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you know the feeling .....
theconrodkid - 12/10/13 at 07:38 AM

when everyone you work with is leaving,those that are left are moaning.there is more and more work to do with less and less people,the more they harrass you the slower you go....time to leave ?.

iank - 12/10/13 at 07:41 AM

Given your previous post on the subject, Probably

BigLee - 12/10/13 at 07:52 AM

I gave my notice yesterday for similar reasons. Apparently 60 hours a week is no longer enough on its own and a visit to the office (500 mile round trip) every week is required. Push push push.... People have limits. They're in the poo now!

steve m - 12/10/13 at 08:25 AM

I think a lot of us are in the a similar position
My place has this strange notion that having more managers than workers is the way to go
plus recruiting them straight from uni, ie clueless !
They may be intelligent, but as much use as a chocolate fire guard

Also employing Mcdonald's rejects to work in our department, and even my immediate supervisor admitted that once my self, and another colleage who between us have 65 years of experiance our department will be stuffed

GOOD, as I couldn't give a toss

I am just waiting for June2015 when I can retire at 55, that's assuming there's no more redundencies as I am on the list


theprisioner - 12/10/13 at 08:40 AM

I worked for HP/Agilent for 30 years, about 12 years before that HP sold 10 billion off and formed a company Agilent (apparently it is an anagram of something rude!). The division I worked for did not fit the new strategy and due to lack of investment it went the same way as all the companies you work for. I started a business on my own for the last 10 years, I am now just retired. Take my advice start up on your own business (no matter how small) and get your pride back. Working for companies like that is a mugs game!

Prizes for solving the anagram?

Peteff - 12/10/13 at 08:44 AM

Originally posted by theprisionerPrizes for solving the anagram?

Genital Sorry it's a compulsion from watching Countdown.

designer - 12/10/13 at 09:22 AM


My place has this strange notion that having more managers than workers is the way to go plus recruiting them straight from uni, ie clueless ! They may be intelligent, but as much use as a chocolate fire guard

I left the aerospace industry 25 years ago for exactly the same reason. Me, and my two workmates had 80 years of 'hands-on' manufacturing experience, but the senior management started to listen to the Lyndon (graduate from Uni) who said what they wanted to hear.

The company was one of the best in the world. NOW? The 13 acre site which worked 24hrs a day and employed 1500 full time is an office block and a car park!

theconrodkid - 12/10/13 at 03:13 PM

thats it then,the hunt for a new job starts now

morcus - 12/10/13 at 03:37 PM

Seems true of most places at the moment, I've been on a placement as an apprentice since july and been to about 8 leaving do's most for more than one person.

I left my last job for simillar reasons, when I looked around and the only people I really recognised were still they were losers.