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Moyo Dickson
RoadkillUK - 25/9/02 at 08:21 PM

I've just had my 3rd email (spam) from this (these) individual(s).

The thing that got my attention is the 1st one is addressed to, the others are a little more obscure .. and, I'm wondering if this site is being scanned for email addresses again?

And NO, I'm not blaming anyone

bran - 25/9/02 at 08:38 PM

Hi all,
Re- moyo dickson,I just got three of these emails today, bloody pain.

Macca - 25/9/02 at 08:40 PM

I've got eight of the bastards!

David Jenkins - 25/9/02 at 08:59 PM

I've just copped a heap of them!

The last one said it came from Tony Bond(UncleFista) - it seems to be working like a virus or worm).

Luckily I opened my mail while logged into Java...

ChrisW, are you able to do anything?



chrisg - 25/9/02 at 09:07 PM

I got 20 (Count'em), Don't know 'bout you but I'm kinda glad his life is in danger!



David Jenkins - 25/9/02 at 09:08 PM

I've just sent a copy of the e-mail to, requesting assistance.

Perhaps others would like to do the same...


UncleFista - 25/9/02 at 09:10 PM

Deffo not from me, I've had 5 of 'em this evening. Norton AV is showing my PC all clear, I think its just one of those "sender hiding thingies" that put one of the recipients in the "sender" field.
2 of 'em sent to me have D W Jenkins in the "to" field, so I think its safe to say that they're hiding their details somehow

Annoying innit ?

BTW Instead of sending spam reports to the originating ISP give a go, they send spam reports to the ISP and if theres a website mentioned it sends spam reports to whatever hosting company they use, and all reports are sent from a double blind e-mail address so theres no way they can trace it back to you. I've had MANY spammers accounts suspended thanks to spamcop Oh yeah, its free too.

rallyslag - 25/9/02 at 09:10 PM

i had about 20 of them untill i made a filter to automaticly delete them

David Jenkins - 25/9/02 at 09:12 PM

Here's part of the automated reply from Lycos:


Make sure addresses are reported correctly by forwarding reports to and include "SPAM COMPLAINT", followed by the
spam-sending email address  in the subject.  If you desire a personal
reply, put "REPLY REQUESTED" at the end of the subject.



johnston - 25/9/02 at 09:19 PM

i got bout 8 read farmers zimbabe DELTED!!!!!!!

any1 read the whole thing???

Jon Ison - 25/9/02 at 09:21 PM

feel all left out, aint had one.......

Metal Hippy™ - 25/9/02 at 09:30 PM

Yes that's right.

I had 2 in the inbox and another 14 of the bastards in my junk mail folder.

4 different addresses though, not just the one.

All the same nutsack though.

Spamfaced bastards.

stephen_gusterson - 25/9/02 at 10:31 PM

I had six.

they are a lot more serious than you think.

Its a kidnap ploy.

I also got one from another african country a couple weeks back.

A guy was resqued from kidnappers a few months back - you may have seen it in the news.

The way it goes is that they ask for money to finance exporting of money thats somehow trapped. It culminates in the mug who thinks hes on a winnder flying out there with a bag of cash for the big deal. He then gets kidnapped and a ransom demanded. This happend.



stephen_gusterson - 25/9/02 at 10:37 PM

make that thirty F*ki^g four so far!

do I get a prize?



Dazza - 25/9/02 at 10:46 PM

i just delete anything that i am unsure off. the spam does look like spam. i get so much i think i can smell em........ i am developing a 6th sence for it!!!!!!!

RoadkillUK - 26/9/02 at 12:38 AM

Not had anymore yet, I'm off to bed.

Here's a nice read for you though ...

andyd - 26/9/02 at 08:03 AM

Hey Chris,

Any chance of making our email addresses non visible to these havesters?

It seems like most members here have had (or will probably get) one (or more) of these emails. This particular email is the first ever piece of spam I've got on the email address used for this site. I figured that it was harvested from this site because I also got the same email (to another account) with the "to" filled in with your email address!

I'd also suggest to everyone else that they don't openly publish thier email address on postings. If you have it in your sig, knobble it in some way like Most people can work out which bits to remove in order to send ligitimate emails. Also if you use anyone elses email i.e. suppliers etc. have the courtesy to knobble thiers too

After all that however, I'd much rather have email spam than the paper stuff on my doormat. It saves on trees for a better environment. I'd also much rather kill the environment by burning fossil fuels and going very very fast!

Jasper - 26/9/02 at 09:48 AM

Count me in for at least 10

James - 26/9/02 at 12:55 PM

Steve Gusterson wrote:


make that thirty F*ki^g four so far!

do I get a prize?



Only second prize I'm afraid I've just found 38 in my inbox.
Several from you! I knew that picture of you was a fake and you're based in Harare not Nottinghamshire(?) all along!

What I notice is that they're from two different senders with a different Subject line. One set from myo dickson and the other from moyo dickson.
Even though the 'To' field has our well known friends in there if you click reply it does come up with a mail address.

Don't spose anyone wants to send them a fax do you? See if we can play 'em along for awhile? Could be amusing!



UncleFista - 26/9/02 at 01:50 PM

I spent half an hour last night googling for a site I've seen before. Basically its a few pages of "correspondence" between some bloke and the Nigerian con man, he leads him on for ages IIRC it took me an hour to read it all, very, very funny though.

BTW Couldn't find it again ;(

David Jenkins - 26/9/02 at 06:50 PM

Here's the response from Lycos:


The member you have reported has been removed from our servers.

You have received a classic 'Nigerian 419' fraud email.  For further
information regarding this well known scam, please see the following

You should NEVER attempt to "reply" to these fraud emails, such as the
one you have received. Doing so merely confirms to the scammer that
your email is active, and may result in your address being sold to
other scammers/spammers. Simply add the address to your email filter,
notify the ISP from where the mail is originating, and delete the
message. If the spam appears to be originating from one of our
properties, please send us a copy of the message at this address.


The email address that you have reported may be a "drop box". This is
an account set up for the sole purpose of harvesting email addresses.

Thank you very much for bringing this fraudulent activity to my



Terra Lycos Network Abuse Specialist 

Alan B - 26/9/02 at 06:55 PM

Oh Shit, I replied!

Told him to wee off (and versions thereof) about 87 times

paulbeyer - 26/9/02 at 11:15 PM

Oh dear Alan,
I think you are gonna end up with Spam, Spam and more Spam.

Alan B - 26/9/02 at 11:21 PM

Oh dear Alan,
I think you are gonna end up with Spam, Spam and more Spam.

Yeah, but it's hard to imagine getting any more than I do already, at least 100 per day!

JohnFol - 27/9/02 at 12:38 PM

That's partly why I have a few domain names. I can then put the recipient name in the reply address, ie JohnLC@... so I know it could only be from the LoCost forum. ..

Dick Axtell - 27/9/02 at 01:13 PM

Dickson-shite here also - only a dozen so far. Seems as tho this scam trawls through address books, so if your address is in several, you get the corresponding number of messages.

Thanks for the Lycos info.

Dick (deffo no "-son")

jimmy - 27/9/02 at 04:37 PM

Same Here,I've had three.
Whats the idea of these?

James - 27/9/02 at 04:43 PM

Same Here,I've had three.
Whats the idea of these?

The idea is that your send them money so they can then 'export' their own money. They'll then give you a share of it.
What of course actually happens is that you never see your money again.

Frankly if anyone's dumb enough to send their money to something like this then IMO they deserve to lose it.


chrisg - 27/9/02 at 07:00 PM

Too right James,

They should be sending it to me.


Chris Okanawdoa

Alan B - 27/9/02 at 07:19 PM

Mr Okanawdoa,

Please send me your bank details so I can pay you large sums.
Just 20's though, will they do?

Alan B

Too right James,

They should be sending it to me.


Chris Okanawdoa

chrisg - 27/9/02 at 07:24 PM

A bankers daft would be fine, do you have any other .....I mean, enlightened friends?



bsilly - 27/9/02 at 08:50 PM

im on me way to amsterdom to rob some banks

Macca - 30/9/02 at 04:16 PM

Another today from "Dennis Mboma."

theconrodkid - 30/9/02 at 06:04 PM

me too,auwfly nice of him to write to us all dont you think?ps what was it about,i deleted it

Macca - 30/9/02 at 06:08 PM

Wanted to give me $20 million, told him I'd only spend it on wine, fast cars and fast women. Then waste what was left!

Peteff - 30/9/02 at 06:17 PM

I checked my junk mail on hotmail and I've had 5 moyo, 2 myo dickson and a Dennis Mbomo. It's a wonder there's any money left in circulation in the country.

yours, Pete.

stephen_gusterson - 30/9/02 at 06:53 PM

i got the momomomomom whatever the shyte it was, and another from laurent kabila's son, also after some money from me.

as we are a bunch of cheespsters that dont even want to buy a kit car, he's barking up the wrong tree a bit i think.



Alan B - 30/9/02 at 09:43 PM


as we are a bunch of cheespsters that dont even want to buy a kit car, he's barking up the wrong tree a bit i think.....


Nice one

Macca - 9/10/02 at 12:42 PM

Another one today from Dick**d Moyo?

Macca - 9/10/02 at 12:51 PM

Sorry, make that two.No make that five!
Anyone clever tell me how to stop them?
Cheers Col.

StuartA - 9/10/02 at 01:24 PM

Unfortunately there is no way to stop it, other than changing your email address. A 'spam filter' such as the service provided by Hotmail might do the trick but I'm not sure you can get one of these as a third party product, it has to be provided by your email host.

James - 9/10/02 at 01:26 PM

You can't stop them as such- other than change your e-mail address.
With several e-mail systems (such as Outlook) you can create 'Rules' so that it'll auto delete a mail with a certain header.

With my Yahoo account I can report a mail as spam (just click the 'This is Spam' button) and I don't then get any more from that address.



James - 9/10/02 at 02:41 PM

Unfortunately I can't find an article I read on BBC news yesterday but it reckoned that every day there are 5 Americans sitting in the lobby's of London hotels waiting to meet their new Nigerian 'business partner'!!!



rallyslag - 9/10/02 at 03:46 PM

ahh theve started again

sting - 9/10/02 at 04:52 PM

as you all i`ve had a few and only since being on this web-site so i now know what the spam button is for with yahoo.
i guess i click on that and hopefully it will disappear?
is this right

chrisg - 9/10/02 at 05:24 PM

You could try it I suppose, I had another 8 today!



stephen_gusterson - 9/10/02 at 09:24 PM

I had 21!!

But only 1 got through.

If using outlaw express, simply highlight the message.

Then select Message maneu, then select Block Sender - That castrates Moyo quite nicely if a 20:1 ratio isnt too bad!



David Jenkins - 10/10/02 at 06:53 AM

Trouble is, they're getting sneaky!

I had a heap last night, all from slightly different addresses and with slightly different subject lines - very difficult to keep the filters up to date.

Apart from sending a complaint to (again ) I have now changed my e-mail address - anyone I know from this site who wants the new one can contact me via U2U.


fuz - 11/10/02 at 11:53 AM

There is also another reason apart from the one mentioned by lycos as to why you are all getting these e-mails. I,ve had a few of these as well. As not mentioned in the lycos reply, the e-mails say you should forward to as many people as possible within the space of one hour and not actually reply to the sender.As you can see, this is spiralling fast. Basically these e-mails are from people who are against the internet, like the greenpeace of the net, and what they do is to send these e-mails out asking you to forward to as many of your collegues as you can within one hour. Eventually if we all did this it would spiral out of control and the net would crash!! It,s far from making the net crash yet, but as you can see they are tring hard.


Macca - 16/10/02 at 02:34 PM

Got three today from a very nice Dennis Mboma, god am I gonna be rich.

StuartA - 16/10/02 at 02:54 PM

Fuz has a good point, and the same ploy is used with the 'virus alerts'. Generally you get a message that says something like 'Virus xxx is going round, please tell as many people as you can'. This then gets forwarded and the effect is that it floors the 'net. Obviously this is different to our friend Moyo, but if you get one of these then check whether it is a fake alert first on a reputable site like before telling all your mates about it!

[Edited on 16/10/02 by StuartA]

Dazza - 17/10/02 at 08:42 AM

its simple, if it looks like crap, sounds like crap, is an offer to good to be true, or just seems iffy! DELETE IT AND MOVE ON. Dont let the idiots spoil it for us insane net heads!! lol............ I have been cought out only once with the bugbear virus, luckelly my norton sorted it out, but was touch and go for a few mins!!!! as James(i think) said, if anyone is stupid enough to beleive you get something from nothing, you deserve to loose you money!

Peteff - 23/10/02 at 11:10 AM

He's changed his name to Cole now. I got two more from him today exactly the same letter with a diferent name. How dumb do they think people are? I'm sticking with Dickson.

yours, Pete

RoadkillUK - 23/10/02 at 06:41 PM

Yeah, I got the same but I feel I'll have to refuse this one as that Moyo Dickson has all my money atm. Hopefully when I get my MILLIONS then I'll help Cole out too.

chrisg - 23/10/02 at 08:18 PM

Very decent of you Lee!!



escary - 25/10/02 at 09:56 AM

forgive me for being a little tardy on this issue, got twenty of the buggers.
Anybody going to south africa soon , if so get hold of them and give them a good kicking.
Anyone got a better idea?