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steve m - 9/11/12 at 07:59 PM

Just been with Grandson, and loved it!

i am biased though as i like all Bond films


HowardB - 9/11/12 at 08:09 PM

it is awesome, I think it is one of the best ever Bond films

twybrow - 9/11/12 at 08:14 PM

Another vote for AMAZING!!!! Loved it. Might go and see it again!

PSpirine - 9/11/12 at 08:17 PM

(minor spoiler alert warning)

Seriously picky bond fan here, and I thought it was...

...F&*Ģing brilliant! Not the best bond film, but really really good. The opening sequence and the intro credits/song were 100% spot on bond, and the way they reset the story at the end with M and Moneypenny was really well executed as well!

Only complaint was there were slightly slow moments in the middle, and the villain's "plan" could've been a bit grander.

The actual filming was unbelievable - the Shanghai scenes were epic.

mookaloid - 9/11/12 at 08:32 PM

hoping to go and see it this weekend

myke pocock - 9/11/12 at 08:48 PM

Must be the only person in the country who wasnt exactly impressed with it then! Weak story and a series of set pieces as far as Ime concerned. It was OK but I wouldnt go again.

Slimy38 - 9/11/12 at 08:50 PM

Desperately want to go see it, but everyone I know has already seen it so I'll have to do a billy-no-mates with it. Still, at least I won't have to share my popcorn!

gottabedone - 9/11/12 at 09:27 PM

Good but where were the gadgets?

Also thought that it was a bit disjointed in places but still a really good film


scootz - 9/11/12 at 09:29 PM

Originally posted by myke pocock
Must be the only person in the country who wasnt exactly impressed with it then! Weak story and a series of set pieces as far as Ime concerned. It was OK but I wouldnt go again.

Nope... there's two of us!

twybrow - 9/11/12 at 10:42 PM

Originally posted by gottabedone
Good but where were the gadgets?

Also thought that it was a bit disjointed in places but still a really good film


The lack of gadgets was kinda the point - back to basics and 'believable'.... They even put in a little line to say that 'oh no we don't do that sort of thing any more' from Q...

Rek - 9/11/12 at 10:46 PM

Does anyone know where the road is they used for the bit driving out to Skyfall?

splitrivet - 9/11/12 at 11:30 PM

Originally posted by scootz
Originally posted by myke pocock
Must be the only person in the country who wasnt exactly impressed with it then! Weak story and a series of set pieces as far as Ime concerned. It was OK but I wouldnt go again.

Nope... there's two of us!

Good film but plus 1

NigeEss - 9/11/12 at 11:47 PM

Originally posted by Rek
Does anyone know where the road is they used for the bit driving out to Skyfall?

Looks like the A82, Glencoe area.

I'm in the "loved it, but not the best Bond film ever" camp. Personally I think Casino Royale (Craig version) takes
some beating.

MsD - 10/11/12 at 01:08 PM

Originally posted by Rek
Does anyone know where the road is they used for the bit driving out to Skyfall?

Exactly what I was thinking when I watched it.... looks fun

I thought It was a really good film, all Bond films are IMO.


Simon - 10/11/12 at 01:12 PM

Originally posted by myke pocock
Must be the only person in the country who wasnt exactly impressed with it then! Weak story and a series of set pieces as far as Ime concerned. It was OK but I wouldnt go again.

I agree entirely. I deliberately missed as many of the trailers as poss, though I did see the bit with the train, which I thought was mediocre in the cinema as I'd already seen it.

Film had too many long pauses of nothing happening, story was interesting yet contradictory. Deffo not the best Bond by a long shot. Won't be watching again in a hurry.

When Sam Mendes's name was mentioned as poss director to the new start Wars films, I decided after what he'd done to Bond there'd be no point seeing any further SW films. Fortunately he ruled himself out, so there are some small mercies out there

