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Anyone know ceebmoj ( Blake Jones ) ?
twinturbo - 16/9/04 at 10:15 AM

Does anyone know the user ceebmoj ( Blake Jones? )

I paid him for some wishbones nearly a month ago and have not recived them yet..

He's not responding to e-mail, text or phone..

Any info would be helpfull, he logged on the other day so he's still arround..



Terrapin_racing - 16/9/04 at 11:21 AM

You could u2u him on the site. He was on this morning. I think he may have moved house - I mailed an item to him in scotland but he now lists manchester as location??

Hugh Paterson - 16/9/04 at 05:02 PM

Yup know him well, prob a simple reason hes a good guy btw just busy busy busy

twinturbo - 16/9/04 at 05:15 PM

Got hold of him 2 nite, hopefully everything's ok..