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what are you like?
stephen_gusterson - 3/9/04 at 12:22 PM

from the other thread

Peteff - 3/9/04 at 12:40 PM

I have an idea and list to the left a bit.

Cita - 3/9/04 at 12:56 PM

Come on,who finds himself a big thinker?

ned - 3/9/04 at 01:10 PM

Originally posted by stephen_gusterson
What are you like?

about 5'11'', yellow skin, glasses, moustache


[Edited on 3/9/04 by ned]

theconrodkid - 3/9/04 at 01:29 PM

no space for "waster"

pbura - 3/9/04 at 01:36 PM

Originally posted by Cita
Come on,who finds himself a big thinker?

It's from a test:

I was classed a Big Thinker, btw

Probably everyone other than a Realist ought to be called a Deluded MF

nick205 - 3/9/04 at 01:37 PM


"good for nothing layabout with far more enthusiam for car building than gainful employment and a strong thirst for cold beer"

Roll on the weekend please!

mangogrooveworkshop - 3/9/04 at 02:48 PM

Innovator thats us.

andyps - 3/9/04 at 09:15 PM

Innovator here too.

Interesting profiles of people mad enough to build their own cars!

Peteff - 3/9/04 at 09:40 PM

That's pretty tall for a Chinese guy, you'd definitely get picked out in a lineup Ned.

Noodle - 3/9/04 at 09:43 PM

Originally posted by pbura
Originally posted by Cita
Come on,who finds himself a big thinker?

It's from a test:

I was classed a Big Thinker, btw

Probably everyone other than a Realist ought to be called a Deluded MF

Tried that link. I'm a counsellor. Quote "Counsellors are least likely to describe themselves as atheists, according to a UK survey. "

I'm an atheist.

Hmmmm. Now I'm just confused.


Viper - 3/9/04 at 10:08 PM

Strategist??? sfunny last test i did said i was a psycopath...........

Cita - 4/9/04 at 06:19 AM

I'm even refused to do ANY test

JoelP - 4/9/04 at 08:25 AM

i described myself as a realist before i saw the link to the quiz. Turns out from their definitions i arent actually a realist cos it isnt what i thought it was. I thought it simply meant someone who trys to be realistic, neither optomistic nor pessamistic. ie, you read a newpaper article and arent swayed by the political outlook of the author.

Turns out im an ideallist, and their description fits me well. Previously i would have accociated ideallism with 'head in the clouds' sort of stuff, maybe even the opposite of my definition of realism. Ah well, the joy of being wrong.

Isnt it funny, when you read the descriptions of the other personallity types, how you think 'i wouldn't want to be like that'?!


They are typically easy-going and flexible, but if their values are challenged they may refuse to compromise.

Tblue - 4/9/04 at 10:30 AM

Still no leaders or masterminds I see.

Fozzie - 4/9/04 at 07:34 PM

Originally posted by Tblue
Still no leaders or masterminds I see.

Well, actually yes!
I took the test when Steve first posted the link, I was in a good mood, and my result was .....A realist!...... yup, can live with that!
Took it again yesterday when I was in a sh***y mood, and the result was......Mastermind

