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Alan B - 6/10/04 at 04:56 PM

Anyone familiar with this software?

A job application (not for me) asks for it....what is it?

Easy to learn?...etc.


JohnN - 6/10/04 at 05:19 PM

SAP was founded in 1972 in Walldorf, Germany. It stands for Systems, Applications and Products in Data Processing. The SAP R/3 enterprise application suite for open client/server systems has established a new standards for providing business information management solutions..........

or so Mr Google tells me, I do hear it mentioned a lot where I work, as a company wide system but then I thought it was Salaries And Payroll??


Alan B - 6/10/04 at 05:27 PM

Thx John....yeah I googled too....was looking for a translation into English..LOL

12a RX-7 - 6/10/04 at 05:33 PM

we use it at work, nothing too spectacular really, a system for running an entire business ... not very engineer friendly although it's probably easy enough to work out for anyone who's competent with a PC

Alan B - 6/10/04 at 05:52 PM


So for someone who had never used it they could pick it up quickly?

mackie - 6/10/04 at 06:25 PM

To use it yes, to implement it no

DEAN C. - 6/10/04 at 06:37 PM

Hi Alan,I used Sap when working for ICI 10 years ago , where it was used to run the parts and stores and also machine schedules and routine maintenance programmes for us in the enginering side,just a basic programme by todays standards I think.
The way we used it was crude but it told us each day which services were planned and which parts we would need,and then automatically order the parts from the stores and debit the stores stock levels,this was also used to price overheads on each machine.
The only reason I think we had it was to make records of schedules etc to help gain a British Standard recognition and later an ISO recognition.

alfasudsprint - 6/10/04 at 07:17 PM

I know next to nothing about it but...the g/f has worked with it as an analyst for 5 years...its only used by BIG companies, it has different modules like one for personnel, one for stock control etc etc. Its highly specialsied and the training for support staff is bloody expensive, but that is for the people with a degree in computer science who solve problems when it goes kapput...users have training from an in house pro who already had SAP training...hope that helps, if you have specific q.'s I'll ask the pro for info, ok?

Alan B - 8/10/04 at 04:59 PM

Thanks guys.....good help as always..

Andy W - 8/10/04 at 08:52 PM

I use SAP PM at work, and have wasted many hours with it. The company I work is supposed to have had a 50 million budget for SAP. The way it works is just not user friendly. It would be like having to go back windows 3.1 when you've being used to XP. Saying that Bill Gates tried to buy it for 35 billion and got turned down.