resolver - but please don't ask me to resolve all the problems we all obviously have.

N*E*R*D - 3/9/04 at 03:00 AM

it says Big Thinker
(must be broke)

i know i am

Viper - 3/9/04 at 06:14 AM

apparently i am a masturbator, but i knew that anyway

James - 3/9/04 at 08:12 AM

Hmmm, well apprently:

"Your answers suggest you are Spontaneous, not a Planner.
You are flexible and take life as it comes."

Reckon I'm too lazy to be spontaneous!



David Jenkins - 3/9/04 at 08:19 AM

Me 5 (realist...)


stephen_gusterson - 3/9/04 at 08:45 AM

strange about the amount of realists, I thought I was the only one to possess these 'undesirable' traits.

Id like to be an ostrich / butterfly, but taint me.......

But come the revolution, I would have told you so!


stephen_gusterson - 3/9/04 at 08:51 AM

I just did it again, entering 'butterfly' type answers, and so it seems my polar opposite is innovator. I actually modelled it on what I thought hippy might enter. where is he when you need him



[Edited on 3/9/04 by stephen_gusterson]

ChrisJLW - 3/9/04 at 09:14 AM

Yet another realist.

Do ya think it's got something to do with the technical nature of our hobby?

Mk-Ninja - 3/9/04 at 09:33 AM


Better go and resolve something then

marktigere1 - 3/9/04 at 10:19 AM

Apparantly I'm a Tw@t!


mookaloid - 3/9/04 at 10:54 AM

What is a peacemaker? It says that is what I am - er... if that's ok with everyone else that is

Jasper - 3/9/04 at 11:04 AM

Realist - again

Steve, I feel a poll coming on, wanna do the honours??

colibriman - 3/9/04 at 11:08 AM


What is a peacemaker? Scotland it could be someone who makes the sandwiches.....

mookaloid - 3/9/04 at 11:14 AM

Sandwiches eh? This could be me NOT on the road to being a millionaire

DaveFJ - 3/9/04 at 11:32 AM

I'm an idealist.... and I'm building an Avon...!

make of that what you will

[Edited on 3/9/04 by protofj]

stephen_gusterson - 3/9/04 at 12:19 PM

bummer - i'll have to do the quiz againt to get the details! - thread coming up.......

to this point we have 9 realists and 11 from the other 15 groups!



Originally posted by Jasper
Realist - again

Steve, I feel a poll coming on, wanna do the honours??

[Edited on 3/9/04 by stephen_gusterson]

Viper - 3/9/04 at 03:19 PM

Originally posted by mookaloid
What is a peacemaker? It says that is what I am - er... if that's ok with everyone else that is

Thats a gun aint it?

andkilde - 3/9/04 at 06:48 PM

Big Thinker here.

I think I'd rather be one of those folks who finish what they start though <g>.

I've got parts for three different projects cluttering up the house...


sgraber - 3/9/04 at 09:22 PM

Counselor!?? You've got to be kidding! I always thought of myself as the dictator type.


robinbastd - 3/9/04 at 09:41 PM

Ha!! I wasn't going to own up to being a counsellor type,but seeing one of my heroes has admitted to it I'll put my hand up as well. Could it be a mid-engine trait?

craig1410 - 3/9/04 at 10:00 PM

Realist here too, description fits to a "T".
Millionaire top bracket too, not that my bank manager would know, and my "Morales" test showed me to have a mature sense of social responsibility or something...
