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My Falling Down House Update
ashg - 6/6/12 at 08:23 AM

Well just to let all those that took an interest know it is now fixed. still a bit of work to do to get the kitchen finished but upstairs is not going to collapse on my head now

how it was

how it is now

Peteff - 6/6/12 at 08:26 AM

So anything with tits or wheels or walls will cost you money now

ashg - 6/6/12 at 08:28 AM

nah it still goes back to tits. if it wasn't for her we wouldn't be having a new kitchen.

tegwin - 6/6/12 at 08:35 AM

Looks like a good strong fix, nice one :-)

imp paul - 6/6/12 at 08:57 AM

looks good mate glad you sorted it out hope your ok

rachaeljf - 6/6/12 at 09:04 AM

Looks adequate. What did you use at the wall?

ashg - 6/6/12 at 09:09 AM

It actually goes into the wall and is sitting on a plinth in the brickwork

rachaeljf - 6/6/12 at 04:29 PM

Very good, don't think that will be going anywhere!