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I think I'm turning into a republican...
David Jenkins - 5/6/12 at 05:15 PM

Is anyone else less than impressed by all the nonsense that's gone on in the past weekend?

I don't have any strong feelings about the royals either way - but this has just gone completely OTT...

tegwin - 5/6/12 at 05:19 PM

Don't be miserable..

I suspect most people are not too fussed about the royals per-se but did enjoy the excuse to come together as a community and have a party and long relaxing weekend... If it makes people feel good then thats all that matters!?

The Royals are part of our culture, they are a massive tourist attraction and they are here to stay.. get over it

mookaloid - 5/6/12 at 05:20 PM

What's wrong with a bit of patriotism and people having a good time in what are after all difficult times for lots of people?

Have a pride in your Country and let others celebrate it if they want to.....

David Jenkins - 5/6/12 at 05:23 PM

I think I reached my limit when I saw that there was going to be a special "Rolf Harris paints the royals" programme on TV tonight... with various amateur artists contributing...

Bah Humbug! (oh, hang on, wrong time of year!)

[Edited on 5/6/12 by David Jenkins]

tegwin - 5/6/12 at 05:25 PM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
I think I reached my limit when I saw that there was going to be a special "Rolf Harris paints the royals" programme on TV tonight... with various amateur artists contributing...

So turn your TV off and go sit in a dark room somewhere...

David Jenkins - 5/6/12 at 05:26 PM

Nah - did that last night...

maccmike - 5/6/12 at 05:47 PM

Im with you mate, a right load of shite.

scoop - 5/6/12 at 06:00 PM

Off with their heads!
Jenkins and Mac I mean

[Edited on 5/6/12 by scoop]

blakep82 - 5/6/12 at 06:06 PM

we get flooded with st pats shite every year, why can't we celebrate our own country once every 10 years?!

D Beddows - 5/6/12 at 06:07 PM

The Queen, Prince Philip, Charles and Harry I have time for because they spend a lot of their time doing good things and the country would actualy be a worse place without them - then William maybe (a BIG maybe)....... after that they should all go and get a proper job if you ask me!

perksy - 5/6/12 at 06:19 PM

If folk want to get together and have a few beers and a laugh then good on 'em

But i think what the weekend cost could have been better spent

As for the royals, i'm afraid i'd of made them redundant years ago...

Had the chance to meet prince phillip a few years back and turned it down
not for me i'm afraid

But each to his own

iank - 5/6/12 at 07:04 PM

On a positive note it's now inevitable that Nicholas Witchell has a reserved space in the second pit of the eighth circle.

britishtrident - 5/6/12 at 07:10 PM

Save turning into a republican in reserve until Queen departs the throne she has done a magnificant job , when you read the order of succession it is difficult not to keep muttering things like unpleasant pratt, idiot, clown, waste of good fresh air, brainless female, the only one with any sense in the top 10 is Anne.

David Jenkins - 5/6/12 at 07:13 PM

Oh I am disappointed in you all... I try to set up a good troll to get you all going and all you do is mutter a bit. You're just not trying hard enough!

My TRUE views are that it's fine if people want to party and be all patriotic, and it's a shame the weather was so rubbish. I don't have any strong views on the royals, but I think I'd prefer the queen to a president. Good luck to the lot of them!

Was has pee'd me off over the weekend was the absolute rubbish TV coverage and corny/contrived programmes. Most of the stuff put on has been cheap and tacky, and little effort has been put in to make good intelligent productions - mostly token gestures designed to fill air-time.

I'll close with an apology for trying to wind you all up...

britishtrident - 5/6/12 at 07:20 PM

Originally posted by D Beddows
The Queen, Prince Philip, Charles and Harry I have time for because they spend a lot of their time doing good things and the country would actualy be a worse place without them - then William maybe (a BIG maybe)....... after that they should all go and get a proper job if you ask me!

Charles showed his true colours with the Nicholas Witchell remark it was really nasty, generally Charles gets everything he does wrong, personally I find it very deeply offensive that he turns up at his military engagements with his chest covered in medals in the style of the late not missed General Gadaffi and the evidence shows his sons aren't exact the sharpest tools in the box either.

Dingz - 5/6/12 at 07:41 PM

Now, we, the tax payers have paid a vast amount for a big public party for the Monarchy is it time for the monarchy to pay for a good time for the republicans?

austin man - 5/6/12 at 08:07 PM

Originally posted by Dingz
Now, we, the tax payers have paid a vast amount for a big public party for the Monarchy is it time for the monarchy to pay for a good time for the republicans?

Lets turn your statement on its head and look at the taxpayers money spent on societies yobs and the workshy. At 86 the queen still does her bit I know people at 60 who haven't worked for 40 years this being down to choice not ill health. Thats where the Taxpayers money gets frittered away along with the amount of money we pay into the prison system. I am neither a republican or a royalist. Im realistic so if ever there was a party that held these values I'd be sat at that bash Long live the Queen

britishtrident - 5/6/12 at 08:09 PM

Charles at his best/worst.

ed1max - 5/6/12 at 08:12 PM

About sums it up

locost47 - 5/6/12 at 08:25 PM

got to laugh when people say william & harry are not the sharpest tools in the box , so true cos everyone can pass flight training & anyone could fly an apache longbow its just the same as a playstation anyone could do it jeez louise some people

jeffw - 5/6/12 at 08:26 PM

Originally posted by britishtrident
Originally posted by D Beddows
The Queen, Prince Philip, Charles and Harry I have time for because they spend a lot of their time doing good things and the country would actualy be a worse place without them - then William maybe (a BIG maybe)....... after that they should all go and get a proper job if you ask me!

Charles showed his true colours with the Nicholas Witchell remark it was really nasty, generally Charles gets everything he does wrong, personally I find it very deeply offensive that he turns up at his military engagements with his chest covered in medals in the style of the late not missed General Gadaffi and the evidence shows his sons aren't exact the sharpest tools in the box either.

Yet again I find myself at odds with the fountain of opinion that is British Trident. Charles has commanded a RN Warship, as did his father before him so he has a least some military background. He does an enormous amount for this country and for charity as well as running a very successful business.

D Beddows - 5/6/12 at 08:41 PM

I completely understand how and why Charles p*sses people off BUT at least he has an opinion of his own (however misguided sometimes) and gets of his ars* and tries to do something about what he believes in - unlike a lot of other freeloading members of royalty who are 'only here for the beer' to coin a phrase . Wouldn't fancy him as King (nor would his mother obviously ) but you've got to give him a bit of respect for having something about him!

perksy - 5/6/12 at 08:48 PM

Originally posted by jeffw
Originally posted by britishtrident
Originally posted by D Beddows
The Queen, Prince Philip, Charles and Harry I have time for because they spend a lot of their time doing good things and the country would actualy be a worse place without them - then William maybe (a BIG maybe)....... after that they should all go and get a proper job if you ask me!

Charles showed his true colours with the Nicholas Witchell remark it was really nasty, generally Charles gets everything he does wrong, personally I find it very deeply offensive that he turns up at his military engagements with his chest covered in medals in the style of the late not missed General Gadaffi and the evidence shows his sons aren't exact the sharpest tools in the box either.

Yet again I find myself at odds with the fountain of opinion that is British Trident. Charles has commanded a RN Warship, as did his father before him so he has a least some military background. He does an enormous amount for this country and for charity as well as running a very successful business.


He also made himself (and us as a nation) a laughing stock around the world by his affair when he was married

Not exactly setting a shining example on family life from a future monarch....

bonzoronnie - 5/6/12 at 08:59 PM

I would class myself as a mildly patriotic person, bordering on quite patriotic

Britain becoming a republic, hmmmm, I can think of 3 reasons why not !

Cameron, Clegg & Miliband

How would folk like to have one of those tossers acting as President, head of state for the UK ?

If that day should ever come, will someone please come & shoot me

Please form an orderly queue

britishtrident - 5/6/12 at 09:00 PM

Originally posted by jeffw
Originally posted by britishtrident
Originally posted by D Beddows
The Queen, Prince Philip, Charles and Harry I have time for because they spend a lot of their time doing good things and the country would actualy be a worse place without them - then William maybe (a BIG maybe)....... after that they should all go and get a proper job if you ask me!

Charles showed his true colours with the Nicholas Witchell remark it was really nasty, generally Charles gets everything he does wrong, personally I find it very deeply offensive that he turns up at his military engagements with his chest covered in medals in the style of the late not missed General Gadaffi and the evidence shows his sons aren't exact the sharpest tools in the box either.

Yet again I find myself at odds with the fountain of opinion that is British Trident. Charles has commanded a RN Warship, as did his father before him so he has a least some military background. He does an enormous amount for this country and for charity as well as running a very successful business.

Charles was quietly removed from the command of the mine sweeper after he ran it aground.
Then there was the HS146 of the Queens flight he insisted on landing, he ran off the end of the runway because was landing with strong wind behind him although the Captain of the aircraft had given him repeated warnings of the danger and repeated told Charles to abort the approach and return control of the aircraft to him. The aircraft landing gear was damaged and took some time to repair.

Incidentally among the 37 medals Charles regularly wears is one for long service in the Canadian Defence Forces --- weird.

gottabedone - 5/6/12 at 09:17 PM

Well guys - I'm English and proud of it

We don't get much chance to celebrate these days as it's frowned upon because it's not multicultural enough .... so break out your party food and toast the queen with a good cuppa in your coronation mug


jeffw - 5/6/12 at 09:18 PM

I don't know where you get your info from but it is certainly at odds with the opinion of people I know who served with him in the sweeper squadron.

scoop - 5/6/12 at 09:27 PM

As they have been born into Royalty and not got the job on any merit or application, where does it say that have have to be 'sharp tools'?

Dingz - 5/6/12 at 09:54 PM

But at least with a President or whatever we can vote for them and chuck them out after 5 years, not 60 plus! The Monarch is there by an accident of birth and not necessarily British either. Also the coronation was in june 1953 which to my maths is 59 years ago, but her dad died in feb 52 so why wasn't the jublilee either in february or even next year?

woodster - 5/6/12 at 10:11 PM

Originally posted by locost47
got to laugh when people say william & harry are not the sharpest tools in the box , so true cos everyone can pass flight training & anyone could fly an apache longbow its just the same as a playstation anyone could do it jeez louise some people

Well said ...... And not forgetting Harry's tour of duty in Afghanistan ........ God bless em

dlatch - 5/6/12 at 10:14 PM

nowt wrong with flying the flag now and again

imo it's great for britain infact i would even suggest we needed it

spiderman - 5/6/12 at 11:02 PM


He also made himself (and us as a nation) a laughing stock around the world by his affair when he was married

Not exactly setting a shining example on family life from a future monarch....

It's not like he would be the first Monarch to have had a mistress and his so called wife was no angel either, admitted on television that she had had a 5 year affair, and looking at Harry it kind of proves the point somewhat. I would not be surprised to hear that was the only one she had.

Volvorsport - 6/6/12 at 12:14 AM

charles is a pussycat compared to henry V111.

anyway , union jacks will have to come down now , not to upset all the others , so to speak.....

morcus - 6/6/12 at 12:42 AM

Monarchy is alot cheaper than having a republic, the cost of all this is nothing compare to the cost of extra elections and campaining and everything that goes with it. The other problem is you end up with a political head of state, the very best thing about constitutional monarchy is that our head of state is completely removed from politics.

Democracy doesn't work on merit, and true meritocracy isn't really doable, this is the best compromise and I really doubt there is anyone better suited to the Queen's job than she is. What happens after she goes is another issue. I like Prince Charles but I'm not so sure he'd be anywhere nere as good as his mother, so maybe if we could vote from the top 20 or so who we wanted to rule next...

I wish I had a job where I had weekends and bank holidays off, I spent the whole jubillee asleep or at work.

scoop - 6/6/12 at 05:05 AM

You happy now David?

scootz - 6/6/12 at 05:37 AM

I'm far from being a royalist, but I have a great deal of respect for the way the Queen, Prince Charles and the two Princes conduct themselves. They are a credit to the country.

Charles strikes me as being a very decent man who cares for the country and the people. So what if he got a bit prickly at a photo-shoot. Who wouldn't get occasionally irritated by the media circus that surrounds his every public movement? As for his views on Nicholas Witchell... ??? Spot on Charlie! I can't stand the sycophantic arse either! Shame on the news outlets for amplifying his mutterings and broadcasting them... totally underhand (just as the Gordon Brown 'bigoted woman' and subsequent Jeremy Vine interview were underhand).

whitestu - 6/6/12 at 07:43 AM

I would class myself as patriotic and in my opinion the Royal signify everything that is bad about this country.

If the Queen had a shred of decency she would abdicate immediately and arrange for the entire royal circus to be disbanded.

I really don't understand why people like them!

David Jenkins - 6/6/12 at 09:12 AM

Originally posted by scoop
You happy now David?


David Jenkins - 6/6/12 at 09:22 AM

One of my previous bosses used to train Apache pilots for the UK forces... he said that a significant number of trainees fail, even if they're good copter pilots in other aircraft. The problem is that the pilot has to:

Fly the aircraft
Handle information on his flight instruments
Handle information projected directly into his eyeball
Handle information coming into his ears from the computers, the radio and from his weapons man
Look out for other Apaches that may well be flying in close formation
Oh - and actually complete his mission!

I used to think that Harry was a prize pillock - he even managed to prove it occasionally - but then he passed Apache training.
His brother William flies air-sea rescue helicopters, which is also a major achievement.
Even Uncle Andrew was flying his helicopter around the stern of a burning warship in the middle of a war-zone with the risk of enemy aircraft all around.

So maybe a bit of respect?

[Edited on 6/6/12 by David Jenkins]

bonzoronnie - 6/6/12 at 09:23 AM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
Originally posted by scoop
You happy now David?
