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Girl missing in Stratford, since 8pm 12/10/13 HELP!!
fha772 - 13/10/13 at 08:51 AM

Hello everyone,
Please look at the picture below, this is Shannon Scarrot, she's 17, & last night at 8pm she disappeared.
She was last seen walking into the McDonalds in Stratford, and walking straight out of the back door, nobody has seen or heard from her since.
Her family are worried sick, they just want to know she's safe and well.
She is a travelling showman, and her family were open with their equipment at the annual mop fair.
They are from the Chetenham/Gloucester area, so she may be in that area if she's run off.

We're all worried about this, she's the sister of my nephew's girlfriend.

Please keep an eye out for her.

Cheers Frank.

[Edited on 14/10/13 by fha772]

unijacko67 - 13/10/13 at 10:25 AM


Sorry to here this Frank, any news.

fha772 - 13/10/13 at 11:01 AM

Nothing yet, but we're all hoping that she's gone with somebody freely, and that she'd just contact somebody to get a message that she's ok back to her family.

owelly - 13/10/13 at 11:41 AM

When I saw your posts on Facebook I assumed it was a wind-up. I couldn't see much wrong with a 17 year old staying out late!!

mark chandler - 13/10/13 at 12:16 PM

Oh dear

Mine used to disappear but always with friends, at that age they get carried away and do not keep you informed.

Hope she turns up shortly.

Regards Mark

fha772 - 13/10/13 at 12:19 PM

The family were open at the fair last night, and Shannon told her dad that she was just nipping to the toilet in the nearby McDonalds, at 8pm, and never returned.
They've managed to see the CCTV from McDonalds, and it shows her walk in the front door and straight out the back door.

The family just want to know she's ok, she's turned her phone off, and none of her friends know where she's gone, or who she might have gone with, she's just disappeared.

jacko - 13/10/13 at 03:06 PM

A very long shot but do you think she could have gone to Hull Fair with someone ?
Fingers crossed shes ok

fha772 - 13/10/13 at 03:53 PM

Thanks for the idea, but I've already spoken to everyone at Hull fair, she isn't there.

jacko - 14/10/13 at 03:47 PM

Any news ? i hope she is ok

fha772 - 14/10/13 at 07:33 PM

Thanks to everyone who's sent me messages.
As of 1 hour ago, Shannon is in her brother's car, and on her way home!!!
We're all over the moon!!!

unijacko67 - 14/10/13 at 07:39 PM

Great news, was watching out for that news.

daniel mason - 14/10/13 at 07:53 PM

great frank. where was she?

fha772 - 14/10/13 at 07:55 PM

I'm not 100% sure but I think she was with a lad not far from where they live near Cheltenham.

Slater - 14/10/13 at 08:04 PM

Wonderfull news, glad she is safe

adithorp - 14/10/13 at 08:12 PM

Good news and glad it's turned out OK.

However... Whats the world coming to! When I was a young, kids ran away WITH the fair... not from it

kj - 14/10/13 at 08:53 PM

Glad to see a good result, hope she is safe and well

jacko - 16/10/13 at 03:38 PM

Great news